23 October 2013

Vinyl Lounge at the NFSA

| Barcham
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Think music sounded better before it was all digital? Miss the ritual of setting the needle down? Or do you just feel nostalgic about the smell of a vinyl collection?

Whatever the case may be, this will probably interest you:

NFSA sound archivists Graham McDonald and Thorsten Kaeding are passionate about their vinyl records. Those in the NFSA’s collection, and in their own collections.

This Sunday they will launch the Vinyl Lounge at the NFSA in Canberra.

In the newly renovated Theatrette: a turntable, a beautiful sound system, a collection of favourite records, and two very knowledgeable sound archivists.

They are inviting other lovers of vinyl to come and join them. Bring your favourite records and talk, and listen, and talk, and listen, and ask questions and discuss, and above all ENJOY the wonderful world of analogue.

This Sunday 27 October, 2.15pm – 3.15pm, the Theatrette at the NFSA. It’s friendly and free.

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