Hi All,
This Sunday 20th October the Canberra Hillclimb Circuit at Fairbairn Park is hosting the SPIN Centenary of Canberra Hillclimb.
We will be running Parade laps throughout the day to give you a chance to ride around the circuit in one of the race cars!!!
Event starts at 9.30am with the current Australian Hillclimb Champion Tim Edmondson driving his open wheel Gould being the first car on the track
Each competitor will be entitled to a minimum of 4 competitive runs during the day.
Three of the top ten Australian hillclimb competitors are competing in this event and using the day as their last practice for the upcoming 2013 Australian championship
Michele Guyer, a local competitor and the current top female competitor, will be driving her Formula Holden.
Competition will end around 3pm with a presentation of trophies to the class winners and outright winners to follow shortly after.
The track is located on Sutton Road, just off Pialligo Ave. http://goo.gl/maps/2SX8I
Hillclimb racing is a great grass roots motorsport for any driver from 14 years old and pretty much any car! Southern District Motorsports Association hold about 10 race events each year. Check out www.sdmahillclimb.com
Spectator entry to the event is FREE!