The Nerf Warriors are going melee as explained on Facebook:
This one’s for the mad melee enthusiasts out there!
Equipment:Melee weapons – up to 180cms max
Shields – width and length up to 75cms max.
Bows – foam arrow firing bows only i.e. Nerf BBB.
Pistols – single shot ONLY.Melee rules & Construction:
Melee weapons are for tags only – excessive force is not required.
Weapons should never be raised above the head to strike.
Shields are for blocking only. They are not be used as a weapon.
Melee weapons must be foam, latex or soft rubber ONLY.
No PVC or other hard surfaces.
No wooden or hard cores for homemade ‘boffers’.
Shields can be constructed of foam, latex, cardboard or soft wood. No sharp edges!Load out/categories:
Knight: Shield and melee weapon
Skirmisher: Melee weapon OR melee weapon and pistol/bow OR shield and pistol/bowGeneral:
Pistols: Single shot ONLY, N-Strike, Vortex, Dart Tag – all are legal.
Helmets/Armour: Confer NO benefit/protection.
Shields: block ALL tagsGameplay/Tagging:
Tags either by a melee weapon or dart/foam arrow only count on a players ‘trunk’. Head shots and anything below the knee or elbow DO NOT count as a tag. There is a handy diagram coming.