[First filed: October 02, 2008 @ 14:24]
Zed’s Cult Connection:
Zed Seselja is on the record having admitted, while being an elected MLA, to attending a week-long conference in Korea in 2005 which was organised by a political wing of the Unification Church known as the ‘IIWFP Universal Peace Federation’.
The Church gave Zed a all-expenses paid, first-class ticket to the cult conference as well as a personal gift from the ‘Reverend’ Moon himself of a golden tea set of unknown value. If it weren’t for the tea set, which Zed was forced to declare, Zed’s cult connection would still be a secret. It is rumoured that Zed keeps the tea set in pride of place on his desk at parliament, and in times of great stress lovingly strokes and fondles it.
About the Moonies:
The ‘Reverend’ Moon is infamous for running a world-wide cult known as the Unification Church . Famous primarily for their bizarre mass-wedding ceremonies, the church has a much darker side.
Some of the billionaire ‘Reverend’ Moon’s public statements include:
– Repeatedly referring to himself variously as ‘the Messiah’, ‘the second coming of Jesus’, ‘the King of America’ and ‘the Emperor of the World’
– Referring to homosexuals as ‘dirty dung eating dogs’
– Making offensive statements about the Holocaust
– Comparing his time spent in prison for tax fraud to the persecution of Jesus.
The Unification Church has also been named by a U.S. Congressional report as having been involved in the illegal manufacture and distribution massive amounts of weaponry including thousands of M-16 assault rifles and anti-aircraft weapons.
About the Cult Conference:
An official website of the Church reveals some of the matters discussed at the conference attended by Zed. The website describes how ‘engrossed participants’ had ‘tears in their eyes throughout different lectures’, which included ‘presentations on HIV/AIDS Prevention, emphasizing Father Moon’s “one man, one woman” system as the ultimate solution to the spread of the disease and other sexually transmitted diseases. For most participants it was the first time to hear of a character development approach to combating the scourge of HIV.’
This conference was presided over by a mysterious church official known as ‘Reverend Kwak’, known to be ‘Reverend’ Moon’s closest advisor and confidant.
‘Reverend Kwak’ was involved in the notorious incident at the U.S. Senate in 2004 when, to the outrage of a number of U.S. Senators present, the Reverend Moon emerged dressed in a royal gown and, after having an ‘ornate crown’ placed on his head, proceeded to deliver a lengthy speech in which he claimed he was “sent to Earth . . . to save the world’s six billion people. . . . Emperors, kings and presidents . . . have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity’s Saviour, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent.” Reverend Kwak later explained that ‘(the) crowning means America is saying to Father, ‘Please become my king’.
The Church website also gives feedback from participants at the conference:
‘I believe Father Moon is a servant of God. His vision comes from God.’
‘I really want to contribute to whatever IIFWP is asking us to do.’
‘The work of the IIFWP connects our work and heart and brings us closer to God.’
‘This parliamentarian’s seminar has changed my attitude in my leadership.’
Zed has previously explained his attendance at the conference as merely accepting a freebie, and that he didn’t know what they were about. Given that ultra-right NSW Liberal MP and Alistair Coe mentor David Clarke is a known long-time associate of the Moonies, does this explanation stack up?
Note: The website from which these quotes and pictures come from has recently been shut down, while all others remain. Coincidence?
Zed pre and post-brainwashing:
[ED – You can click on the images for a larger view]
UPDATED: A helpful source has found us the source of the pictures and the conference quotes.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Jimbruce has posted a lengthy and learned comment on the subject of the moonies and their attempts to influence politics in Australia which I commend to any of you wondering what the fuss is about.