[First filed: July 20, 2009 @ 09:10]
The Australian brings word that The Chaser team have caused umbrage again, this time here in Canberra.
- Chaser comedian Julian Morrow, who is also the program’s executive producer, was stopped by Australian Federal Police officers when he arrived at St John’s Anglican Church in full mountaineering gear and attempted to scale the spire during the regular Sunday service — a reference to the recent row over climbing Uluru.
The ABC went ahead and filmed despite being warned by media waiting for the Prime Minister that Mr Rudd was expected to comment on Australian casualties in the Jakarta bombings, and the news just breaking of the killing of an Australian soldier and the serious wounding of another in an incident in Afghanistan.
That the Prime Minister could do something as mundane as go to church without being molested was something I really liked about Canberra. The fear is that now the genie’s out of the bottle every ratbag nutjob convinced their cause is paramount to all other considerations will be out on a Sunday morning making pratts of themselves.
Let us hope it doesn’t come to that.