Twitter is so vogueish in the political classes that Shane Rattenbury advises he’d like your 140 character input over a short period of time as part of the Review of the ACT Self-Government Act.
From 1.15 – 2pm this Friday, 11 May 2012, Canberrans will have the chance to tell the Committee what they think about how the ACT Self-Government Act operates and what changes they would like to see, via Twitter.
Shane Rattenbury MLA, Chair of the Committee, will be hosting an open discussion seeking your views on matters such as the size of the Assembly and the role of the Commonwealth Government.
Mr Rattenbury encourages active participation from the wider community. “This is your chance to have a say on the future governance of the ACT. The Committee wants to know what the people in the ACT think about these important matters.”
Follow and participate in the discussion on Twitter @ACTSelfGovReview.
To participate in longer for the committee has a page.