9 September 2009

Witches of Canberra Had Better Watch Out

| Mathman
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Pastor Danny Nalliah has written about his concerns with the growing menace of witchcraft in Canberra.

As I have been prayerfully seeking the Lord, the Spirit of God has been revealing to me that the whole nation is under a curse because the witchcraft covens from Mount Ainsley in Canberra are cursing the Federal Parliament, which is the heartbeat of Australia where decisions are being made that effect the whole nation.

In an effort to save Canberra from the clutches of evil he is planning to do something about it.

On Saturday 17th October 2009 we are calling on all Christians to mount an offensive spiritual warfare attack on the demonic strongholds over the nation. Christians from all over the nation will gather on top of Mount Ainsley in Canberra from 2pm to 5pm. We are calling a special afternoon of United Spiritual Warfare Prayer, Repentance, and Prophetic Worship.

Apparently our local Christian forces are suffering fatigue.

I wish to challenge you to get to Canberra, our nation’s capital and hold up the hands of the body of Christ, Pastors and Christians leaders living there who seem very tired of fighting this battle alone, as I have spoken to some of them.

Who would have thought Canberra would be the battleground between the forces of good and evil.

[ED (Kramer): Here’s the latest update from Catch the Fire Ministries on Spiritual Warfare Operation On Mount Ainslie In Canberra.]

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theladyofthehouse3:31 pm 12 Oct 09

Happily unblushing self promo alert, THIS is DEFINITELY a GODDESS-WORSHIPPER-friendly event taking place on the eve of said ‘spiritual warfare’:

Why not swing on down to the Ainslie Hall to celebrate after a hard day’s settin’-arights of thems wayward mobmental “firecatchers”!

AINSLIE HALL Saturday 17th October from 7.30pm
ALL AGES, ALL WALKS – Entry is $20/15 and those in Costume DEFINITELY qualify for the discount!

See you up at Mt Ainslie with a bucket of water in hand! I’ll be the one wearing nothing but a snake.


Now, I get CTF spam telling me about our righteous battle against EVERYONE in Australia.

Now surely THAT will get them a terrorism charge?

Muttsybignuts said :

Bugger it! God is punishing me.
I left a quick message on the CTF message board ( probably the one Deano was referring to)thinking I was all funny and that. Now, my message has been removed ( i was asking why the protest had to be non violent as Christians are all about the bloody sacrifice)and I stupidly gave a real email address since I thought I might have to to get my message posted. Now, I get CTF spam telling me about our righteous battle against EVERYONE in Australia. Serves me right.

Do you mean that you got sent spam from inquiries@catchthefire.com.au ?

I’m a bit surprised that the owners of inquiries@catchthefire.com.au aren’t concerned that someone will sign them up for some bulk spam of their own.

Muttsybignuts10:32 pm 13 Sep 09

Bugger it! God is punishing me.
I left a quick message on the CTF message board ( probably the one Deano was referring to)thinking I was all funny and that. Now, my message has been removed ( i was asking why the protest had to be non violent as Christians are all about the bloody sacrifice)and I stupidly gave a real email address since I thought I might have to to get my message posted. Now, I get CTF spam telling me about our righteous battle against EVERYONE in Australia. Serves me right.

Pommy bastard9:23 am 12 Sep 09

Has anyone considered the tourism potential?

I suggest Canberra kick it off with little witches-tied-to-stakes snow globes.

Floriade is going, think of the market for Henbane, mandrake, mistletoe, build your own broom kits, grow-a-wand seeds, etc!

or T-shirts My sisters went to the Covern-Down-Under and all I got was this eternally damned tee-shirt.

Oh dear, I just listened to the 2CC podcast…

“If the Christians stop talking, there will be no more moral values left in the nation…”

Riiiiighhht…. Because morality begins and ends with Christianity, and anyone from any other belief system is incapable of making a moral decision. 😛

Lets hear it for intolerance and small-mindedness, the only things that Fundamentalism brings to the world.

“Will there be hotdogs available, because I do tend to get hungry at these thing? Maybe after the burnings and stuff?”

Dr Noice, I have a bbq, although I might need a hand carrying it up the mountain. and I’ll say right now, I do not want anyone using my bbq to burn people – it’s sausages or nothing damnit (otherwise I’ll never get it clean again).

Pommy bastard2:36 pm 11 Sep 09

Dear Pastor Danny,

While riding our mountain bikes around the top of Mount Ainslie the other day, my good friend Michael (actually my gay lover,) fell and cut his head badly. We sat him on the slab until the ambulance could get to him. Unfortunately he bled quite copiously onto the slab, and, as I travelled back to Canberra hospital with him in the ambulance, I didn’t get a chance to clear up the residue.

I hope this message clears things up for you, and helps prevent you making an embarrassing spectacle of you and your rabid followers.

Christ knows you need all the help you can get.

Love and kisses,

The Gay Pommy.

PS Don’t worry, he’s not HIV +

Pommy bastard said :


If god loves them, why did s/he/it make them so ugly?

Oh and I notice that their main weapons* are going to be; “repentance, prayer, and worship”.

So they are going to be sorry about things, pray that Jebuz will make things better, and tell him what a jolly nice chap he is.

Couldn’t make it up, could you?

*NOBODY expects the Catch a fire ministry! Our chief weapon is suprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise…. Our two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency…. Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope…. Our *four*…no… *Amongst* our weapons…. Amongst our weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise…. I’ll come in again. (Exit and exeunt)

god works in mysterious ways…

Pommy bastard12:17 pm 11 Sep 09


If god loves them, why did s/he/it make them so ugly?

Oh and I notice that their main weapons* are going to be; “repentance, prayer, and worship”.

So they are going to be sorry about things, pray that Jebuz will make things better, and tell him what a jolly nice chap he is.

Couldn’t make it up, could you?

*NOBODY expects the Catch a fire ministry! Our chief weapon is suprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise…. Our two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency…. Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope…. Our *four*…no… *Amongst* our weapons…. Amongst our weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise…. I’ll come in again. (Exit and exeunt)

Oh ok. They didn’t let my comment be posted. Damn it. It was good too.

neanderthalsis9:59 am 11 Sep 09

motleychick said :

OK, who’s been leaving comments on the Catch The Fire web site – http://catchthefire.com.au/blog/2009/09/05/spiritual-warfare-operation-on-mount-ainsley-in-canberra/#comment-403179

Which comment are you talking about?

I’m guessing it is the one about the evil Canberra parking inpsectors and lycra clad cyclist. Sounds like a standard issue RA rant.

I would like to draw your attention to Poe’s Law.
Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that someone won’t mistake for the real thing.

Also more formally known as “The Irony of Satire”

OK, who’s been leaving comments on the Catch The Fire web site – http://catchthefire.com.au/blog/2009/09/05/spiritual-warfare-operation-on-mount-ainsley-in-canberra/#comment-403179

Which comment are you talking about?

Deano – Funny you should say that.

I did not leave that post. But I did make a post on Monday 7th Sep.

I referred them to the fact that it was wine and soft drink (which I myself witnessed). I used an alias (Jean). Alas, my post has not be approved on their site.

Interesting, no?

Deano said :

OK, who’s been leaving comments on the Catch The Fire web site – http://catchthefire.com.au/blog/2009/09/05/spiritual-warfare-operation-on-mount-ainsley-in-canberra/#comment-403179

Hehe, lets see if mine makes it through moderation……

Dearest Danny,

I know exactly where you are coming from, as I too lived in close confines with a witch for many years, but only because of the children.

Will there be hotdogs available, because I do tend to get hungry at these thing? Maybe after the burnings and stuff?

Best wishes always,

Dr Noice


Pommy bastard4:49 pm 10 Sep 09

“Catch the fire”? Ok, I’m game to throw some, let’s see how good at catching they are…

Muttsybignuts3:30 pm 10 Sep 09

For the record, I think the soundtrack to this event should be played by:
Vocals – Glen Benton
Guitar – Oderus Urungus
Bass – Cronos
Drums – Rick Allen

neanderthalsis said :

These guys give christians a bad name.

Pastor Danny and his legions of hate are certainly not Christians. You can be “born again” and constantly claim that you’re doing the work of Jesus but preaching hate against another religion is certainly not a Christian act.

Tolerance and acceptance is what I was taught, and i certainly don’t believe that the ridicule of another religious belief makes me a better person. If the members of pastor Danny’s congregation want to break up another group’s practice, and conduct witch hunts, exorcisms (I know it hasn’t yet been mentioned, but it soon will be)to “turn people back into the light” they are no better than the people that they are looking to “convert”.

There seems to be a common belief in the mainstream religions of a father or mother deity that is above all.

Prayer and worship is not a weapon. it is an act of faith. Some people don’t believe. That is their right, and who is to say that I should be cast in the same mould as the extremist christians, because I am in a similar church and have faith? Picking on christians is no better than picking on other religions, but I despair when i see the foolish antics of other christians, as I know we will all be tarred with the same stupidity brush.

Muttsybignuts3:02 pm 10 Sep 09

requiem said :

whats all this talk about satanists, what does that have to do with paganism???

if you believe that pagans and satanists are even remotely similar, then you are just as confused as Danny.

I think everyone is trying to think up funny things to do mate. No one is equating Pagans to Luis Cypher because, as we all know, Pagans will tell you that Satan doesn’t exist.
Of course he exists. The idiot was expelled again from radio for sending Pixie Ann to the concentration camps.

j from the block said :

In short, babies, do not equal cake.

Adds a whole new meaning to the expression “bun in the oven”

Mr Evil said :

p1 said :

Mr Evil, I think that poster was a troll. I really hope they were.

Aren’t trolls more evil than witches????

only in harry potter

but I am pretty sure they are a different density than cake.

But do they weigh the same as ducks?

I think I need to go design my “gay nazis for christ” costume.

eyeLikeCarrots9:48 am 10 Sep 09

Extremist Muslims give the Prophet a bad name. Extremist Christians make little infant Jesus cry wit sad.

People who take religion to the extreme need Xanax.

p1 said :

Mr Evil, I think that poster was a troll. I really hope they were.

Aren’t trolls more evil than witches????

neanderthalsis9:45 am 10 Sep 09

Thoroughly Smashed said :

I’m sure it’s all the same to catch the fire ministries whether satanists, heathens, athiests or pastafarians turn up to spoil their day.

Hopefully the Flying Spaghetti Monster will appera on the day and touch them with his noodly appendage.

neanderthalsis9:23 am 10 Sep 09

These guys give christians a bad name.

Pastor Danny and his legions of hate are certainly not Christians. You can be “born again” and constantly claim that you’re doing the work of Jesus but preaching hate against another religion is certainly not a Christian act.

As much as I like to ridicule intolerant narrow minded god-botherers somehow I think it may be better to ignore them rather than give them the attention they so obviously crave. If as I suspect they have some kind of media group set up to record their little gathering wouldn’t they look like even bigger dicks if it was only them that turned up. Wouldn’t it be a better outcome if they were not able to identify and videotape any “unchristian” activities.

j from the block8:03 am 10 Sep 09

p1 said :

Mr Evil, I think that poster was a troll. I really hope they were.

My personal fave was the one of the born again Christian who mistook a baby for a birthday cake at a “Satanic ” ritual.
Heres a hint from a Satanist, babies, and I’m just guessing here as we don’t actually sacrifice anything, especially not tasty babies, but I am pretty sure they are a different density than cake. I know I have never mixed up the two.
In short, babies, do not equal cake.

Mr Evil, I think that poster was a troll. I really hope they were.

Twain was right when he said religion was invented when the first conman met the first fool.

I can’t believe some of the rubbish these idiots have written on that ‘Christian’ site.

Seriously, some of them need psychiatric help – for example, how about this one:

“First a funny story – a guy from my parents’ Canberra Bible study was walking around the hills of Canberra and saw some people praying so he innocently joined them and said – what are we praying for?! (assuming Christians) And then he realized… oops, they’re not Christians… Secondly… 1 year before Vic’s full-term abortion law, I dreamt I was in a town hall. I thought they were Christians until one asked me if I was wiccan? Then they were cutting up paper babies to burn them in a fire. Ive also met a girl who came out from the occult – when she was pregnant her occultist friends said they would only be there for her if she aborted the baby – but they would NOT be there for her if she kept it. She thought then – they are not real friends… and went back to the Christian church. It is horrible and thank-you for standing up for the children”

Normally when I feel the need to have someone’s email address spammed, I just sign them up to lots of crazy right-wing Christian groups, Mormons, etc. In this case they probably wouldn’t notice the difference…

I’ll be there Dr Evil, perhaps dressed as a Zombie. In fact, does anybody know a special effects person that can create a life like re-creation of a sacrificed virgin? It’d be cool to get there real early and put this in place to be ‘found’ by these people.

Doctor Evil said :

Now why on earth would anybody want to spam wanantharajah@optusnet.com.au ?

Maybe not ‘on earth’ but possibly from Heaven. Does God send emails?

Now why on earth would anybody want to spam wanantharajah@optusnet.com.au ?

We all know that would be wrong.

Thoroughly Smashed5:44 pm 09 Sep 09

requiem said :

whats all this talk about satanists, what does that have to do with paganism???

if you believe that pagans and satanists are even remotely similar, then you are just as confused as Danny.

I’m sure it’s all the same to catch the fire ministries whether satanists, heathens, athiests or pastafarians turn up to spoil their day.

Does anyone know any trainee forensic officers who might have some resources at their disposal? A witch hunt and spiritual warfare over red wine is just insane! Best to nip this in the bud while we can. I doubt anyone fancies the idea of a city full of these nutters.

Other than that, some classic comments. The one from PBO about reciting
“STOIDI ERA SNAITSIRHC” backwards to make them go away had me laughing out loud.

bean said :

Do we have to burn the witches?
I reckon the christians are more flammable.

Christians and Lions are a much better mix.

I wonder if the Canberra Zoo and Aquarium will let me borrow their male lions for a few hours?

Yes, its probably designed to excite a bunch of extremists into an action that the Pastor can distance himself from, but if you mentally replace every reference to “Witchcraft“, “witch“, “coven” with “Jewish“, “jew“, and “synagogue“, or simple change every instance of “Christian” to “Muslim it reads like a hate crime just itching to happen.

The organisers of the event which Pastor Danny is in town for are:
Pastors Wesley and Christine Anantharajah – Immanuel Christian Assembly ACT
The Immanuel Christian Assembly is an ‘independent church’ apparently operating out of a backyard in O”Malley.
Pastor Danny, charitable man that he is, has not obfuscated their email to prevent spam, and has said that it is wanantharajah@optusnet.com.au

Mr Wesley Anantharajah, is a CPPD (Certified Practising Project Director) until 2011, previously Director of the Radio Frequency Systems, Programs Office, and media spokesman for the Department of Defence, and husband of…
Mrs Christine Anantharajah, who has previously been the Acting Head of Clinical Evaluation out at the Therapeutic Goods Administration, and was a registered medical practitioner under the old Medical Practitioner’s Act 1930.
Both of them live at the same address in O’Malley.

I wonder which one it is that hears a Voice telling them things direct from God, and whether we may need to:
a) buy more radio equipment for the military, or
b) take a whole lot of drugs off shelves?

PS: The Australian Sex Party have released a comment.

eyeLikeCarrots4:26 pm 09 Sep 09

I could be up there with a carton and some old tyres… for the making of the burn out smoke.

frontrow said :

I would have thought that Mount Ainsley would be a reference to John Gorton, being in Canberra and all.

Perhaps they are waiting for Gotto.

Abortion = Bushfires

Well you can’t fault him there. I’m looking forward to seeing these royal nut bags in action.


Do we have to burn the witches?
I reckon the christians are more flammable.

Maybe someone should ask Meg Lees to come along – after all, isn’t she a witch?

All we need are numbers and a keg. …and designated drivers. Although if the weather is nice, maybe a push bike ride is in order.

mt ainslie on the 17th sounds like the mother of all parties – its the day of the new moon so he’s got the date right! Anyone got a cauldron?

whats all this talk about satanists, what does that have to do with paganism???

if you believe that pagans and satanists are even remotely similar, then you are just as confused as Danny.

Pommy bastard12:55 pm 09 Sep 09

Can I invite my mates Astaroth and Pazuzu along? They like a good party.

The cat did it12:40 pm 09 Sep 09

I think you are all being too reactive and pandering to their idiotic beliefs. If you REALLY want to get to them, do it Borat-style. Go along as ‘gay nazis for Jesus’ and demand to pray alongside them, or even just turn up in lurid-coloured mankinis and pray. Tell them that they are too soft, and that Jesus would want them to pray for the eternal punishment of all the non-believers down below, including massive road accidents to send Canberra sinners off immediately to their eternal doom. God used to do a good job of smiting the tribes of the uncircumcised, so maybe they should pray for some of that as well.

TheObserver said :

Rioters: we know where and we know when.

All we need are numbers and a keg.

I like…

Maybe we can offer a de-baptising service?

My gf and I have an extensive collection of offensive Black Metal T-Shirts, we could dress an entire football team in satanic gear, and show up on Mt. Ainslie.

Tragic that in this day and age, what with all the evidence and intelligence eminating from science and knowledge about the universe, that there are still ignorant and ill-informed people attempting to strike fear amongst the weak-minded and playing the religious card in order to put fear amongst those who are not intelligent enough to make their own mind up or who give in to religious ramblings. I am sure there are people out there who do sincerely believe Danny.

Comments like what Danny is saying should not be protected simply because they are deemed ‘religious’ in nature but they should be treated like any other terrorist threat. What is the terrorist hotline again?…

peterh said “and they call muslims evil?” so true. I am sure if you worked out the sums over history, more innocent people have died by the hands of Christians than by the hands of Muslims.

I will be at Mt Ainslie on 17th and I will be chanting with PBO “STOIDI ERA SNAITSIRHC”.

Thoroughly Smashed said :

Varg Vikernes was released from prison a few months back, perhaps he should be invited.

Now you’re talking!

The pagans would probably dig the sort of stuff he plays nowadays too, all that woodsy folk stuff.

Rioters: we know where and we know when.

All we need are numbers and a keg.

j from the block9:49 am 09 Sep 09

And I do have a copy of the Satanic Black Mass by La Vey on CD if anyone needs to burn a copy pre warfare.

j from the block9:48 am 09 Sep 09

I can cover the meeting place for pre spiritual warfare drinks, does anyone have a minibus, or should we convoy up the mountain?
Also, I have a couple of spare Satanic bibles if anyone wanted to rig up something with less than legal fireworks (used to know of a great Satansist magican who’s party trick was setting bibles on fire).

Thoroughly Smashed9:24 am 09 Sep 09

It might be amusing if the satanists rocked up and staged a black mass, or someone just dressed up as satan and went for a stroll.

Jim Jones said :

I’ll come if you get rid of that false metal crap and play something decent.

I’d suggest Deicide, Morbid Angel and Impaled Nazarene.

Pommy bastard said :

Pah, lightweights; we need some Venom and Black Widow…

Varg Vikernes was released from prison a few months back, perhaps he should be invited.

Hmmm, the battle for Mt Ainslie: prayer vs pagan rites.

Wonder who will win?

Both are based on spiritual forces that each believes to be bigger and better than the other. But then many others believe neither force even exists (but that’s another story).

So we need to get Dave Slave and the Rev Kris Hades, to resurrect Sadistik Execution for the event,I’ll suggest Venom, Deicide, Early Bathory, and some Burzhem to round out the anti christian music which should see us well entertained.

This could be a hoot. Thanks Dr Evil for your brilliant plan

The cat did it8:59 am 09 Sep 09

VILLAGER #1: We have found a witch, might we burn her?
CROWD: Burn her! Burn!
BEDEMIR: How do you know she is a witch?
VILLAGER #2: She looks like one.
BEDEMIR: Bring her forward.

BEDEMIR: Quiet, quiet. Quiet! There are ways of telling whether
she is a witch.
CROWD: Are there? What are they?
BEDEMIR: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
VILLAGER #2: Burn!
CROWD: Burn, burn them up!
BEDEMIR: And what do you burn apart from witches?
VILLAGER #1: More witches!
VILLAGER #2: Wood!
BEDEMIR: So, why do witches burn?
VILLAGER #3: B–… ’cause they’re made of wood…?
CROWD: Oh yeah, yeah…
BEDEMIR: So, how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
VILLAGER #1: Build a bridge out of her.
BEDEMIR: Aah, but can you not also build bridges out of stone?
VILLAGER #2: Oh, yeah.
BEDEMIR: Does wood sink in water?
VILLAGER #1: No, no.
VILLAGER #2: It floats! It floats!
VILLAGER #1: Throw her into the pond!
CROWD: The pond!
BEDEMIR: What also floats in water?
VILLAGER #1: Bread!
VILLAGER #2: Apples!
VILLAGER #3: Very small rocks!
VILLAGER #1: Cider!
VILLAGER #2: Great gravy!
VILLAGER #1: Cherries!
VILLAGER #3: Churches — churches!
VILLAGER #2: Lead — lead!
ARTHUR: A duck.
CROWD: Oooh.
BEDEMIR: Exactly! So, logically…,
VILLAGER #1: If… she.. weighs the same as a duck, she’s made of wood.
BEDEMIR: And therefore–?
VILLAGER #1: A witch!

Fisho said :

Does daylight savings affect witches midnight meetings? Does it make their robes fade more or anything?

..ha ha…I don’t think so but I have heard that the black cats get all confused and don’t know when to come in for their milking!

Doctor Evil said :


I’m thinking black witches costumes with enormous black hats.

I’m thinking millet brooms and stuffed black cats.

I’m thinking fake noses with warts.

I’m thinking no underwear, some Jack Daniels, speedy getaway drivers and a video camera.

We probably only need about twenty. Who’s in?

I’m in!

Dr Evil…

I’m in 😉

Count me in too. I’m always up for a laugh against religious zealots.

Pelican Lini11:46 pm 08 Sep 09

Well that explains Malcolm Turnbull

Drats! The Witches of Fyshwick have been exposed! No more going down on Mont Ainsley and turning a head.

Twain certainly was right when he said religion was invented when the first conman met the first fool.

Hmmm…anyone got any fireworks that they *ahem* “forgot” to hand in?

arescarti42 said :

I’ll grab my pitch fork and flaming rag on a stick.

Just checking – which side will you be on?

Does daylight savings affect witches midnight meetings? Does it make their robes fade more or anything?

Sorry, joined just to comment on this.

Holy Goddess, you have morons in Aus too.

Bright Blessings
S.A Pagan

who’s up for climbing Mt Ainsley on 17 October to meet Danny. Witches hats and masks mandatory!!

Can’t wait to meet and hex him.

I’ll grab my pitch fork and flaming rag on a stick.


I’m thinking black witches costumes with enormous black hats.

I’m thinking millet brooms and stuffed black cats.

I’m thinking fake noses with warts.

I’m thinking no underwear, some Jack Daniels, speedy getaway drivers and a video camera.

We probably only need about twenty. Who’s in?

Danny Nalliah is an attention seeker, plain and simple. I am concerned that this man is encouraging ‘spiritual warfare’ that could see violence and vandalism against Pagans and Witches (and innocent bystanders) alike. The Pagan community by and large is keen to foster positive relationships with other faith communities in Australia and we believe that Nalliah’s comments are akin to something from the Dark Ages.

If you want any further information on Pagans or Witches in Australia I suggest you give the PAN Inc website a visit.


Hey I’m not a politician but I am an athesiest – maybe I can sneak it and check out this supposed dark side to the “strong hold” heh heh

Pommy bastard4:10 pm 08 Sep 09

Jim Jones said :


I’ll come if you get rid of that false metal crap and play something decent.

I’d suggest Deicide, Morbid Angel and Impaled Nazarene.

Pah, lightweights; we need some Venom and Black Widow…

Pommy bastard4:07 pm 08 Sep 09

Maybe the Jeebus Crispies would get more support if they were to drop the idea that they have some relevance today. Or maybe if they stopped telling us off for errrmmmm everything we enjoy. Or if they stopped having so many hang ups about sex. Or if maybe they were less scared and more Christian…

“Do what thou wilt…And harm ye none.”

“I’ll come if you get rid of that false metal crap and play something decent.

I’d suggest Deicide, Morbid Angel and Impaled Nazarene.”

what about megaherz and Die Apokalyptischen Reiter? i think the latter would go down a treat.

as for ‘prophetic(pathetic) preaching and warfare prayer’ I find neither threatening and as for witches and pagans being the ‘force of evil’ i think its safe to say that witches have never burned anyone at a stake(at least, not in the last 100 years)

and showing up in the daytime on a waning moon wont do squat, in fact, if its warfare they want, its the perfect time for the coven to perform a banishing.

If only i was able to get there

Scary stuff. I will have to scurry back to my coven in the cave.

outdoormagoo said :

I am taking a chair and some beers and going up there that day. Should be a fun show, especially once I open up the back of the car and start play Tool, Disturbed and Rammstien.

Who’s coming??

I’ll come if you get rid of that false metal crap and play something decent.

I’d suggest Deicide, Morbid Angel and Impaled Nazarene.

Tell them you’re documenting the momentous occasion, so that when they hold the parade celebrating victory over the witch coven, you have the opening strike captured on film.

I thought that Christians don’t show up on film? Or is that vampires?

I really do think that this kind of thing has to contravene anti hate laws. Getting together to vilify a minority group of the community.

Who wants to get together before hand and draw protective symbols around the top of Mount Ainsleyies?? to ward off potential evil? I have chalk.

outdoormagoo3:07 pm 08 Sep 09

Skidbladnir said :

Catch the Fire are way up there with the “Divine Debbie of Helidon” when it comes to spreading crazy.

I will buy a pint for anyone who wants to get photos\video.
Tell them you’re documenting the momentous occasion, so that when they hold the parade celebrating victory over the witch coven, you have the opening strike captured on film.

Have no fear, I will be taking the DSLR with me. Hopefully I can get pics up and a running commentary via wireless internet during the event. I love documenting the various idiots who make religion so interesting.

outdoormagoo2:45 pm 08 Sep 09

I am taking a chair and some beers and going up there that day. Should be a fun show, especially once I open up the back of the car and start play Tool, Disturbed and Rammstien.

Who’s coming??

DarkLadyWolfMother2:37 pm 08 Sep 09

I wonder if he realises it’s the Devil giving him all this inside goss?

It makes me think that prayers to, and messages from deities should all be digitally signed to avoid confusion.

Skidbladnir said :

Catch the Fire are way up there with the “Divine Debbie of Helidon” when it comes to spreading crazy.

I will buy a pint for anyone who wants to get photos\video.
Tell them you’re documenting the momentous occasion, so that when they hold the parade celebrating victory over the witch coven, you have the opening strike captured on film.

Time to get out the Christian disguise.

Seems a little unfair to Witches really. This sounds like a spiritual lynch mob.

Maybe a if we recite this incantation backwards they will go away:


Mike Crowther2:35 pm 08 Sep 09

So long as they leave the place as clean as the Pagans usually do, I can’t see a problem. Perhaps this could become an annual event like Summernats or Floriade. (Think of the tourist dollars.) As Minister for tourism, Andrew Barr should get in touch with Danny’s group and…..o yeah, wait a minute….

That was funny….scary, but funny.
The worst thing about this is the influence fools like this have over young children.
“Every religion, except your own, is a cult.”

Catch the Fire are way up there with the “Divine Debbie of Helidon” when it comes to spreading crazy.

I will buy a pint for anyone who wants to get photos\video.
Tell them you’re documenting the momentous occasion, so that when they hold the parade celebrating victory over the witch coven, you have the opening strike captured on film.

If it really was just a smashed red wine bottle, maybe we should organize a Riot-Act drink-in to coincide with the “prayer warrior” meeting. 😉

eyeLikeCarrots2:15 pm 08 Sep 09

I’d deal with this retard but there are laws against what I would like to do to this retard…

it was indeed fresh blood splattered all over the slab.

Unless it had only *just* been splattered there, I seriously doubt these people would be able to tell what had been splattered there. I vote with soilduck for it being soft drink.

…. and baby’s necks ALWAYS cut like a birthday cake.

*At least all the baby necks I’ve cut through always did.*

Well aren’t we all lucky that Pastor Danny has an imaginery friend who can advise him of what to do in these circumstances.

Wasn’t there some kind of witch gathering up at Parliament House yesterday????

I would have thought that Mount Ainsley would be a reference to John Gorton, being in Canberra and all.

Deano said :

And people say Canberra is a dull place.

Who needs a few piddling fireworks when you have a front seat at the War of the Apocalypse!

Pretty standard battle plans on the Christian side though – sending in both prayer warriors and prophetic intercessors (aka missionaries). The traditional ‘convert or conquer’ approach which they’ve had mixed results with in the past.

and they call muslims evil?

That is some bizzare reading.
A six year old cut the birthday cake and it was the neck of a baby? wtf.

j from the block1:43 pm 08 Sep 09

I would like to hereby call upon all those members of demonic strongholds, witches, people who like to do things other than pray at the top of Mt Ainslie, florists(these guys also came out the week before Valentines day and suggested buying flowers was an act against God, and was the type of thing that caused the fires), those mopey emo kids etc etc to prepare for this battle.
I would hardly be fair to have warfare when there was no one else there to engage them.

I can read the website from my work, and I am a little bit scared, but, luckily I am safe here in my demonic stronghold.

Another friend just emailed me… and she also recollects red wine.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart said :

Where exactly is this “Mount Ainsley” place of which the Pastor speaks?

Hmmm, Perhaps its not a “physical” place, maybe its a “fiskal” place, or even a “fiscal” place. He’s obtained his studies from the same place as Senator Fielding did maybe?!?!?

By ‘you’, I mean the Pastor.

Pastor Danny is a right nutter. (I think that’s something like what Thumper said?) I’m not sure we should even be giving the guy oxygen by commenting on this. The language of ‘offensive spiritual warfare attack’ and ‘warfare prayer’ is disturbing. Does this offend our anti-terrorism laws?

The idea that the entire nation is ‘under a curse’ from a coven of witches is bizarre, though perhaps not if you also believe in a big guy in the sky. And usual question, why doesn’t the omnipotent big guy just wipe out the coven? Oh, because there has to be suffering.

Pushing away from my keyboard now, to wash the brain cells that were just infested with this rubbish.

I actually saw that very place at Mt Ainslie a while ago now. I walk up there every day and recall this day well.

Some lady beetles where hanging around the stains, which you describe as blood. A friend and I were photographing the beetles. The were thousands of them! We walked up to the platform to see what was making the stains run down the side of the poles etc. We discovered some broken bottles of various sweetly flavored drinks.

Given the diet of the beetles, the location of the stains, the bottles present, I would suggest that it is not actually blood. Rather, it is most likely stains from soft drink which has not been washed away yet.

And people say Canberra is a dull place.

Who needs a few piddling fireworks when you have a front seat at the War of the Apocalypse!

Pretty standard battle plans on the Christian side though – sending in both prayer warriors and prophetic intercessors (aka missionaries). The traditional ‘convert or conquer’ approach which they’ve had mixed results with in the past.

Deadmandrinking1:06 pm 08 Sep 09

Who’s for dressing up in Witches (or Wizards, for me) costumes and picketing wherever these morons congregate? Usually I wouldn’t advocate such attention to this circus of fruit loops, but the black Saturday comment really does strike a nerve (it’s alright for them to advocate arson, is it?). Let’s make these people sh-t their pants!

Hail Satan! (or whatever the Satanic people say).

amazing that i was unaware of the forces of darkness being so prevalent in the canberra area, I mean, my priest has never mentioned the need to stand up and fight against the armies of darkness, ever. perhaps he is one of the “fatigued” defenders of the faith. Next, we will probably hear of multiple exorcisms, and demons walking the streets….

I thought Christians were meant to preach tolerance of others and their beliefs? Instead this guy represents them as ignorant (especially), intolerant fools. Just a wannabe modern witch hunter.

I might have to turn him into a newt.

This is the same crackpot that declared that the victims of Black Saturday “deserved it” because of Victoria’s horribly un-dogmatic abortion laws.

Pity he won’t be atop Mount Ainslie on the 17th, otherwise we could all show up and throw him off. I’d rather have witches telling me to drink camomile tea and the occasional plague of boils than his particular brand of zealous asshattery.

11pm, of course – i was bewitched when typing…

Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual Warfare Warfare Warfare!

That little amphitheatre bit on th AWM side of the mount is the battleground for sure

will there be burnings? could be fun – do you bring your own marshmallows for toasting?

mount ainsley? is this anywhere near mt ainslie, mebbe? or is it the wrong place? (and why would they convene in the afternoon when the witches will clearly be there at 1ppm, start of the witching hour – don’t the christians want to confront the witches?)

My work firewall kyboshed that link Kramer. The reason:

Religion/Ideology not allowed.

It’s so hard to come up with just one analysis of that phrase.

ahhahahahahahahahahahahaha (rinse, repeat)

mmm an extremist who can’t spell.

Are ‘witches’ another term for desperado’s making out in back seats on Mount Ainslie?

Where is this Mount Ainsley? Maybe we should organise a welcoming committee.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart12:23 pm 08 Sep 09

Where exactly is this “Mount Ainsley” place of which the Pastor speaks?

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