The Basement are not lacking in Halloween events it seems.
This particular Halloween event is kicking off on the 2nd of November, so if you’re not Halloween’d out by then check out some local talent.
Little Mac and The Monster Men, Reign of Terror, Bladder Spasms, Black Mountain, and Before Ciada
OK… Get ready for a huge lineup of some of canberra’s finest to celebrate Halloween! We’ve got a little something for everyone with Rockabilly, punk, and metal getting a go, so this won’t be your standard gig at the basement you’ll get to see something new and hopefully discover some new talent!
We’ve got the Lovely SEKER PARE doing some burlesque between bands and we’ll have the place themed up nice and spooky like (anyone who’s been to our previous halloween shindigs will know what to expect) so dress creepy, there might be some prizes for ya’s, though it would appear many of you already have a head start on the creepy/undead look 🙂