I’ve found this interesting piece from the BBC’s Nick Bryant on our beloved(?) city.
- I should state from the outset that I don’t happen to agree with the hoary old joke that the best view of the city comes in the rear-view mirror as you head back to Sydney or Melbourne. Parts of it are stunningly beautiful.
But on a national scorecard that is replete with green and gold stars, you are left with the feeling that Canberra merits only a “could do better”.
Put another way, if cities were cars then Melbourne would probably be an Audi (a European feel, well designed and well engineered) and Sydney would probably be a 1970s MG convertible (a bit flash, fabulous in the summer, but prone to occasional breakdowns)
Canberra has something of the Skoda about it, albeit with some pretty fancy add-ons, like the new Parliament House which celebrates its 21st birthday this very week.
I thought this was a reasonably balanced article, but what do people think? Could (or should) Canberra “do better” ?