Heading home along Belconnen Way last night I came across one of the most bizarre sights I’ve seen while driving.
As I approached the traffic lights near Bunnings, I caught a brief glimpse of a guy on a bike, but paid little attention. As the lights changed, he virtually disappeared. It was only as I approached the Coulter Drive intersection, I noticed him flying along, at a pace. I was travelling just over 60kph, but he was pulling further away. His peddles were turning, but not at a rate to travel uphill at that sort of speed.
I assume he had some form of electric bike, doctored to override the usual speed limit of around 25kph.
The rider turned into Page before I had a chance to get a close look at the bike, but I’m sure the police would be interested in having a chat with him.
UPDATE: Ed has sent through this photo:
Here’s a photo for that story about the speeding cyclist.
It looked like an Action bus driver given the uniform
He was doing about 65km/h east bound uphill on Belconnen Way