I do believe I have a new favourite restaurant in town.
Sure Copa got off to a bad start. But I figured the most scrutinised kitchen in Canberra was worth a go and so we set off last night to check it out on Woolley Street in Dickson.
Arriving at 6.30 the restaurant was very quiet. While more people arrived as the night went on it was never what you’d call busy.
The decor is pleasantly woody with some nice brazilian themed murals.
While I’ve been down on “concepts” in restaurants in the past, the concept at Copa is both simple and pleasant.
Sit down at a flat rate $45 per head and they’ll keep bringing you food until you beg them to stop.
To this end every diner is equipped with a wooden disk, once side painted green, the other red.
As long as you’re green side up the food keeps coming.
We were, on sitting down, also provided with four sauces (red, green, oily, vinegary) and a plethora of vegetably side dishes with lurking bits of pork.
(Vegetarians really shouldn’t bother, although there are some seafood options)
Ensconced with sides, sauces, and a caipirinha the meat started coming.
Off the coals on long skewers they slice it off in front of you with a bit of help from the pair of tongs all diners are set out with.
Pork, beef, lamb, in a dizzying variety of BBQ styles. Not to mention the sensational sausage.

I chased my cocktail with a delicious Palma Louca beer.
If you’re a vegetarian, or not keen on a smoky atmosphere give this place a miss.
But if you like tasting lots of different bites of BBQ’d meats while having a drink and a laugh and absolutely no stress on splitting the bill then I can’t recommend it highly enough.
I will most definitely be going back.
(Also 18 hours later I can report I feel fine, there was no sign of potato salad last night)
For bookings check out their website.