26 May 2007

Plod saves Skippy

| johnboy
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The ABC reports that the AFP have put the kibosh on plans to shoot roos on defence land for fear that tresspassers might come to grief.

Bad luck for the motorists hitting the saved roos as they hop onto Ginninderra Drive of a night.

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footyboy, I agree, some don’t always live. I know of one that did though. Smashed into the ****er on Majura at about 1am.
Still has a prettty good sense of humour about it though.. not so about the truckie who almost ran over her head then refused to stop.

Motorbike riders who slam into a kangaroo that leaps out of nowhere dont always live to tell of their ordeal. You would be a brave rider to journey anywhere near that area.

nah, wasn’t a fan of the kangaroo I had. Don’t know why people want to eat it.

Oh – and someone please shoot the kangaroo that ran into my car at 5am 15 months ago, kthnxbi.

Why don’t we start farming them for meat. It is healthier that beef and lamb and very tasty as well. Why waste such a good resource?

canberra towie6:09 pm 26 May 07

I heard on the radio today that there scraped the idea to use bullets in case there are protesters there!!
Now they want to use lethal injection, Just out of interest how the hell is anyone going to get close enough to a kangaroo to give it a needle ???
Yes something needs to be done about exploding population of the roos either that or the government needs to start paying for damages caused to cars that cant avoid hitting them

PS…Yes I am a towie and I see it all the time

For the Majura roo cull, they should just heard the roos towards the defence firing range. Kill two roos with one stone (or bullet as the case may be).

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