6 March 2025

Approved: 'Quality' Braddon apartment proposal to lift site to new heights

| Ian Bushnell
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What the apartment proposal at 15 Torrens Street, Braddon, will look like. Image: Turco and associates.

A proposal for a six-storey apartment building at 15 Torrens Street in Braddon that will reach almost five metres above the area’s height limit has been approved due to the high-quality design outcome.

The Notice of Decision says the National Capital Design Review Panel (NCDRP) considered the $9.5 million proposal from Fleming Group an “exemplar of urban renewal for this important part of the city”.

Only 150 metres walk to the Lonsdale Street shopping and food precinct and a 300-metre walk to the Canberra Centre retail precinct, the site is opposite Northbourne Oval, including the two-storey Canberra Raiders Centre.

The proposed building will deliver 29 apartments with courtyards and balconies to the inner-city area – 25 two-bedroom, up to 109 sqm and four three-bedroom, up to 120 sqm – as well as basement parking across two levels.

The site has a recommended maximum height of 16 metres but this will rise to 20.95 metres, with the upper-level roof set back 14.6 metres from Torrens Street.

The Notice of Decision says the Inner North and City District Specification provided guidance, not a mandatory requirement.

The extra height enables an additional floor level and minimum 3.2 metre floor-to-floor heights, which the panel commended.

“The proponent’s suggestion of some increase in overall building height is applauded by the panel, as this has resulted in a design proposition that optimises the amenity for its future occupants and users,” it said.

The panel also praised its elegant design and energy efficiency, including the incorporation of photovoltaic panels, generous cross ventilation and natural light.

Alexandra Arnold from The Fleming Group said the company met twice with the Review Panel before submitting the DA, firstly with a five-storye proposal.

The Review Panel encouraged it to explore opportunities under the new Territory Plan, she said.

“We explored some options and presented a revised scheme at the second meeting with an extra storey, a stepped building height sympathetic to existing and future development and greater residential amenity,” Ms Arnold said.

She said it was pleasing to receive the Review Panel’s praise and praised consultants Turco & Associates and SMEC for following the company’s vision.

Construction was expected to commence as early as the end of this year, with a mid-2027 completion.

It was too early to say what the apartments would cost but the floor plans were generous, much bigger than standard ones, and the price would reflect this and other included amenities, Ms Arnold said.

TCCS did not support the development’s waste management proposal but the panel did, prompting the Territory Planning Authority to conditionally approve it rather than request further information.

The City Renewal Authority supported the development application with conditions for two of the courtyards, some bedroom balconies and the private open space of Unit 1.

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Issues raised in the representations were the building height, its bulk and scale, overshadowing, privacy and overlooking, insufficient parking, traffic, noise and pedestrian safety.

The Notice of Decision says the scale of the development generally meets the recommendations of the district specifications.

Although the plot ratio of 293 per cent exceeds the 200 per cent recommendation, it was deemed acceptable given the setbacks and courtyard spaces.

The overshadowing was seen to be reasonable, with diagrams showing overshadowing to lower-level residential balconies to the west of the proposed development will finish by 10 am on 21 June (winter solstice).

On privacy, the Notice of Decision says there is sufficient distance between the proposed development and the existing residential development to the west.

It says the development will generate a comparatively small amount of traffic with minor impact, creating no more noise than other similar developments.

The basement’s 40 residential and six visitor spaces was acceptable given the location and support from TCCS.

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