Last Monday we sent two questions in to the Canberra Liberals and can’t say the answers were entirely satisfactory.
Question 1:
The first one was why the Electoral Commission has the same home phone number for Zed Seselja and Merinda Nash.
Having been promised that our question had been forwarded to the appropriate person there has been deathly silence.
Question 2:
The second one was kicked off by our parking segment from 5 August, particularly Item 9:

At the time this prompted a response from the Liberals:
Building works are ongoing at Trinity Christian School.
As a result this car park has been temporarily reduced in size, to around 10 spaces.
Therefore the school has maintained one disabled car parking spot and the rest have been temporarily reassigned for general use by parents and visitors to the school.
The car parking space in question is one of those that have been temporarily reassigned during the building process.
This lead Snowy to send us a page of the schools’ newsletter, particularly this snippet:

With a heavy heart we pitched this back to the Liberals and got this reply:
Thanks for your email, however our earlier response still remains. This can be clarified by the school.
Building works are ongoing at Trinity Christian School.
As a result this car park has been temporarily reduced in size, to around 10 spaces.
Therefore the school has maintained one disabled car parking spot and the rest have been temporarily reassigned for general use by parents and visitors to the school.
The car parking space in question is one of those that have been temporarily reassigned during the building process.
Having twice emailed the school’s contact address about this we have also had no reply.
Omertà comes to Canberra!
As always we eagerly await answers and will update you dear reader should any be forthcoming.