[First filed: September 22, 2008 @ 11:14
Second filing: September 23, 2008 @ 11:04]

After a much needed week off the RiotACT Sim Challenge is rumbling back into gear with the Greens’ young gun James Higgins taking up cudgels at All Bar Nun this Thursday night to show the world just how he’d go about running a city.
All welcome from seven to shout unhelpful advice to the candidate while drinking the night away and offering helpful advice to Riot overlords in a forum in which it is welcome.
Candidates yet to participate who feel they are clever, attractive, and competent enough to take on the challenge should contact us to book a time.
As for the rest, why are you bothering to stand for elected office if this is too much for you?
UPDATED: Just an extra reminder that we’re doing this tonight and look forward to meeting any of you who haven’t made it yet.