The Canbera Times has this mind-fcuking ramble about a ‘new-breed’ of criminals being developed Darwinian style, by people who drive their vehicles whilst suspended, after not paying infringements.
Although I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment behind this argument (giving those on the economic margins a leg-up), I do not think that the jerry mandering of laws is such a wise move. The chance to enter into a court agreed payback of fines is already in place, so is the chance for drivers to gain work permits. But deliberately oweing a couple of grand, is a move that is a deliberate well thought ‘plan’, believe me.
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But first, let me clarify a few things. I am not one of these pious wankers who have never broken these laws. Through my own process of taking a selective interpretation of the laws of this great nation, I fully realise that the decision to park in one area, as opposed to another where one is not allowed is a
Giving the lazy, stupid and ineffective a chance to perfect their techniques to eliminate themselves (and ourselves) from the gene pool is a joke.
Yes, this is Ssanta speaking, not JB. I had to take a leaf out of hos book today.