24 August 2007

Wiki Scandal

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Staff at PM&C have been editing Wikipedia to better match the
governments version of history according to this article in
AHN. WikiScanner enables you to see where wiki edits have been coming
from and looks like its Canberra. Defence computers contributed the
most edits (5000) but thats just bored employees doing some surfing
rather than a directed effort to change a source of information.
Defence has said that they will block access to Wikipedia but I’m told
that as yet its still available.

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Jemmy, I think it has to do with a “get” command rather than a “post” command

So no searching via wikipedia? I would imagine there are other more effective techniques to filter the edit pages out.

Jemmy, I think it has to do with a “get” command rather than a “post” command

For those in need of 30 seconds internet amusement. Google. Australian sites. “Lying rodent”. I’m feeling lucky. Tee hee.

Latest on the news is Defence will block editing but not reading. Not sure how they’ll implement that technologically though.

there’s a great article in teh age wher Alexander Downer claims Wikipedia is anit-government, and theat they do have editorial staff who are anti-government.

Little alex seems to be getting a touch paranoid of late.

So let me get this straight if someone put something on wiki via a home computer that is wrong – you cannot officially change the record??? My understanding is that many of these changes are minor and factually correct. In addition, we don’t yet know whteher they are official or public servants using departmental computers.

What about when they officially change the record in newspapers via letters to the editor – there is no editor for Wiki’s so how else do you do it.

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