The Canberra Times brings news of plans to develop a factory seconds outlet at the airport. Remember the Orange Grove imbroglio in Sydney?
The Shopping Centre Council of Australia, which represents the owners of Westfield Belconnen, Woden Plaza, the Canberra Centre and Tuggeranong Hyperdome, said the proposal by Canberra Airport had the potential to draw business away from existing retail areas and create an additional town centre which had never been planned.
And the ALP’s man on the spot had this to say:
“I’m not opposed to this type of retailing in the ACT; this is just the wrong place for it to go,” he said. “The ACT is soon to release a block of land in Fyshwick for exactly this type of development and having it at the airport it will be isolated from other retail areas, it’s simply poor planning.”
As usual Simon, you’re too slow. The airport isn’t a great location, but they’re planning to offer 85% lower rents. Something that can be afforded when the developer doesn’t have to jump through your arcane planning hoops and make “suitable donations” to the local ALP. Currently bus operators are able to organise day tours to factory outlets in Sydney, now there’s a great planning outcome!