24 February 2025

'It'll be a problem we have to deal with after the election': How Labor skated through caretaker as health blowout loomed

| Ian Bushnell
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Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith says there was no need under the caretaker conventions to brief the Opposition or Greens. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

The ACT Government may not have been obliged under the caretaker conventions to advise the opposition of a potential problem with the health budget before the election, but staying quiet about it was not in the spirit of the conventions either, according to an expert on parliamentary ethics and culture in Australia.

Associate Professor Zim Nwokora, a senior lecturer in Politics and Policy from Deakin University, said unless there was evidence that the government was reasonably sure about the blowout in health costs due to surging demand at hospitals and health facilities, it would not be fair to say it had broken the caretaker convention.

But by staying mute on the issue rather than giving at least some indication of the uncertainty, its actions fell short of the ideal interpretation of the convention, he said.

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Professor Nwokora said the caretaker conventions were clearer about what the government can’t do, such as make spending commitments during the election period, than what it ought to do.

Professor Nwokora said whether the government should have told the opposition and the public about a likely budget blowout turned on what exactly the government knew.

“How certain [compared to other government data] was the information about the likely blowout? That’s a potentially fuzzy judgment, and only those in the know – the minister, their advisers and the public servants working on that issue – would be able to provide a proper assessment of this,” he said.

“If the data were reliable at that point, then the government, in my view, would be obliged to release it.

“Indeed, I’d say that the obligation to do so may even be greater in the run-up to an election given what’s at stake. But, of course, the incentive not to do so will be stronger in the run-up to an election as well. So there’s a clear tension here from an accountability standpoint.”

Opposition Leader Leanne Castley has accused the government of hiding the increasing activity and budget ramifications from it and the voters, quizzing Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith and health officials in Annual Reports hearings on Thursday (21 February).

Ms Stephen-Smith confirmed that her office was given a ‘heads up’ about what was happening in early October two weeks out from the election, as reported by Region last week.

man in suit

Canberra Health Services CEO Dave Peffer warned that CHS was “running ahead of budget”. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

The warning came in the form of an email from Canberra Health Services CEO Dave Peffer on 4 October.

Ms Stephen-Smith said she had discussed it with her chief of staff, but it was not passed on to the Chief Minister and then Treasurer, Andrew Barr.

“We went, well, it’s the 4th of October, there’s not a lot we can do about that,” she told the committee.

“It’ll be a problem we have to deal with after the election if we are re-elected, but we’re in the middle of a campaign.”

Ms Castley referred to a section of the conventions on requests by ministers of directorates and agencies, which says they should generally not be asked to provide policy advice but also says there might be circumstances where urgent issues arise that clearly require advice to be given to ministers in order to allow responsible agency administration or to enable the government to protect the public interest.

“To avoid controversy and claimed breaches of the apolitical and impartial nature of the ACTPS, it may be appropriate to also brief the opposition and crossbench,” it says.

Ms Castley believed the “urgent nature” of the CHS advice demanded that the Opposition and the Greens be briefed.

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith avoided that choice of words and told the committee that the information from CHS had not been sought – which meant it did not need to be shared – and was not sufficient to act on, saying there was not a full quarter of data available.

She said Mr Peffer had told her office that “we were looking like we were running ahead of budget”, but it was no secret that the hospitals were busy.

“Mr Peffer provided advice to me through my office as caretaker minister that this risk was eventuating, and as soon as I came back in as Health Minister and the Treasurer was sworn in as Treasurer, we were advised what that risk was looking like.”

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But the minister said that in October and November, it still wasn’t clear whether or not that risk could be pulled back and managed.

“That was the work that was done between early November and January when the Expenditure Review Committee made the final decision about the additional funding for CHS,” she said.

“It’s not for CHS to make unilateral decisions about reducing activity and to address that demand, that was a decision that needed to be made through ERC, and it was open to us to make some decisions about pulling back on activity rather than increasing funding as much as we have decided to do.

“So I do think that Canberra Health Services has kept me informed as minister.”

In the Budget Review, the government tipped an extra $227 million into CHS to maintain services in the face of the increased demand, contributing to a blowout in the overall budget to a record deficit of almost $1 billion.

This has led to belt-tightening across the government.

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Considering the Chief Minister was happily able to publicly quote figures from his own paid for costing consultancy that claimed the Liberal plan for a stadium near the lake would cost a Billion dollars, you’d think he could also highlight the potential health budget blowout raised by his own public servants. Seems more than a little inconsistent.

The lead photo with Steel looking puzzled says it all. Completely lost faith in the Local Council (no matter their political persuasion). I sleep at night knowing I have not voted for any of them. Good luck Canberra.

Knowing this they allowed Chris Steel to fail upwards into Treasury. There’s a terrible whiff coming off this government.

A distinct lack of Labor luvies in the comments

Incidental Tourist8:25 am 22 Feb 25

The pre-election campaign was full of cost blow outs, waste, deficit and debt stories. They became boring news line hardly attracting attention. How much more did voters needed to know to stop kicking can along the road?

Just another example of why the current government is not fit to be in power and gets smellier by the day. Billions in debt, heroic assumptions in the budget and an obvious situation of them being unwilling to admit what any reasonable observer could see coming.

But of course the rusted on’s will just continue voting for them with pointless whataboutisms “but da Liberals are incompetent derrrr”.

The problem being that this never allows renewal and improvement of the ALP either, when even a single term in opposition would do them, and us, the world of good. People need to seriously vote for someone, anyone else so our governance can be improved.

You are right, but personally I don’t think the dysfunctional ACT Liberals are the answer.

In our monocameral LA, the only way to achieve some form of governance and accountability, is minority government – and I’m not including the Greens, who have been complicit in the government incompetency, for some time.

ACT voters had the opportunity at the last election with (IMHO) quite a good spread of quality independent candidates, but still chose to give Labor/Greens majority control over the Treasury benches.

Perhaps the ‘scorpion and frog’ fable was penned to describe the attitude of a sufficient majority of ACT voters – like the scorpion, they cannot repress their natural compulsion, despite the (fatal) consequences.

I haven’t said the Liberals are the answer, its actually irrelevant. They are just the most likely alternative, even if it was in a minority government.

The point is that ANYONE would be better, even if for just one term to allow true renewal of the current government to occur.

The long term benefits of this would far outweigh any perceived problems that a single term government could create. The LA simply doesn’t move fast enough and the ACT public service would still take significant time to develop/change policies and programs.

And yes, even the Greens took their chance after the most recent election to attempt to create some space from the very government problems that they were complicit or partly responsible for. Some of their more recent comments are truly laughable considering how long they were actually in charge for.

HiddenDragon7:54 pm 21 Feb 25

Seven weeks ago, the particular timing of this silly season news drop, which was obviously about a very recently re-elected government softening up long-suffering ACT taxpayers for further depredations, seemed a bit odd –


but it all makes much more sense now that this very unedifying dance of the seven veils is just about complete.

The memorable phrase “reprehensible circumstances” comes to mind.

Gregg Heldon6:04 pm 21 Feb 25

But they’ll try.

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