16 February 2025

Scam or no scam, victim blaming is never okay

| Oliver Jacques
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women on internet banking

Caroline Buchan lost $34,000 after an alleged fraud. Photo: Shri Rajen Gayathirie.

“How people fall for this is beyond me,” was a comment typical of many on social media when Region reported on one of two women who lost money to scams last week.

But rather than judging victims without knowing all the facts, we’d be better off showing them support and sympathy while holding powerful institutions that fail to protect the vulnerable to account.

Caroline Buchan is an 80-year-old who went to her National Australia Bank (NAB) branch, where NAB fraud squad officials re-activated a credit card the bank blocked while she was overseas.

Soon after leaving the bank, a person identifying herself as an NAB fraud squad official (who somehow knew her NAB customer number) told her she needed to transfer money out of her account. She also received emails with the NAB logo telling her to do the same.

After losing $34,000 to this elaborate ruse, she appealed to her bank to recover this money. NAB said they couldn’t do that and instead suggested she call a suicide prevention service.

READ ALSO Bank tells 80-year-old woman to ‘call Lifeline’ after she lost $34,000 in alleged scam

You would think this traumatising experience would invoke sympathy, but not from some.

“It’s not the bank’s fault this woman gave her money to a scammer,” wrote the account identifying as ‘Christine Comments’ on Facebook.

This sort of victim-blaming perspective reminds me of the days when women who were sexually harassed were told they shouldn’t have worn a miniskirt.

Ms Comments does not know the full details of the scam or the extent to which NAB may or may not be culpable for the alleged fraud.

It seems coincidental that the victim received a call from a man claiming to be from the fraud squad, who knew her personal details, so soon after dealing with the bank.

This does not prove any wrongdoing on the part of NAB, but when Region asked the bank if it investigated whether a security failing or leak may have contributed to the alleged scam, it refused to respond.

The big banks have also pushed elderly customers to use unfamiliar technology, reduced human-to-human customer service, and failed to properly educate people on the dangers of online fraud. This has put many customers in a vulnerable position when trying to navigate between apps, bots, the Internet and overseas-staffed call centres. It’s no wonder they may get confused about whom they are speaking to and where a message has come from.

Similarly, Facebook’s parent company, Meta, seems to allow scam profiles to proliferate, often ignoring multiple reports on them and allowing scammers to create new accounts if they are eventually blocked.

Fake butchers seem to be a growing industry. One allegedly scammed a woman out of $250 on a fresh meat delivery that never arrived.

Once again, the victim faced online ridicule for allowing it to happen.

READ MORE Woman issues warning after $250 rip-off by online ‘butcher’

But who among us has never made a mistake or fallen for a lie?

The women who lost money to the ‘butcher’ and fake bank official were both intelligent and articulate, illustrating how pervasive online dangers can be.

There are many of our fellow citizens with dementia or disabilities who are easier prey for unscrupulous predators and deserve more protection from our governments, financial institutions and social media giants.

When we hear about a victim of fraud, the best thing to do is show compassion and point the finger of blame where it really belongs.

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100%. How hard is ‘do not give out your account details or password/PIN under any circumstances’. Banks very clearly advise that they will never ask for these details over the phone or, nay, even deal with customers at all over the phone or via email.

When an industry or organisation provides a service that people are required to use, they have a responsibility to ensure that it is safe for all members of the public to use it. This is particularly the case when there is no other option, so people are forced to use their service.

Too often banks, telecommunications companies, retailers, government agencies (including local councils) forget this. It is up to them to make it safe, whether through their design of the service, their use of technology or thorough education of all users. They need to stop acting as if every human being is young, intelligent, fit, well-educated and up to date on all that is happening in the world. That is not true of the human race.

When somebody gives away their login details and password it’s a little hard to blame the business. Likewise people who use the same email addresses and passwords for numerous sites are bringing problems on themselves.

Agreed. However, it’s not always about that.

Saying that a service is responsible for securing their service isn’t strictly speaking wrong. But it doesn’t tell the whole story either. There are things that you are responsible for as well as an end user. I tend to refer to it as a ‘shared responsibility’ because part of the responsibility is on both parties.

Take credential stuffing. That’s where a username and password combination that gets leaked in one breach is attempted on another service. It can be an effective strategy for an attacker because so many of us reuse passwords across different services for ‘convenience’. It’s made worse by our own password choices – I reckon if I described a password containing one word of 6-10 characters, the first letter capitalised, a number between 2-4 digits either at the beginning or the end, with maybe a single punctuation mark for good measure then I’m pretty sure a fair chunk of people reading this would be quietly realising I’ve just described their password. A lot of people do a similar set of things to generate a password, and once you realise what those things are, it makes it easier to build a list of rules that could be used to crack them. This is behaviour that an organisation is powerless to stop – how are they going to know that you’ve used a password elsewhere?

So while it’s true that an organisation must make sure they’re doing everything they can from their end to secure their systems, the same is true for you the user. It may be difficult to remember a unique, strong password for every service – and that’s exactly why tools to help you manage that have been available for years. You just need to take some time to learn how to use and manage them because while they are not perfect, they are far better than using ‘Password123’ on just about every service you use.

Incidental Tourist12:22 am 14 Feb 25

Loosing $100 to online scammer is a crime. Loosing $100,000 as “exit fee” in a retirement village is legal.

@Incidental Tourist
” Loosing (sic) $100,000 as “exit fee” in a retirement village is legal.”
Yes it is legal – nobody is forced to sign the contract. Do you actually have a point to make?

Incidental Tourist3:28 pm 15 Feb 25

Funny you say that. Then why do we need all these customer protection laws, banking regulations etc if nobody forces you to accept their terms? When you buy $10 t-shirt you get more protection as to when you commit $500,000 to retirement village

Retirement Villages are a lifestyle choice not an investment. The exit fees covers a lot of the costs of running the village. The alternative is to charge more to the residents each month. Every one who signs the contract would have had legal advice and would be aware of these. It’s not compulsory to live in one so don’t if you object to the exit fee,

@Incidental Tourist
Clearly you have lost the plot – if you even had a tenuous grasp of it, in the first place.

Of course if you sign a contract you have to accept the terms of that contract. Duh! 🤦‍♂️

house_husband5:39 pm 13 Feb 25

The majority of these scams can be avoided by following two simple rules:

1. Treat ALL calls or e-mails that you do not initiate as a scam. Don’t answer any identity questions or provide codes. Just ask for a name/reference number and hang up.
2. Have a list of verified phone numbers for every institution you deal with and call these with the details from #1 to see if it is genuine.

Good advice. Sadly there are many trusting and perhaps naive people out there who’ve not had such good advice.

Psycho – the naivety issue is one I really hope we can solve. I have made quite an elaborate point to you further up which explains how I feel about lumping all the responsibility onto companies and how we ourselves should be taking more responsibility for the things that are in our control.

With all of that said, I’m also not completely ignorant to that issue of naivety. The one thing I probably should have added to that comment is that when people are either naive to the facts, or perhaps simply don’t care what happens to them, perhaps it falls on the people who actually have the knowledge of what can happen to better communicate it in a way that makes people care just a little bit more. I’m probably not the best communicator out there, but that’s something I think we should be doing better.

If one doesn’t check whether the ‘invoice, caller etc’ are legitimate, then how can the banks be held responsible.

All criminals are just victims of the system.

There has to be some level of personal responsibility in protecting yourself against scams.

Whilst the banks can and should do more in creating additional controls, there is only so much they can do.

We can have sympathy for victims whilst also recognising their own culpability and actions that allowed the crime to occur.

Get a grip.

You can simultaneously have sympathy for these people losing money, while also recognising that their own actions were largely responsible for that loss. Being a victim does not absolve you of all responsibility, and it is childish nonsense to believe otherwise.

I reckon I could have won money on you being the first to comment, with a comment like that. Well done!

Why yes, I believe in personal responsibility. Thanks for noticing.

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