A view from Warrego Circuit of the proposed RSL Lifecare retirement village in Kaleen. Images: AMC Architecture.
RSL LifeCare has revised down its plans to expand its retirement village on Warrego Circuit in Kaleen after opposition to the previous proposal in 2022.
The new $35 million proposal reduces the building heights on the Warrego Circuit frontage for its expansion of Bullecourt Village to two storeys down from four and the number of dwellings to 83.
The 2022 development application planned for two buildings of four and six storeys and 93 units, but residents in suburban homes opposite the village objected. They said it was too big and imposing and would lead to overshadowing, reduced privacy, increased traffic and put pressure on parking in the area.
The most recent iteration will still rise to six storeys but there will now be 11 two-storey townhouses along Warrego Crescent.
The DA says the proposed transition ranging from two to six storeys aims to respect the scale of adjacent residential areas and minimise potential overshadowing and privacy impacts.
The previous proposal ended up in the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal where residents and RSL Lifecare reached a mediated settlement, from which this DA was born.
Warrego Circuit resident Jason Moore said RSL Lifecare employed a new architect to come up with a more suitable proposal.
“This one is actually better and they spent some sessions with us to make sure it is OK from Warrego Circuit,” he said.

What the previous proposal looked like on Warrrego Circuit.
The townhouses and two apartment blocks containing 72 units take up almost 9000 square metres of the 17,526sqm Block 8 Section 85.
The DA says they will be connected by a two-storey “partially sleeved” podium carpark offering 125 spaces.
The apartments will be a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom homes.
The proposal also includes includes a community centre, ground floor and podium landscaping, and a laneway to the rear of the townhouses fronting Warrego Circuit.
Access will be from Cordelia Court and the existing verge crossing from Ellenborough Street.
Extensive landscaping is proposed including native plantings, gardens and shade trees, with pedestrian pathways across the site.
Of the 125 parking spaces on-site, 90 will be over two levels at the base of the apartment buildings, 22 as garages/carports to the townhouses and 13 for visitors. This includes two accessible parking spaces within the multi-level car park.
Twelve indented parallel parking spaces along the site frontage on Warrego Circuit and one on-site car wash bay are also proposed.
Comment on the DA closes on 27 March.