Member for Brindabella Zed Seselja has moved a motion that will hopefully help the parking situation in Erindale around the Group Centre.
He also has gifted me with the funniest press release I’ve read this week.
Here’s an excerpt:
Member for Brindabella Zed Seselja moved a motion in the ACT Legislative Assembly last week to improve parking challenges surrounding the Erindale Group Centre, particularly around the Capital Edge Community Church. The motion was supported unanimously as all parties recognised that the entire Erindale Group Centre has been placed under significant parking pressures for some time now.
“Erindale Group Centre business owners and the Capital Edge Community Church have raised their concerns about the lack of parking numerous times with the Government, however their concerns have been continually ignored,” Mr Seselja said.
“The Capital Edge Community Church even expressed a desire to utilise the unleased territory land adjacent to their facility for parking, however, until this motion, there had been no action from the Government.
“The motion was successful in getting the Government to agree to examine the options for use of the adjacent unleased territory land, to provide more parking for people using the group centre and visiting the Church,” Mr Seselja said.
Press releases like this are fun because you can really see what kind of an image the politician is trying to paint. Usually they’re just trying to make someone else look bad, but here Zed is trying to make himself look good. He might have gone a bit too far though. He’s used the term ‘fight’ so we see him as champion of the people battling for our rights against ‘the man’. He’s also mentioned that everyone agrees with him ‘unanimously’, letting us know that he is wise and beloved.
I don’t think it occurred to him that these two ideas don’t exactly mix.
If everyone agrees with you Zed, then who are you fighting?