Labor focuses on health while Coalition talks Defence over a weekend of policy annoucements
Pete McMahon I find it ironic they're trying to invoke the ethnic cleansing and turn Gaza into a… View
Luke Juratowitch Yep the US take over countries for their minerals or oil, all the wars in the… View
Pete McMahon Oh there's no denying the former government created a huge mess, sadly though we're… View
New e-scooter company poised to roll into Canberra, promises fix to e-scooters' 'five challenges'
It's not just the elderly. I got abused by a cyclist after he claimed I caused him to crash. I was… View
Because the issue for most of these commenters isn't the meta data or senior safety, it's either a… View
A complete load of nonsense. The most common cause of pedestrian accidents for the elderly is… View
Civics should be 'compulsory, standalone subject in secondary schools', ANU expert says
Probably up to 70,000 years ago. Maybe before that but not 250,000. And they migrated here from… View
On the basis that everyone in this country is a migrant or descended from migrants I agree with the… View
Yes civics. If we're going to teach it be honest. Tell the kids about the reality of the political… View
Young blood gives Raiders fans something to look forward to in 2025
As I mentioned the other day, the Raiders are a better team than many in the media have given them… View