I consider myself something of a connisseur of the kebab. It’s the corrollary of a lifetime spent happily engaging in late night drinking. I thought it would be right to give praise to Canberra’s own kebab samurai, Ali Baba’s in civic.
They don’t make the world’s most substantial kebab. I’ve had a kebab with a lamb chop, a chicken fillet, and a hunk of beef in it.
They don’t make the world’s tastiest kebab. I hold that honour for the Taza in London’s Queensway where a dozen oranges and lemons are skewered into the meat and drip citrus in as it turns.
The best all round kebab I had in a place in Glebe. It would be remiss not to mention the european kebabs made by friendly turks and served in the local breads to magnificent effect.
But for a tight wound kebab, well constructed, that you can eat, enjoy, and not make a mess, served with lightning speed at any hour… Ali Baba’s in civic are as good as it gets.
I salute them. (and their magical restorative powers)