LSWCHP has noticed something a that seems a little disturbing happening in the North, anyone else spotted this?
Driving through Dunlop today on Kerrigan circuit I noticed that many of the safety signs on the road had been smashed to the ground, as shown in the attached image. There must’ve been over a dozen signs damaged in a similar way in the space of a kilometer or so.
I’ve noticed this happening all over Belco lately. And in Kaleen, the safety barriers on a pedestrian island near Kaleen Plaza have likewise been smashed over.
It seems to be a recent thing, as though some bunch of lackwitted hoods have decided to suddenly start a rampage of stupidity against signage.
These things are made out of fairly stout looking metal, so it’s no small effort on the part of the morons involved to do this. I’m not even sure how it would be done. It looks like a large vehicle like a truck has actually been driven over the top of this particular sign.Has anybody noticed this elsewhere in Canberra, or is it isolated to Belconnen?