The Health Directorate has given warning that they’re cutting up a pedestrian bridge they don’t like at the hospital next week:
“Construction on the Canberra Region Cancer Centre ‘topped out’ in September – meaning the structure reached its highest peak,” Dr Brown said.
“To allow for continued construction and installation of the facade of the new building, an unused pedestrian link bridge between the southern end of Building 3 and the former Psychiatric Services Unit needs to be removed,” Dr Brown continued.
The demolition will involve a concrete saw cutting the concrete which forms the walkway of the pedestrian bridge into manageable pieces which will then be removed.
Dr Brown acknowledged that the demolition work may cause some level of inconvenience for staff, patients and visitors in close proximity to the works.
“The Health Directorate acknowledges that the demolition work, adjacent to fully operational facilities, has the potential to cause some level of disruption, however we are doing everything we can to ensure the least amount of disruption possible, while also ensuring the safety of all patients, visitors and staff on the campus.
“We apologise in advance for any inconvenience and thank patients, visitors and staff for their patience as we work to build the new Canberra Region Cancer Centre,” Dr Brown concluded.