So this is potentially very useful, not just for migrants but also for locals. As anyone who has worked in retail will tell you, there’s plenty of confusion out there as to what you have the right to expect as a customer.
What a nifty idea.
Consumer protection agencies in Australia have joined forces to develop an innovative communication tool called My Consumer Rights in 7 languages.
The new My Consumer Rights is a series of animatic videos which will help provide awareness to new migrants, including emerging communities about their shopping rights and responsibilities under the Australian Consumer Law.
The videos are suitable for people who have low literacy skills to help them navigate the Australian consumer marketplace.
The use of a combination of simple messages, universal symbols and gestures helps create easy-to-understand animated stories to help explain potentially complex subjects such as consumer guarantees, warranties and contracts.
Many new migrants to Australia, such as refugees and humanitarian entrants, lack awareness and understanding of their rights and responsibilities due to language and cultural barriers, lack of confidence, low literacy and fear of accessing government services. As a result, many new migrants rely on intermediaries to act on their behalf.
This innovative educational tool will help educators and intermediaries provide English language students and new migrants with basic information on buying goods and services to help their settlement needs in Australia.
The My Consumer Rights animatic videos are available in English and in 6 other languages – Arabic, Dinka, Farsi, Karen, Nepalese and Tamil.
The videos feature the following consumer rights topics:
My shopping rights;
Shopping refunds;
Guarantees and warranties;
Lay-by agreements;and,
Resolving issues and lodging complaints.
The videos are are available to view on the Office of Regulatory Services YouTube Channel.