Police are searching for Glen Porritt, the son of murdered woman Nanette “Sandy” Porritt, in relation to his mother’s death, the Canberra Times reports.
Police have issued a photo of Porritt to national media but the Canberra Times in its wisdom has published a picture of a house with the story on its website.
ACT Coroner Michael Somes issued a warrant on May 4 for the arrest of Mr Porritt after he failed to appear that day at a directions hearing for the inquest into Mrs Porritt’s death. He has not been accused of the murder; the warrant was just to comply with a court direction.
Police told the Canberra Times there had been no sightings of Mr Porritt since then and no activity in his bank accounts, which would indicate his whereabouts. They think he is driving a car described as a 1991 EB Ford Falcon sedan in burgundy or maroon, with ACT registration YVP487.