28 September 2009

Hargreaves kills fireworks now

| johnboy
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[First filed: August 24, 2009 @ 11:49]

John Hargreaves has announced that, having last week murdered the Fringe Festival, he’s killing off Queen’s Birthday fireworks.

Some days it seems as if the man gets up in the morning devoted to making Canberra a worse place to live.

He is offering an amnesty for any of the now illegal fireworks you might have cached:

    “The Government understands that many Canberrans may still have fireworks that were bought legally on previous Queen’s Birthday long weekends. We will be encouraging people to do the right thing and hand in any stored fireworks for safe disposal without any questions asked, Mr Hargreaves said.

    The ‘hand-in’ will commence on Saturday 29 August and operate for the following three weekends. Details of the ‘hand-in’ arrangements are available at www.ors.act.gov.au. The ‘hand-in’does not involve compensation for surrendered fireworks. Mr Hargreaves stressed that people will be liable for prosecution if caught with consumer fireworks following the ‘hand-in’period.

Hargreaves and fireworks

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TheObserver said :

I agree with Ivan76 – For mine, if your pooch can’t stand loud noises and bright etc then there are precautions you can take

I suggest you talk to people who work at the RSPCA. Last cracker night they had such cases as a dog that broke most of his teeth because he was trying to bite through his cage to escape the sounds of fireworks.

Oh, but ‘your dog’ is fine, so everyone else must be just complaining for no reason, right?

I must admit that I struggle with accepting you as a decent pet owner if your response to animals in distress is the throwaway line: ‘look after them better’.

TheObserver said :

As for the big letter boxes – I can tell you straight that legally bought fireworks would not, unless you spent about $300 and then a couple of days taking them apart, make a device that would do that level of damage – sorry, not possible.

Utter bollocks. I’ve seen legal fireworks repackaged to take apart a solid brick letterbox with a steel core (and taken part). I’m quite glad that you can’t figure out how to do it, but it’s really not that hard.

Dougal said :

Ivan76 said :

Clown killer even my dog would disagree with you on that one.

Sure he gets excited when he hears a loud noise & just like any guard dog would but he looks to me first to see if its worth barking or not. The QB weekend is not hard to manage dogs being startled you just have to be there when it starts & until it gets used to the noise.

If your dog tries you smash through windows & chew through walls then perhaps you should give it to someone who is prepared to look after it because clearly, you aren’t capable.

Its called teaching your dog to let the world go by. Breeds differ and you may need to spend more time with some than others & if you have neglected your dog you may need to reestablish trust before you can train it but its never too late.

There’s books about it & perhaps you might want to read up before posting again on this subject.

What a load. Not all dogs are the same, some ARE terrified of firecrackers, and trying to train a frightened dog not to be frigthened of something that is assaulting their senses probably involves punishing them.

Dogs do of course need socialisation. You’re certainly taking liberties assuming that clown killer is not capable of owning a dog. Perhaps with these ‘training’ methods you speak of, I could train you not to flinch if I threw sand in your eyes? Or you could keep calm while your hand is held on a hotplate? Firecrackers can be painful for dogs.

Maybe your dog just can’t hear all that well?

No Dougal, I was being just as hypothetical as she was. Speaking of taking liberties, you seem to have gone to town in assuming that I abuse my dog. You can meet him if you like, we walk around Lake Ginninderra every Saturday & Sunday at around 3:30pm (weather permitting of course). He’s a tan & white Red Healer x Bull Terrier (no,,, not a Pitt Bull) and I’m the 6″2 solid built bloke that will be walking him.

Incidentally, there is sand & hotplates there;-) Ill be on the lookout for a Where’s Wally\Eugene Tackleberry type character hiding behind a BBQ shall I?

Just Google dogs & fireworks yourself, there’s heaps of sites dedicated to this subject and you can select a method that suits, all of which will have one thing in common and that is that you have to spend time with your dog.

Also, thanks for your concern about my dogs hearing. He’s just had his anual checkup and is doing great, NO hearing problems, actually for a 10yo he’s doing remarkable according to the vet. Must be because someone spends time with him…

James-T-Kirk said :

Do the policing to prevent the crimes, don’t hassle the community because you couldn’t be bothered to do the policing properly!

Are you prepared to pay the significant tax hike to pay for a police officer on every street corner to do the policing your expecting ……. or perhaps live in a police state ??

The community needs to “own” the problem and not sit back, point a finger and say “you should do a better job” There is only so much policing can do, without turning into a gestapo…….

The majority of the community did the right thing with fireworks, a small section of the community continually stuffed it despite the annual warnings that crackers would go. I loved crackers, but it was ruined by w#%%^rs. No one else to blame but themselves.

Clown Killer said :

Is it fun watching douche bags get their panties all in a knot about it? Hell yeah!

You’ve just defined the entire debate very concisely.

Clown Killer2:54 pm 01 Sep 09

The whole exploding mail-box thing is little more than a simple distraction – I has little to do with the reason fireworks were banned (although it’s fun to watch folk get themselves worked up into a lather about it as if it really mattered).

Fireworks were banned because there were simply too many dickheads who were incapable of using them legally. People were setting them off outside of the prescribed times and dates and not at the address prescribed on the permit. Every year there were warnings that the community had to improve its act and every year there were enough a-holes who just didn’t give a toss.

Am I sad to see them go? Yes. Do I really give a sh!t? No. Is it fun watching douche bags get their panties all in a knot about it? Hell yeah!

Can we re-arrange the order of the words in this post’s title? Perhaps switch Hargreaves and fireworks.

vg the point is pretty clear, you are being obtuse. Most kids who dismantle crackers to make a bunger would take apart two or three of these things at most – not enough to do a metal box, but make a reasonable penny bunger. The logic is therefore that most people would not spend the hundreds of dollars to blow up one letterbox – but the disingenuous reasons is that the legally bought ones are the ones responsible. I do not accept that to be the case – particularly given the consistency of results being obtained with the Aussie Post boxes.

Be a simpleton and a sheep and believe what the Forces of Dullness tell you – but I’ll stick to what I believe (and what I know from my own experience with explosives as a former qualified user).

James T Kirk – good points. You forgot the Diggers Caustic Soda, tin foil and a beer bottle……

James-T-Kirk11:19 am 01 Sep 09

vg said :

“As for the big letter boxes – I can tell you straight that legally bought fireworks would not, unless you spent about $300 and then a couple of days taking them apart, make a device that would do that level of damage – sorry, not possible.”

So what you’re actually saying is that legally obtained fireworks CAN in fact cause the said damage. Sorry, IS possible

So can a cup of pool chlorine from Woollies, and some brake fluid (also from Woolies). Or any combination of dozzens of other trivial chemicals.. But we don’t see those items being banned? Do the policing to prevent the crimes, don’t hassle the community because you couldn’t be bothered to do the policing properly!

“As for the big letter boxes – I can tell you straight that legally bought fireworks would not, unless you spent about $300 and then a couple of days taking them apart, make a device that would do that level of damage – sorry, not possible.”

So what you’re actually saying is that legally obtained fireworks CAN in fact cause the said damage. Sorry, IS possible

Who cares. they are gone. Move along nothing to see here folks.

TheObserver said :

As for the big letter boxes – I can tell you straight that legally bought fireworks would not, unless you spent about $300 and then a couple of days taking them apart, make a device that would do that level of damage – sorry, not possible.

That’s it, call the Mythbusters.

I agree with Ivan76 – For mine, if your pooch can’t stand loud noises and bright etc then there are precautions you can take which include having them in a darkened room, curtains shut etc and, Oh Yeah – spend the time with them. Honestly, all these people who carry on about dogs escaping during cracker night well, were they secured properly – or are we back on the deal that no-one takes responsibility. For the record I have a dog who is utterly unbothered by crackers, because even though we let them off, she is with us and is reassured. Take home people – worried about your animals at that time of year? Look after them better.

As for the big letter boxes – I can tell you straight that legally bought fireworks would not, unless you spent about $300 and then a couple of days taking them apart, make a device that would do that level of damage – sorry, not possible. What is causing that damage are fireworks not generally available to the public – so there is under the counter dealing going on. Why is this not policed? Why have there been no convictions?

Final point, anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that the “amnesty” is one big damp squib – a bit like Hargreaves, for mine.

Hells_Bells7411:03 am 30 Aug 09

I’m kinda glad they’re gone too but I do feel for my mum and partner who have a maxi family pack they didn’t get to use because they didn’t get to where they were going that weekend sitting there and mum said “oh that’s okay, we’ll use ’em next year” oh well, that’s how it goes I spose!

When I heard this, my reaction was ‘hooray – finally’. Bronto’s comments, +1.

Mr Hargreaves may have made some mistakes but this one is NOT one of them.

Clown Killer5:33 pm 29 Aug 09

If your dog tries you smash through windows & chew through walls then perhaps you should give it to someone who is prepared to look after it because clearly, you aren’t capable.

My dog is fine and has no problems with fireworks whatsoever. But being a sensible realist I’m not so full of my own sh!t to actually believe that his ambivalence to the could have anything to do with the way I have raised or care for him.

The fact that Canberra vets and the RSPCA have to treat dogs who have ripped their teeth out trying gnaw through a colour-bond fence to escape or smashed through windows is a result of the abject terror of these animals caused by fireworks. To be honest I don’t really care one way or another – but I’d be more inclined to believe a vet interviewed on the radio who speaks with authority than someone talking out of their ar$e.

As I have posted in this thread before – fireworks were fun while they lasted, but given that so many people were incapable of using them responsibly (and by that I mean within the conditions prescribed on the binding permit required to purchase them), then I have no problem whatsoever with the ban. If you don’t like it if guess that it must be HTFU time.

Clown Killer said :

Anybody who believes that it is possible to train a dog to not be scared of fireworks is, quite simply and idiot. Whilst it is possible to believe that anything you have done has contributed to the animals absence of fear, the reality is that some dogs are fearful and others are not.

Hunting breeds like Labradors, pointers and the like are less or unlikely to be fearful but even then it can be a lottery.

Reactions will range from a bit of barking to abject terror. At the most extreme end there’s almost nothing that an owner can do to alleviate the distress with dogs smashing through windows and trying to chew through doors and walls (breaking or ripping out their teeth in the process) to escape.


Ivan76 said :

Clown killer even my dog would disagree with you on that one.

Sure he gets excited when he hears a loud noise & just like any guard dog would but he looks to me first to see if its worth barking or not. The QB weekend is not hard to manage dogs being startled you just have to be there when it starts & until it gets used to the noise.

If your dog tries you smash through windows & chew through walls then perhaps you should give it to someone who is prepared to look after it because clearly, you aren’t capable.

Its called teaching your dog to let the world go by. Breeds differ and you may need to spend more time with some than others & if you have neglected your dog you may need to reestablish trust before you can train it but its never too late.

There’s books about it & perhaps you might want to read up before posting again on this subject.

What a load. Not all dogs are the same, some ARE terrified of firecrackers, and trying to train a frightened dog not to be frigthened of something that is assaulting their senses probably involves punishing them.

Dogs do of course need socialisation. You’re certainly taking liberties assuming that clown killer is not capable of owning a dog. Perhaps with these ‘training’ methods you speak of, I could train you not to flinch if I threw sand in your eyes? Or you could keep calm while your hand is held on a hotplate? Firecrackers can be painful for dogs.

Maybe your dog just can’t hear all that well?

Clown Killer said :

… the reality is that some dogs are fearful and others are not.

Hunting breeds like Labradors, pointers and the like are less or unlikely to be fearful but even then it can be a lottery.

This probably explains my dogs total ambivalence to cracker night. He just goes to sleep. What hurt his ears though and drives him mad is the sound of police, fire and ambulance sirens. Judging by the horrendous noise the local dog populace makes when one or several goes by he’s not alone. The animal right activists never consider this ‘cruelty’ in their protests though so I’m assuming that in this case they beleive animals must suffer for the greater human good?

Clown killer even my dog would disagree with you on that one.

Sure he gets excited when he hears a loud noise & just like any guard dog would but he looks to me first to see if its worth barking or not. The QB weekend is not hard to manage dogs being startled you just have to be there when it starts & until it gets used to the noise.

If your dog tries you smash through windows & chew through walls then perhaps you should give it to someone who is prepared to look after it because clearly, you aren’t capable.

Its called teaching your dog to let the world go by. Breeds differ and you may need to spend more time with some than others & if you have neglected your dog you may need to reestablish trust before you can train it but its never too late.

There’s books about it & perhaps you might want to read up before posting again on this subject.

I enjoy fireworks nights and will be sad to see them go. The nighbours, families from school typically come round to our place and we have a great night.

VG – It’s not that they mean so much to us that we have no lives, just that again that the idiot minority have ruined a fun outing for the law abiding majority. Only 3 weeks ago I brought my kids home from Kambah Oval as three blokes decided to set off a heap of crackers with their kids at 3pm in the afternoon. One of the people I was with called the police who, turned up 30 minutes later, did a u-turn in the car park and left without even approaching he idiots concerned. And this was despite being given a damned good description of the offenders, these people still being at the oval and less than 20meters from where the police car drove past (we could see them from my house) and the remains of the crackers being left exactly where they were set off where this group were kicking a ball around. And we wonder why no-one ever gets charged with setting them off outside prescribed times.

Now, I’m a huge fan of the police but we were left disappointed on this occassion.

Clown Killer12:56 pm 29 Aug 09

Anybody who believes that it is possible to train a dog to not be scared of fireworks is, quite simply and idiot. Whilst it is possible to believe that anything you have done has contributed to the animals absence of fear, the reality is that some dogs are fearful and others are not.

Hunting breeds like Labradors, pointers and the like are less or unlikely to be fearful but even then it can be a lottery.

Reactions will range from a bit of barking to abject terror. At the most extreme end there’s almost nothing that an owner can do to alleviate the distress with dogs smashing through windows and trying to chew through doors and walls (breaking or ripping out their teeth in the process) to escape.

kakosi said :

So anything that scares a dog should be banned?

Let’s look at that list:
– lightning;
– wind;
– rain;
– stupid owners who don’t train their animals.

We have a dog in our family and she enjoyed last cracker night with her dad. She didn’t worry about the fizzes and pops at all (but that could be cause she’s intelligent).

And yes, it’s one weekend a year – get a grip and worry about real problems.

That quote is spot on. My dog enjoyed the firework weekend too, why? Because I spend time with him, dogs can be taught so much more than “sit” and “stay” If you just spend some time with them.my dog knows the word fireworks & gets just as excited as any other dog but by the end of the weekend he barely batters an eyelid over them, once again its because I spend with him.

I used to work for the call center that took domestic animal service calls after hours & over the QB weekend it was always the same morons year after year “I just got home to find my dog has escaped because I’m too stupid to take care of it” or “my dog gets scared over loud noises because I am too ignorant to spend time calming it down & it ran away in distress”.

The same morons would then proceed to call back every 10 mins asking “have you found my dog yet?” and I would have to explain that constant calls only hold up the lines and that they are now preventing dogs being reunited with owners by calling over & over & over..sheesh!

And ill bet my leftover fireworks that its the same idiots who lobbied hargraves to ban them when really they just need to spend time with their pets.

Well congratulations you ignorant jerks! You have managed to ruin a great tradition & an event that for the most part only used to bring my neighbours together.

Honestly, Canberra is full of whingers that do not take responsibility for anything. Dogs run away, kids let fireworks off inappropriately, well it must be the fireworks…. Really? How about looking after your pets properly & actually parenting your children instead of ruining everyone elses fun.

jakez said :

“I don’t believe simply in my own freedom and joy, but in the rights of others to pursue their own desires.”

My desire to be able to sleep outside of the designated usage times for fireworks? As a shift worker, I consider this necessary.

My desire to keep my pets and children safe from distress and possible harm? I would consider this one of my rights.

My desire for my property to remain undamaged by senseless vandalism? Not unreasonable in a town like Canberra.

I hear there are vacancies for pyrotechnicians in the Northern Territory, perhaps you will find more freedom and joy for yourself there?

If only Dunne’s first name was Polly.

It’s starting to degenerate into an ex-lover sort of spat, with Hargreaves and Dunne making claim and counter-claim about who knows the law better:
– Dunne says: Liberal press release
– Hargreaves says Labor press release

So who do you believe (and try to keep the “I hate Labor/Liberal” out of it and stick to the arguments).

Agreed deezagood. It’s a non-issue. Fireworks were fun while they lasted, but there were enough knob-ends out there who wanted to spoil it for everyone.

I can’t wait till smoking, v8’s and country music are all banned.

georgesgenitals9:37 pm 27 Aug 09

Who really cares? Fireworks were banned because more than ‘a small minority’ couldn’t do the right thing. The reality is that that fireworks weekend and the surrounding days are a pain in the ass for much of the community. You’ll never stop morons from doing something stupid, but you can definitely reduce their options.

I don’t think this is a major loss of freedom – it’s our elected representatives making a decision for the greater good.

And the people saying ‘let’s ban storms’, wake up and contribute to the debate. Just because something isn’t right or ideal doesn’t excuse other wrongs.

You forgot to add our ‘non-exciting’ lives.

Non-issue. If they mean that much to you, you have no life

deezagood said :

Overreaction much? The rest of Australia has survived without fire works for 20 years; and do you know what? NOBODY in other states (I’ve lived in most of them) talks about how much they miss fireworks – they just got over it. Canberra will get over it too. Eventually.

I find your stalwart care and defence for the rights of others to be extremely inspirational.

Clown Killer2:48 pm 27 Aug 09

Agreed deezagood. It’s a non-issue. Fireworks were fun while they lasted, but there were enough knob-ends out there who wanted to spoil it for everyone.

the rest of us will just get on with our lives.

Overreaction much? The rest of Australia has survived without fire works for 20 years; and do you know what? NOBODY in other states (I’ve lived in most of them) talks about how much they miss fireworks – they just got over it. Canberra will get over it too. Eventually.

. . . and now our Mayor is distancing himself from the decision.

So it is most of his colleagues in Cabinet who are to blame, not him. What a crock!

Pommy bastard said :

jakez said :

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”
John Stuart Mill.

I personally prefer the non aggression principle to the non-harm principle, for the very reason that harm can be defined in such a broad manner that it virtually makes the principle useless.

I am tempted to fight this on your terms though. Even in the case of harm I would reject firstly a collectivist solution (such as a ban) and secondly one that restricts liberty in such a manner when more accurate laws to expressly reflect the crime are possible (assault, property damage, noise regulation, contractual arrangements).

Flesh out for me the harm to others aspect of this issue though and I’ll see what I think.

(Yes I know that leaving the ‘I don’t acknowledge the harm principle’ back door available is a kind of jerk move. Sorry man.)

“Party on dudes.”

George Washington. (Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989))

Pommy bastard1:22 pm 27 Aug 09

jakez said :

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.”
John Stuart Mill.

Gobbo said :

Can someone edumacate me.

Why did other jurisdictions ban this practice so long ago?

“The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground.” – Thomas Jefferson

Clown Killer said :

Surely peoples’ lives can’t be that bereft of real meaning that this decision actually matters!

I don’t make the claim that fireworks is the most important issue in the world or the most important issue for freedom. However there is a principle involved firstly, and secondly it is often all the little things added up that slowly boils the (mythical) frog.

I don’t believe simply in my own freedom and joy, but in the rights of others to pursue their own desires. I WILL stand against any abrogation of someones liberty, whether it be big or small, whether it affects me or not.

…on the plus side, this just might be the issue I can use to convert my mum and step brothers to libertarianism. They seem to enjoy fireworks.

“After having every post box within a 2km radius destroyed by vandals with fireworks I totally support the ban. Maybe now Australia Post will consider replacing them.”

I smell a conspiracy here. Australia Post deliberately blows up its own post boxes as a method of cutting back on the service they provide, and several months later a total ban on fireworks in the ACT is announced by the ACT Govt.

Canberra obviously has grassy knolls too!

Agree with Chewy14 they keep taking away things that people enjoy – nails in a coffin.

I grew up here and it’s the small unique things like the fireworks, the small festivals (Fringe, Nara, multicultural), that flower show and a few other sparks that occasionally occur during the year that keep it from small-town boring.

And of course they are very silly to think that stopping the legal stuff (which quite frankly wouldn’t scare a pussy cat) will stop the illegal stuff which people seemed to be able to buy. :p

vg said :

I love this ‘now fireworks are banned Canberra will be boring’ talk. If the difference, for you, between boredom and excitement is one weekend of fireworks out of 52 during a year then you must have the attention span of a gnat.

Nails in a Coffin Vg.

Since her dad has an IQ of 200 that’s saying something. 😀

I love this ‘now fireworks are banned Canberra will be boring’ talk. If the difference, for you, between boredom and excitement is one weekend of fireworks out of 52 during a year then you must have the attention span of a gnat.

From what I understand the rest of the nation thought we had a boring place BEFORE the banning of fireworks….do they think we’re doubly boring now?

“We have a dog in our family and she enjoyed last cracker night with her dad. She didn’t worry about the fizzes and pops at all (but that could be cause she’s intelligent).”

Intelligent compared to what……her ‘dad?

Most of Australia banned them like 20 years ago, Tassie only 15 or so. But you have to remember, most of Australia has still been getting them, they have just had to drive to Canberra…

Hasnt fireworks been banned all around Australia for over 20 years, is Canberra that far behind?

Pommy bastard

“cannot be banned, Null point”

So anything that cannot be banned is OK?

In that case ban everything you can and let’s just see how boring a town you lot end up with…

I’m sure your children won’t get into any sort of trouble at all if you ban everything. 😀

Pommy bastard7:39 am 26 Aug 09

kakosi said :

So anything that scares a dog should be banned?

Let’s look at that list:
– lightning;
– wind;
– rain;

Cannot be banned. Null point.

kakosi said :

– stupid owners who don’t train their animals.

Can already be banned under current legislation. Null point.

kakosi said :

We have a dog in our family and she enjoyed last cracker night with her dad. She didn’t worry about the fizzes and pops at all (but that could be cause she’s intelligent).

Your dog doesn’t suffer so it’s ok for any other dog to have this inflicted on them.

It is not for one weekend in the year. Why can’t you people understand that? Are your dogs more intelligent than their masters?

I have had several dogs over the decades,all have been obedience trained to advanced level or beyond. It does not stop them from becoming frightened.

And oh, I really hate being awoken at 2am by my immediate neighbours with fireworks. Maybe they are stupid and need to be obedience trained? Maybe we should just take their toys away as punishment?

Thats right, the deal has been done and never will you see them back in your hands. Huzzah!!!!!!

whatsinaname12:04 am 26 Aug 09

kakosi said :

So anything that scares a dog should be banned?

Let’s look at that list:
– lightning;
– wind;
– rain;
– stupid owners who don’t train their animals.

We have a dog in our family and she enjoyed last cracker night with her dad. She didn’t worry about the fizzes and pops at all (but that could be cause she’s intelligent).

And yes, it’s one weekend a year – get a grip and worry about real problems.

My dog IS trained properly. That has nothing to do with it. Lightning, wind and rain are all naturally occuring and therefore cannot be controlled (not that my dog freaks out at any of those). Losers setting off firecrackers behind our back fence is out of our control (and I guess the ban takes care of that!).

So really, it’s all a moot point now!! Carry on…

So anything that scares a dog should be banned?

Let’s look at that list:
– lightning;
– wind;
– rain;
– stupid owners who don’t train their animals.

We have a dog in our family and she enjoyed last cracker night with her dad. She didn’t worry about the fizzes and pops at all (but that could be cause she’s intelligent).

And yes, it’s one weekend a year – get a grip and worry about real problems.

I didn’t think they had fireworks that blow up letterboxes any more, just goes to show how much I know, well we used to have a lot of fun when we were kids, but a few people have ruined this for responsible people, one thing, the animals won’t have to suffer as there are always animals reported missing during fireworks

whatsinaname said :

We’ll still get to them at New Years, Australia Day and Skyfire and all of those are much more impressive than the poxy Queen’s Birthday ones.

yeah, right up until they are cancelled to.

whatsinaname7:46 pm 25 Aug 09

^ Haha, whoops!! I was meant to quote Bronto in my post, not Kakosi!! Sorry about that…a loud noise must’ve distracted me!!

kakosi said :

Cracker night was ONE weekend a year folks. Get a grip.

If only people let them off ONE weekend a year and followed the rules.

whatsinaname7:42 pm 25 Aug 09

kakosi said :

What a boring bunch of people we have in Canberra. The idea that normal folk should be punished along with law breakers is juvenile.

Strange that nobody worries about all the brothels and addicts in town. What does that say about Canberra? No fun allowed unless it involves sex workers and illegal drugs???

Cracker night was ONE weekend a year folks. Get a grip.


People either love or hate them. I like fireworks but have never bought them on the Queen’s Birthday weekend for the kids. Usually there are enough others in our area letting them off. I’m also a dog lover and we let our dog out to go to the toilet last Queen’s Birthday and unfortunately it also happened to be the exact moment when a group of clowns let some fireworks off just behind our back fence. It’s not their fault, they were having fun, but our poor boy was terrified. He got so upset (and we think of him like a kid sometimes) and it was hard seeing him like that.
I won’t miss the Queen’s Birthday fireworks. We’ll still get to them at New Years, Australia Day and Skyfire and all of those are much more impressive than the poxy Queen’s Birthday ones.

Just my 2 cents!! 🙂

What a boring bunch of people we have in Canberra. The idea that normal folk should be punished along with law breakers is juvenile.

Strange that nobody worries about all the brothels and addicts in town. What does that say about Canberra? No fun allowed unless it involves sex workers and illegal drugs???

Cracker night was ONE weekend a year folks. Get a grip.

If other states can accept it, then why should Canberra be so different. Seriously, if this is what most people want to whinge about…then they need to get another hobby. When you’ve seen one firework go off, they are pretty much the same. They aren’t even as good as when we were kids…cheap and nasty, not to mention a total rip off. I would rather watch paint dry!!

Beau Locks said :

Hargreaves is the laughing stock of the muppet show (legislative assembly), and that’s saying something. I wonder how he’d react to a ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

+1 Heh heh, John Nohope always reminds me of “Beaker” from the “Muppets”, and the noises he makes are about as intelligent!

And lets hope then when you save them up and let them off, the police will pay you a visit and you’ll cop a whopping fine.

It seems it’s people like you with no respect for the usage regulations, or your neighbourhood, that have caused them to be banned in the first place. Well done.

It’s interesting that at a stroke Hargreaves has criminalised a sizeable chunk of the population.

“Hand-in? You’ve got to be kidding, I paid good money for them. They’re staying in the shed.”

Why did other jurisdictions ban this practice so long ago?

When I was a kid I was told that fireworks were being banned because they were dangerous, and that kid were always blowing their hands off. My parents may have neglected to mention the blowing up of letterboxes as they didn’t want to give me ideas.

Holden Caulfield3:41 pm 25 Aug 09

chewy14 said :

Yes, finally the government has made the right decision.

Now my dog can return to barking outside all day and night for 365 days instead of 363.

It was such an effort to keep him inside for those two nights, i don’t know how i managed.

Yeah, fair call, that is one issue I can understand being a right pain in the arse.

Luckily, for now, the dogs in my neighbourhood are pretty well behaved as far as barking goes.

I feel your pain chewy.

Clown Killer said :

Surely peoples’ lives can’t be that bereft of real meaning that this decision actually matters!

Not all of us live our lives entirely consumed with the higher issues. If we did, the world would be a quieter and duller place.

There are miscreants who abuse almost every activity (see my previous post regarding alcohol, smoking, gambling); for some reason the ACT Government is prepared to allow those activities to continue, but crackernight has been given the shove.

It appears fireworks is a small enough issue that they can be seen to be making the so-called tough decisions. Either than or our Chiefly One is playing a cunning game of setting up John Hargreaves as the Official Territory Whipping Boy.

As remote from political savvy as Minister Hargreaves appears to be; he seems to be being sent out with every piece of bastard bad news the Canbera City Council can manufacture.

But, given the choice between the moral high ground and the tax revenue, the ACT Government position seems forever clear.

It’s another case of a few miscreants ruining it for the rest of us. Oh well, I got to buy fireworks in years gone by, same as the alcoholic frolic and the birdman rally. For those too young to have enjoyed them, I love schadenfreude.

I do hope that a lot of community and/or charity groups are allowed to have queen’s birthday weekend fireworks displays to make a bit of cash.

to compare skyfire with queens birthday fireworks is just silly, for the majority of canberra skyfire isn’t taking place in their neighbours back yards, its all about proximity for the RSPCA

Clown Killer2:48 pm 25 Aug 09

Surely peoples’ lives can’t be that bereft of real meaning that this decision actually matters!

Yes, finally the government has made the right decision.

Now my dog can return to barking outside all day and night for 365 days instead of 363.

It was such an effort to keep him inside for those two nights, i don’t know how i managed.

Fireworks are about celebration, but unfortunately for many in the community they are about damage to property, distress and injury to animals, and public nuisance. In the past this has also resulted in significant government and community resources being tied up to deal with fireworks incidents over the long weekend and beyond.”

Alcohol is often about celebration, but unfortunately for many in the community it is about damage to property, distress and injury to animals, and public nuisance. In the past this has also resulted in significant government and community resources being tied up to deal with alcohol related incidents over the every single weekend and beyond.

Smoking is all about a big business fuelled physical addiction, but unfortunately for many in the community it is also about damage to property, distress, injury and death to animals, self and others, and public nuisance like littering. In the past this has also resulted in significant government and community resources being tied up to deal with house-fire incidents, huge increases in health costs and cleaning of public areas, all the time.

Gambling is all about playing to people’s cupidity, but unfortunately for many in the community it is about destruction of lives and relationships. In the past this has also resulted in significant government and community resources being tied up to deal with dealing with the human fall-out of this unconscionable activity that serves no valid social purpose.

Apoc said :

do we atleast get to watch them dispose of all the ‘handed in’ fireworks?

+1 Now that could be fun.

gooterz said :

So now everyone who let off fireworks previously will just go on holidays for the long weekend, instead of having family or whoever brough into the capital.

I agree. I had just started a tradition with my family in NSW that they would come and visit us here in Canberra every June long weekend, and we could let off some crackers with the kids as well as pump some money into the Canberra economy.

Very disappointed.

Pommy bastard1:28 pm 25 Aug 09

Ari said :

There are whispers that Christmas is next.

Oh, yes please!! That would get my vote!!

black_rattism1:23 pm 25 Aug 09

Secret Squirrel said :

Silly me, I should have realised that if you give the doggies enough notice, they can put it in their diaries and be prepared for the event. Of course!

Do you think people lock their pets in soundproof rooms for SkyFire?

No, but they might provide access to a safe and favorite hiding place indoors, use pheromone sprays, ensure their dog has been outside to the bathroom before the fireworks begin and is securely indoors so that they will not fence jump once the fireworks begin and possibly get lost or hit by a car…or they might just take a nice vacation with their dogs for the weekend!

Can someone edumacate me.

Why did other jurisdictions ban this practice so long ago?

@ Holden Caulfield – it is a shame that such a simple concept needs to be explained isn’t it, Secret Squirrel still seems to be having some problems grasping the whole concept of START and FINISH times.

Let’s see, how can we explain it? If people know when fireworks are going to start, they can take measures to look after their pets, such as locking them away.

If people know when the fireworks are going to finish, they can then let their pets out again, with out fear of random firecrackers being let off, and their dogs possibly escaping and/or injuring themselves.

Like HC, I would have thought that this was fairly obvious.

Secret Squirrel12:40 pm 25 Aug 09

Silly me, I should have realised that if you give the doggies enough notice, they can put it in their diaries and be prepared for the event. Of course!

Do you think people lock their pets in soundproof rooms for SkyFire?

Holden Caulfield10:06 am 25 Aug 09

Secret Squirrel said :

So do people with dogs now want SkyFire banned? I would assume so. C’mon RSPCA, stick to your guns!

I can’t believe this needs to be explained, but anyway…

The difference being the timing of Skyfire is controlled, and plenty of warning is given. Therefore pet owners are able to make alternative arrangements if they know/expect their pets will be scared or affected.

While this is also true of the allowed times for home fireworks during the QB weekend, it is abundantly clear that many people are unable to use fireworks in either the prescribed times or manner. Hence the ban.

It should be a pretty simple concept to grasp really.

Maybe if the Skyfire organisers were letting off crackers unannoucned at 1am, 2am, 3am, whenever they damn well feel like it, as well as, vandalising public and private property with their fireworks then I might agree with you pointless statement.

Until that happens, have a reality check, build a bridge and get on with your life.

Weaselburger10:03 am 25 Aug 09

hey I’m pro Fireworks cause it’s one of the rhings that especially canberran, sure as hell some dogs got scared ond Australia post lost some mail but there’s always going to be vandalism no matter what laws you bring in. Bottom line is that you can’t take away peoples right to be arseholes.

Secret Squirrel8:53 am 25 Aug 09

So do people with dogs now want SkyFire banned? I would assume so. C’mon RSPCA, stick to your guns!

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy8:48 am 25 Aug 09

fnaah said :

Ask a person who has lost a wife or child to a drunk driver…

How do you know neither has happened to me?

Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.

How do you know neither has happened to me either?

Look, I like fireworks as much as the next guy, but a large chunk of the public just can’t do the right thing.

The ban on fireworks is stupid. So too is the ban on fully automatic assault rifles. Why should a few idiots stop the rest of owning something that is really fun to use. Or why should BBQs be banned on hot/windy days just because there’s a chance some people may be irresponsible and start a major fire.

I used to live with two dogs, the fireworks never bothered them at all. However, the loud bangs that we are still getting more than 2 months after the long weekend sure as hell bother me.

Huzzah Hargraves!!!!!! All of you fire work lovers can now shove off. My dogs can now rest over the Queens Weekend.

captainwhorebags11:44 pm 24 Aug 09

Restricting supply has certainly done wonders for illicit drugs in this country.


do we atleast get to watch them dispose of all the ‘handed in’ fireworks?

ahappychappy said :

Isn’t it illegal to LET OFF the fireworks outside the permitted period? I cannot see any problems with storing un-used fireworks until next years permitted period, not everyone has illegal intentions.

what part of it is now illegal to light or possess fireworks didn’t you understand?

don’t you ever remember your mother or teachers saying “if you can’t play with something properly together, nobody can play with it”, that’s exactly what has happened. They’ve been clamping down for years warning if people didn’t use them properly, they would ban them. Unfortunately, a fair percentage of people who purchased fireworks still refused to use them properly or they let their children have access to them which normally ended up with people’s property being destroyed. No sympathy.

Dud poll choices! What about those of us who want neither?

Confusedwouldwe9:58 pm 24 Aug 09

Re: SheepGroper (#3)

Maybe we can have a bogan by-back scheme to compensate the poor buggers. 🙂

someoneincanb9:25 pm 24 Aug 09

Bother, now I feel compelled to start using fireworks in protest. Sick and tired of over-legislation.

I imagine that this will be unpopular, but I think that it’s the right decision. The Queen’s Birthday weekend is awful.

astrojax said :

where’s the survey response ‘i would rather have fireworks consume john hargreaves’?


I’ve met Hargreaves a number of times, and would prefer that it was a lower number… he’s a philistine of the highest order.

Hargreaves must be getting people back for picking on him over the Fringe Festival.

I wonder how much revenue the Government will loose from the Firework Seller Fees & GST from the sales of fireworks? Or even how what the lost will be from a drop in tourists visiting ACT relatives who buy & blow up fireworks?

I always thought that a lot of the illegal fireworks came from the same source as the legal ones. You just had to ask the right question when purchasing them. At least that’s how you did it 10 or so years ago.

Fireworks used to be fun in the good old days. The legal one’s are now, or were, just like lighting a fart.

about bloody time

lobster said :

Thunder and lightning storms also sacre my dog. Are these also illegal now?

Yep. Climate change isn’t happening. The government just banned rain and storms.

P.S. The boring brigade are taking over the city. Soon the only excitement in the city will be dodging the heroin addict window washers at the traffic lights.

Deadmandrinking6:53 pm 24 Aug 09

Now onto XXX porn and criminalizing marijuana?

John Hargreaves: The man who killed Canberra.

No more cracker night.

One of the only things from my childhood that up to now weren’t screwed up by self-government.

If people break the law then they should be arrested – oh wait, that’s right, we don’t enough police – they’re all too busy sitting by the side of the road raising revenue for a really CRAP government.

BTW the RSPCA should have campaigned for a ban of cars – they kill hundreds of animals every year. (Reality check needed here)

Missed the obvious joke in your poll options, that is whether we’d prefer Hargreaves to consume fireworks.
Subtle, but important. 😉

Hargreaves is the laughing stock of the muppet show (legislative assembly), and that’s saying something. I wonder how he’d react to a ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol.

I have one thing to say to Hargreaves – Die in Hell “”(You can make up this word)

My dog is also scared by vacuum cleaners and by the postmans motorbike. These should also be banned.

Of course this brilliant response will instantly solve the problem of the idiots getting their ideas off the internet to carry on causing destrution. “Soda stream bombs” and the like will allow those who do the wrong thing to carry on regardless, whilst Joe Public gets nailed as the bad guy yet again.

Hargreaves, thy name is idiot.

There are whispers that Christmas is next.

The consumer Fireworks sold were not capable of blowing up letterboxes

Wanna bet? You just need to know how explosives work.

Even if you don’t really know how explosives work, you can do damage with “consumer” fireworks. There is just a much higher risk of injury to oneself. A student at my old school managed to blow his old mans shed up, unfortunately he lost an eye and part of his brain for his efforts.

Ask a person who has lost a wife or child to a drunk driver…

How do you know neither has happened to me?

Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.

trickyxr said :

Bloody stupid Goverment

So all you do gooders think that the ban of cosumer fireworks will stop all the problems during the queens birthday weekend, Wrong, Why you ask, Well all the people that had illegal fireworks will still have them and the people that sell them will have more people to sell them to. I am sure the banning of consumer fireworks will create a larger market for illegal fireworks, You wait next year will be worse than the last few years.

Well if people were smart enough, they will dob people in that use them illegally. It must be a boring life if you have to spice it up and let off fireworks….so thrilling…

Why should we be different to other states?

Good on him for getting them banned. I’m sick and tired of damage to property around Tuggeranong not to mention my pets going crazy when they are let off. I don’t have a problem with fireworks, just the idiots who misuse them. They have wrecked it for everyone else.

They should put on a big event like Skyfire over that long weekend – I’m sure that would be fun.

Thunder and lightning storms also sacre my dog. Are these also illegal now?

Trunking symbols3:48 pm 24 Aug 09

Can’t you still buy them from overseas on the Net? Or can the pooches sniff them out?

Deano said :

Yep, they just visited their friends in Canberra on the right weekend.

After having every post box within a 2km radius destroyed by vandals with fireworks I totally support the ban. Maybe now Australia Post will consider replacing them.

Or brought them from backyard suppliers… You know the sort, the ones which don’t have any sort of quality control…

Some of the fireworks that I could have very easily purchased in years gone by where in no way legal, as such they would have been either smuggled in to the country illegally, or home made.

Something tells me that if you already didn’t follow the conditions in your permit, you probably won’t care too much about buying some illegal fireworks from a bloke down at the pub.

Honestly, how can anyone enjoy consumer fireworks? You would have to be brain dead to enjoy watching a spark fly 3 meters in the air.

And while I’m at it skyfire is a waste of time and money. FM104.7 would be better spending their money on some new music. Once you have seen one fireworks display you have seen them all.

well one of the two justifications I have for living here is now gone…

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy3:03 pm 24 Aug 09

jakez said :

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

jakez said :

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

I actually really like fireworks, and thoroughly enjoy letting them off on the cold Saturday night with the kiddies rugged up watching, but with the number of losers who can’t do the right thing, I’m happy to forgo that pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I think it would be more accurate to state that you are happy to forgo MY pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I have to be really, really honest here. YOUR pleasure never really came into it. 🙂

Which is exactly my point. You cloaked your decision as if it were a personal one. You discussed ‘your’ pleasure. What you are really doing is making a decision on everyone’s pleasure, not just yours. That you did not consciously (I assume) realise this only makes you normal and not a complete sociapath.

It is what it is. ‘I’ am happy to forgo fireworks to reduce putting up with others’ stupidity. The comment was unrelated to other sensible fireworks users, even though the issue is wider than just the idiots and I.

Gungahlin Al3:01 pm 24 Aug 09

I notice he didn’t put that announcement out before the community cabinet do in Harrison on Saturday. Would definitely have had words with him…

Now where are all the others? Ducking for cover I’ll bet.

Excellent – now fireworks will be cheaper.

We will be able to let them off the year round, rather then the weekend of concentrated whingeing.

About bloody time 🙂

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

jakez said :

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

I actually really like fireworks, and thoroughly enjoy letting them off on the cold Saturday night with the kiddies rugged up watching, but with the number of losers who can’t do the right thing, I’m happy to forgo that pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I think it would be more accurate to state that you are happy to forgo MY pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I have to be really, really honest here. YOUR pleasure never really came into it. 🙂

Which is exactly my point. You cloaked your decision as if it were a personal one. You discussed ‘your’ pleasure. What you are really doing is making a decision on everyone’s pleasure, not just yours. That you did not consciously (I assume) realise this only makes you normal and not a complete sociapath.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy2:58 pm 24 Aug 09

fnaah said :

Good call, Jakez.

VYBerlina, with the number of drink drivers doing the wrong thing, would you be happy to forgo the pleasure of a frosty cold beer to get drunk drivers off the road?

No, didn’t think so.

Ask a person who has lost a wife or child to a drunk driver…

The last time I bought fireworks, was from my mate in high school. Ive never bought fireworks either legally or from a legal vendor. I doubt kids have changed any over the decades. Seriously, if someone is going to blow up a mailbox or damage property, it wont be with a sparkler or a whirly bird, it will be with a quarter stick or something else that as already mentioned is already illegal.

Interestingly, my dogs arent really bothered by fireworks, theyve come to accept it. However, loud cars and idiots out at all hours in the street really stir them up. Can we assume that the government will be banning loud cars next, or will that rub too many voters the wrong way… heck, wont this rub voters the wrong way anyway?

I also wonder what the chances are of Hargreaves mailbox surviving next queens birthday? Or even lasting that long?

In any case, if it is not consumer fireworks that are being used, then why is most of the damage done around the Queen’s birthday weekend?

Correlation is not causation.
Kids blow shit up at all times, but its both more noticable at that time, but kids with an interest in blowing shit up now have a higher incidence of bangs to compare and compete with.

Hmm what’s to go next, the Candle festival ? Christmas ? New year’s eve ? soon we’ll be as boring as the rest of the country thinks we are.

harvyk1 said :

Who does he think he’s kidding?

The people who let off fireworks which damage property (which technically was already illegal) I doubt they actually brought from legal sources.

Even in NSW where it has been illegal for years people still seem to be able to get hold of, and then let off fireworks easily enough…

Good call.. We should ban handguns, drugs, speeding, burglary and murder too. Then our problems would be solved.

There was a big boom on Sat night in Tuggers – and it was a hell of a lot louder than any store bought cracker. Even made the windows shake….

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. And ordinary families who used the fireworks properly didn’t squeak enough.

Bloody stupid Goverment

So all you do gooders think that the ban of cosumer fireworks will stop all the problems during the queens birthday weekend, Wrong, Why you ask, Well all the people that had illegal fireworks will still have them and the people that sell them will have more people to sell them to. I am sure the banning of consumer fireworks will create a larger market for illegal fireworks, You wait next year will be worse than the last few years.

Now that fireworks are gone, the only reason my mates have to travel to Canberra is porn. Canberra = porn and fireworks RIP.

Awww, I liked fireworks. Another thing I looked forward to as a child that my kids won’t ever be able to experience…

What a joke yet more nanny state legislation. I’ll still let off some fire works on the weekend they can get stuffed.

I kind of agree with CK. We had fireworks going off again over the weekend. Personally I don’t care either way regarding the ban, but the blame the eff wits not the government. Unless a patrol car happened to be passing, there is no chance that these morons would get caught (or blow themselves up)

Joe said :

Deano- The consumer Fireworks sold were not capable of blowing up letterboxes. These are some sort of other devices, from some other illegall source, and simply just because fireworks are now band, that this will stop.

No, a single consumer firework won’t blow up a post box by itself but it’s a pretty simple matter to empty the explosive out of many, put it in a solid container, attach a fuse, light and insert into the nearest post box. Even sparklers can be made into powerful explosives if you get enough of them.

In any case, if it is not consumer fireworks that are being used, then why is most of the damage done around the Queen’s birthday weekend?

Sorry but 365 days without a postbox is much more inconvenient than 2 days without crackers.

Joe said :

So are we going to ban the dogs that bark all night and keep us awake? Or conviently poo on our front lawns ? Tell me whats next?

Umm, they already are actually.

ahappychappy said :

I cannot see any problems with storing un-used fireworks until next years permitted period, not everyone has illegal intentions.

Ask your local firey about what they think of the idea of each house fire they attend potentially involving a cache of fireworks.

jakez said :

It would be almost worth breaking the law simply to let some off outside Hargreaves house the night after the ban takes affect.

And you wonder why he wants to ban them, sheesh.

Good call, Jakez.

VYBerlina, with the number of drink drivers doing the wrong thing, would you be happy to forgo the pleasure of a frosty cold beer to get drunk drivers off the road?

No, didn’t think so.

Holden Caulfield2:17 pm 24 Aug 09

I am anti-fireworks, so am happy with this decision. However, the brain farts that have stuffed this up for the sensible by not playing within the rules are still going to find ways to make arseholes of themselves.

Do you really think they’re the type to follow the amnesty, or do you reckon they’ll be having a bit of a free for all while they use up the existing stocks?

THE GOOD OLD DAYS ARE GONE FOR SURE NOW! now what are they going to ban next?

Maybe public holidays need to be banned, for many in the community they are about damage to property, distress and injury to animals, domestics, getting on the piss and public nuisance. In the past they has also resulted in significant government and community resources being tied up to deal with incidents over long weekends.

Pommy bastard2:08 pm 24 Aug 09

I cannot be alone in thinking allowing fireworks AT ALL in Aus is sheer lunacy?

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy2:03 pm 24 Aug 09

jakez said :

It would be almost worth breaking the law simply to let some off outside Hargreaves house the night after the ban takes affect.

It’s not like you would get caught anyway…

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy2:02 pm 24 Aug 09

jakez said :

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

I actually really like fireworks, and thoroughly enjoy letting them off on the cold Saturday night with the kiddies rugged up watching, but with the number of losers who can’t do the right thing, I’m happy to forgo that pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I think it would be more accurate to state that you are happy to forgo MY pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I have to be really, really honest here. YOUR pleasure never really came into it. 🙂

Stock up on cake-decorations and duct tape about a month before QB. 😉

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy said :

I actually really like fireworks, and thoroughly enjoy letting them off on the cold Saturday night with the kiddies rugged up watching, but with the number of losers who can’t do the right thing, I’m happy to forgo that pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I think it would be more accurate to state that you are happy to forgo MY pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

I for one believe that this will be the prohibition that works. Once we get rid of that pesky ‘internet’ then people will just have no idea how to get their hands on explosive and incendiary devices.

…what? Home made? Extremely dangerous? Easy to get or make?

It would be almost worth breaking the law simply to let some off outside Hargreaves house the night after the ban takes affect.

ahappychappy1:36 pm 24 Aug 09

Deano said :

It always was illegal to have fireworks outside of the permitted period. The only people holding fireworks are those who intended to use them illegally.

And what do you think would have happened? A surge in purchases as everyone stocks up before they became unavailable perhaps.

After having every post box within a 2km radius destroyed by vandals with CRACKERS I totally support the ban. Maybe now Australia Post will consider replacing them.

Wow, pessimists like yourself are the people who ruin these sort of things for everyone.

Isn’t it illegal to LET OFF the fireworks outside the permitted period? I cannot see any problems with storing un-used fireworks until next years permitted period, not everyone has illegal intentions.

If we were allowed next years fireworks as “the last one” then there would probably be quite an entertaining weekend. Sure, most people would buy more fireworks, but I just said, not everyone has illegal intentions. Most would just buy more knowing that this is the last weekend they can legally let them off and go out with a bang!

As for the postbox comments… the crackers/explosives (I won’t call them fireworks because they’re not) used to blow them up are illegal regardless of the laws on fireworks. So this ban on the sale of fireworks will not have ANY effect on the vandalism of your precious postboxes.

What ever happened to the fun in Canberra? With so many whistleblowers/minorities getting so much power soon the Liberal’s will be able to run the ACT from the opposition! Everything seems to get taken away because someone has a problem with it.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy1:30 pm 24 Aug 09

Clown Killer said :

I think that the Government had little choice really. Once you’ve got a stated position that basically says … “If you can’t behave sensibly within the law then we’ll have to look at banning them” and you combine it with a community that includes the sort of idiots that simply can’t behave sensibly with fireworks then this is a logical consequence.

It has little to do with the people who have a thing for blowing up post boxes … that’s just a diversion. This is about the twits who can’t help themselves and simply have set off their fireworks outside of the allowable times, or in the wrong place or in some other way, contrary to the conditions of their permit – they’re the ones who have denied the rest of us the simple pleasure of fireworks.

I tend to agree with this. The reality is that it isn’t just a small minority that’s doing the wrong thing, it’s actually quite a number of people. The noise, damage, cruelty to animals and general moron behaviour associated with fireworks means that the government really did have to act.

I actually really like fireworks, and thoroughly enjoy letting them off on the cold Saturday night with the kiddies rugged up watching, but with the number of losers who can’t do the right thing, I’m happy to forgo that pleasure in favour of safer (and nicer) community.

Well I am an old guy and think the government intrudes far too much into our private lives. Yes there were some problems but I just can not see why they could not be tolerated for the sake of the many. Yes I have a dog and think the constant carping about how they are affected is more about owners than the animals. I don’t buy fireworks and have not let any of for probably 30 years my point is the constant increasing restriction. So JH’s cat can have a quiet queen’ birthday weekend great. When will thunderstorms and kids toy drums be banned I ask?

Bloody kill joys.

where’s the survey response ‘i would rather have fireworks consume john hargreaves’?

So now everyone who let off fireworks previously will just go on holidays for the long weekend, instead of having family or whoever brough into the capital.

We had animals mutalated last week, idiots are going to be idiots no matter what weapons they arm themselves with. Without fireworks any untrustworthy 14 year old is just going to find something on the internet to countinue blowing up the letterboxes with more power/more unpredictable results.

I call shenanigans!!!!

Deano- The consumer Fireworks sold were not capable of blowing up letterboxes. These are some sort of other devices, from some other illegall source, and simply just because fireworks are now band, that this will stop.

So how about we ban alcohol?

Alcohol related injuries and deaths cost us more then fireworks ever did. Do we ban alcohol because of those idiots who abuse it? No.

This is just another example of a minority over exaggerating the facts, and destroying something that 95% of fireworks users who did the right thing.

So are we going to ban the dogs that bark all night and keep us awake? Or conviently poo on our front lawns ? Tell me whats next?

Next thing you know we won’t be able to leave our homes.

In the end, its the people who do the right thing that are punished.

Secret Squirrel12:56 pm 24 Aug 09

Looks like Hargreaves isn’t the only fun police, hey Deano?

They were great with kids, and a large majority of people abided by the laws. As usual, the 1% wrecks it for the rest of us (the 1% AND the Gov I spose).

DarkLadyWolfMother said :

The lack of compensation is certainly lousy.

No need for compensation as those that purchased fireworks were supposed to have already used them on the long weekend.

Well done to all the idiots out there that broke the rules !

You’ve stuffed it for yourself just as much as everyone else.

SheepGroper said :

I’m anti fireworks, but I do think it’s unfair to spring this on people who bought their fireworks under the old regime.

It always was illegal to have fireworks outside of the permitted period. The only people holding fireworks are those who intended to use them illegally.

SheepGroper said :

Surely it would have been better to announce the upcoming Queen’s Birthday as being the last and allow people to use up their explosives?

And what do you think would have happened? A surge in purchases as everyone stocks up before they became unavailable perhaps.

harvyk1 said :

Even in NSW where it has been illegal for years people still seem to be able to get hold of, and then let off fireworks easily enough…

Yep, they just visited their friends in Canberra on the right weekend.

After having every post box within a 2km radius destroyed by vandals with fireworks I totally support the ban. Maybe now Australia Post will consider replacing them.

Clown Killer12:32 pm 24 Aug 09

I think that the Government had little choice really. Once you’ve got a stated position that basically says … “If you can’t behave sensibly within the law then we’ll have to look at banning them” and you combine it with a community that includes the sort of idiots that simply can’t behave sensibly with fireworks then this is a logical consequence.

It has little to do with the people who have a thing for blowing up post boxes … that’s just a diversion. This is about the twits who can’t help themselves and simply have set off their fireworks outside of the allowable times, or in the wrong place or in some other way, contrary to the conditions of their permit – they’re the ones who have denied the rest of us the simple pleasure of fireworks.

damm fun police.

barking toad12:26 pm 24 Aug 09

Can just imagine all the kiddies lining up to hand over the cache of crackers.

Looks like there’ll be some exploding nights ahead

Hargreaves record: Griffith library, the Fringe Festival and now fireworks.

Perhaps that special someone is in his office trying to find the good things about the ACT and kill them off, one by one.

DarkLadyWolfMother12:17 pm 24 Aug 09

The lack of compensation is certainly lousy. Giving folks one more year to ‘use up’ any leftovers and letting them know that there would be an (uncompensated) amnesty after that would be more fair.

Or compensating people. That might be fair too.

What a kill-joy.

Why not focus on fixing real problems in the ACT rather than destroying the few good things about this place.

Who does he think he’s kidding?

The people who let off fireworks which damage property (which technically was already illegal) I doubt they actually brought from legal sources.

All that will happen is that we will see less “pretty” fireworks, and more “loud bang where did my letterbox go” type fireworks.

Even in NSW where it has been illegal for years people still seem to be able to get hold of, and then let off fireworks easily enough…

I’m anti fireworks, but I do think it’s unfair to spring this on people who bought their fireworks under the old regime.

Surely it would have been better to announce the upcoming Queen’s Birthday as being the last and allow people to use up their explosives?

Just as Ahab finally avenged his leg, Hargreaves has today avenged his kitten.
from hell’s heart he stabs; for hate’s sake he spits his last breath…

I do hope he runs next election, just so we can put him last on the ballot.
I mean, only 49% of people surveyed were in favour of a ban.

Its nice that once the people in charge age beyond having fun with their own children, they seem keen to deprive others of enjoying such things.
(Stanhope has previously been in favour of greater regulation instead of outright bans, citing actually having fun with children.
http://www.canberratimes.com.au/news/local/news/general/stanhope-stands-up-for-fireworks/1537628.aspx )

Hargreaves on the other hand, has a black and shrivelled heart, which only pumps its putrescent ichor once per year.

captainwhorebags11:53 am 24 Aug 09


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