Plumbers urge parties to take the plunge: Commit to trades or feel the economic drain
Surely the plumbing employer union, Master Plumbers, would be bettrr off calling for an independent… View
It's hard being independently independent in this ACT election
Our Hare Clark voting system gives rise to single issue fringe parties such as the current… View
nobody makes more sense than Jack D View
You do realise that candidates do not make their own signs, they outsource that job. I’m a… View
Greens pledge to use ‘Robin Hood’ taxes to fund 18 free dental clinics in Canberra
Greens pay for it now. Traditional services go belly up. Then greens stop paying and we end up with… View
Idiots, these clowns belive that people aren't going to the dentist because of cost. People aren't… View
The ACT Health promise is the opposite of a Robin Hood tax. Four ACT Government funded bulk billing… View
Independents for Canberra prepared to cut deals but won't hold a government to ransom
Why do all the independents form groups and team up. Sounds more like DEI labor View
What culture has ‘terrorist’ as part of its ‘ethos’. Cultures do not have homogeneity…they… View
The IFC "group", so they are in fact a political "party" and not very independent or individual View