You gave us questions, and we gave those questions to the ACT candidates.
Katter’s Party Candidate Steven Bailey was the first to respond, so we present his answers below.
Candidates, the readers of RiotACT are your voters and they have questions for you! If you’d like to answer those questions and prove you care what your voters think then email us at
You can find the questions here.
1. What are your views on euthanasia?
I believe that every person has the right to end his or her life, but no one should have the right to end it for them. My problem with euthanasia is
1) that mistakes will be made
2) We need to support palliative care instead
3) euthanasia inspires fear in many older Australians.
2. Do you support a High Speed Rail Link between Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne?
Yes, just build the bloody thing. It will be great for the economy while we’re building it and after. The best way to get it built is to give KAP (the party of developmentalism) the balance of power in the Senate. The other parties would prefer that we were all dead before Australia got a High Speed Train, and the greens will find an endangered earthworm and cancel the production half way through.
3. Are you comfortable with the distribution of wealth in modern day Australia?
No, if Labor and Liberal governments didn’t sell out Australian public assets to private enterprise wealth distribution would be more equitable. The best way to distribute wealth isn’t to damage markets with uncompetitive taxes; it is to support small enterprise over large corporations wherever possible such as lending practices, government tenders and government regulation.
4. Recent polling (Auspoll) shows housing affordability to be a critical issue for a majority of Australians, with 84% of respondents saying it was important to them or their families, putting housing affordability ahead of issues such as education, border security, the NBN and NDIS.
Australia’s wealth is concentrated too heavily in the unproductive housing market. Subdivision laws need to be relaxed and land released at a higher, but controlled, rate. This will lower the cost of housing – incentives need to be given to people who own more than one house to invest in more productive areas. I would vote and push legislation according this sentiment.
(P.S Auspoll is a disgraceful advertisement for the major parties – paid for by the ABC)
The same poll also revealed that 84% of respondents also believe that Australia is not performing well on housing affordability. Australian Governments are failing badly on this issue of critical importance to Australians.
What would you do to improve housing affordability?
5. To me the NBN seems like a great idea, can you tell me why you think it’s ace/a dumb idea.
It is a great idea and anyone who says that it isn’t, is misinformed or misinforming.
6. Do you think cyclists should be registered?!
No. Katter’s Australian Party stands against the Nanny State.
7. What is your position on gay marriage?
I support it, and if given the honour, I will vote for it. And I will set out to inspire others to do the same.
8. Would you be willing to cross the floor on matters of strong personal conscience or of significant concern for your electorate?
Yes, it is in my, and my party’s, constitution to do so. To my knowledge the Greens have never split on the floor of the Senate.
9. What are your views on the NSA collecting private information of Australian citizens and corporations, of the Australian government’s participation in similar programmes, and of the apparent silence of Australian politicians on the matter?
I meet any intrusion into the personal lives of private citizens with a great deal of disapprobation, unless it is completely necessary. People do have to take into consideration our international relations when lobbying the government to speak up against other nations.
10. We hear so much negativity about the opposition when election time rolls around– what three things do you consider to be positive about any of your opponents and why?
1) Many of my opponents are extremely boring. This is a positive because when they meet each other, they all have something in common.
2) Zed Seselja has a pudgy face; this is a positive because it will make him an adorable old man – to look at anyway.
3) I have a crush on Annabel Crabb.