31 January 2025

Both of Canberra's 'green' fire trucks off the road for repairs

| James Coleman
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Fire truck

The truck cost $1.6 million, or about $700,000 more than a conventional diesel-powered pumper in the ACT Fire & Rescue fleet. Photo: ESA.

Canberra’s green fire-fighting machines – a plug-in hybrid Rosenbauer and fully electric Volvo – are both out of action for repairs, according to the Emergency Services Agency (ESA).

The German-built Rosenbauer pumper truck is waiting on a part to arrive from Europe, while the electric Volvo Breathing Apparatus (BA) support truck is back with Volvo in Brisbane to fix a fault.

The Rosenbauer was delivered to ACT Fire & Rescue in June 2023 at a cost of $1.6 million, heralded as “ground-breaking technology” and the first of its kind in the southern hemisphere.

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It features a battery that can provide two hours of general-duty driving before the engine kicks in, providing a total range of about 1000 km.

Cameras also replace rear-view mirrors, the air in the cabin is recycled through high-efficiency particulate filters to keep it clean and free from outside dust and smoke, and the whole vehicle can hydraulically lower itself for easier access by firefighters.

However, all this technology remained unused for more than a year due to issues with the truck’s procurement process.

The ACT’s Auditor-General found the ESA “did not adequately assess the value-for-money of the vehicle prior to ordering it”.

The agency then had to “complete and implement a comprehensive evaluation plan and training plan” before the pumper finally started work in 2024.

ACTFR electric pumper

ACTF&R chief officer Matthew Mavity with the truck soon after it arrived in the ACT in June 2023. Photo: Claire Fenwicke.

According to the ESA, it’s on leave again due to the failure of a “significant” part.

ESA commissioner Wayne Phillips told ABC radio this morning (29 January) crews discovered a problem with the “primer” inside the truck’s main water hose pump during routine checks.

“Unfortunately, [it’s] the time of the year that it failed and the availability of parts,” he said of the delay.

While it’s “not unusual” for multiple trucks to attend the same emergency, he also confirmed other trucks are required to accompany the hybrid one in case it doesn’t work as intended.

“There’s a bit of that … but also what’s happening is that we’re training firefighters as well, so we’re reaching 80 per cent capacity of firefighters being trained on the truck.”

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The truck was purchased under the previous ESA commissioner, Georgeina Whelan, to help the agency meet the ACT Government’s net-zero emissions target by 2045.

Former Emergency Services Minister Mick Gentleman said this would require replacing “something like 300 vehicles” in the fleet.

That’s also why the ESA signed a $12.78 million deal with Volvo in 2022 to purchase up to seven zero-emissions emergency service vehicles. The first is the fully electric BA truck, which will be delivered in November 2023.

This, too, is currently back with Volvo to “rectify a fault that was picked up during acceptance testing here in the ACT”, according to the ESA.

“Once Volvo Group hands the vehicle back over to the ESA, we will continue training and familiarisation of the vehicle with our staff before it is operational,” a spokesperson told Region.

The ESA didn’t say when the remaining six vehicles will be delivered, only that the “contract is still in place.”

Electric truck

The fully electric Volvo BA truck arrived in November 2023 on board another fully electric Volvo prime mover. Photo: James Coleman.

Mr Phillips reiterated that the hybrid Rosenbauer remains “a good piece of kit”.

“We were quite courageous … to go out and get this fire truck, and with that comes a lot of lessons, comes a lot of training,” he said.

“We’ve shared those lessons, we’ve shared our training package with other fire services … The next electric fire truck will come in a lot smoother.”

He said crews from fire services all over the country have visited the ACT to see it, and all recognise the long-term benefits.

“Firefighters, both our volunteer firefighters and our paid urban firefighters, are at the forefront of climate change, and we’ve seen that happen every day around the world, so anything we can reduce and do our part, we want to be a part of that,” he said.

Wayne Phillips

ESA commissioner Wayne Phillips. Photo: James Coleman.

He added that the hybrid’s lower floor is a win for firefighters too, who are often carrying in excess of 25 kg of gear, and the fact there are fewer diesel particulates “exploding out the back” into the closed spaces fire trucks often find themselves in.

Mr Phillips said delays in sourcing parts are likely to be ongoing due to the truck’s rarity.

“But if we’re having this conversation – and we won’t be – in 10 years’ time, the commentators will go ‘what a great idea bringing an electric fire truck it was back in 2023′”.

The hybrid truck will be relocated from ACT Fire and Rescue’s station in Charnwood to a new one in Acton “in the next few months”.

Last week, the ESA also signed a three-year contract with New Zealand company Fraser Engineering for four new urban pumpers, expected to arrive within the next three years.

Fraser Engineering is the supplier of all of the ACT’s Scania heavy pumpers as well as the electric Volvo BA truck.

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Broken buses, broken firetrucks, broken health system, failed HR system. This government has perfected the art of failure. Losers the lot of em

Saul Goodman4:34 am 31 Jan 25

its probably lost on the fossil fool shills and climate change deniers that diesel trucks and other ICE petrol cars also do need time out for servicing, repairs, maintenance – resulting in $$$ spent and time off the road.

Capital Retro8:25 am 31 Jan 25

But they don’t have to be trucked hundreds of kms to be fixed resulting in huge costs.

Big Difference, Transport Canberra has its own maintenance staff for non electric busses and its all done local. It also sounds like the electric busses have a bigger problem than routine maintenance.

Roger, Tracy10:46 am 31 Jan 25

To the manufacturer, who has determined the least cost method of fulfilling their warranty.

HiddenDragon9:21 pm 30 Jan 25

With today’s news that a few hundred million extra has to be found to prop-up a badly struggling ACT health system, with all other areas expected to find savings to cover that, it should be time to bring to an end “leading the nation”/”saving the planet” extravagances such as this – but that’s probably far too much to hope for.

The trucks that our brilliant government googled “electric fire trucks” to commence the procurement process, what a joke.

Labor are hopeless but the executive function of this government are every bit as useless!

Gotta love the green dream. Every facet of it ends in tears – energy users, transport users, households, you name it.

When one of those battery farms catches fire and spews carcinogenic smoke into the air – never fear, a lithium appliance will attend. Just don’t get it too close in case it too becomes a Roman candle

Yep, they’re catching fire all over the place except they’re not. So there’s that.

Capital Retro8:40 pm 29 Jan 25

Have you noticed that the battery factories have high walls around them?
Why would that be?

Capital Retro,
LOL, did you seriously just ask why large electricity installations have security and safety measures in place?

Hmm, probably to keep out the crazies.

Oh wow everyone stop using everything with a battery Capital has worked out…factories with chemicals often have security….lol Genius stuff as always.

Capital Retro1:22 pm 30 Jan 25

Hey Seano and chewy, I am not talking about wire fencing, I am talking about masonry slabs. Obviously you have not seen the one at Beard or artists’ impressions of the one being built at Williamsdale.
I can’t think of anyone who would want to go into one except the “crazies” who chewy knows.
What other threat could there be then? They are not enclosed over the top however so what’s the point in protecting the sides?
There is nothing more useless than a flat battery by the way.

What I like about it is when you make up stuff like this Capital it’s so easily defeated by a two-second Google search.

You know could do this yourself and reduce the number of times you beclown yourself but given you haven’t once again, a two-second Google search for “Tesla battery factory” reveals images with no such fences. lol

It’s not that a fence around a factory that uses chemicals and heavy machinery in the manufacturing process is unusual or an indicator of “Danger” for any product, but playing along with this claim (which is surely dumb enough to come straight from the maga-verse) is clearly and demonstrably nonsense.

Once again Capital, very silly…but good for a laugh.

“There is nothing more useless than a flat battery by the way.”…what about an empty gas tank or a dead planet?

“I can’t think of anyone who would want to go into one except the “crazies” who chewy knows.”

Just because we both comment on this website, I wouldn’t say i “know” you.

….except they’re not. Not a battery farm, but an out of control lithium battery fire:

Capital Retro9:02 pm 30 Jan 25

The fire wasn’t started deliberately so there is no point is securing big battery installations as they catch fire spontaneously anyway. No “crazies” needed.
Please note chewy and Seano.

One whole fire?

If only they had actual statistics on the prevalence of the causes of fires…..

Capital Retro10:57 am 31 Jan 25

About 10,000 in Australia involving lithium batteries in the last 12 months, chewy.
The same “causes” would not apply to other batteries.

“About 10,000 in Australia involving lithium batteries in the last 12 months, chewy.
The same “causes” would not apply to other batteries.”

How long is your nose now Captial? It must be getting hard to keep your head up.

So a tiny fraction of all fires per year then.

Strange that you seem so focused on lithium battery fires whilst totally ignoring all the other fires.

Almost like you’re not actually interested in the reality of the risks.

Everything sky news says must be right hey CR?

Is that why your allergic to google? You already have the ‘source of truth’…. ha ha ha ha

@Capital Retro
Wow – with all of those lithium-ion battery fires, I am sure you have tossed away (safely, of course) your mobile phone, your digital camera and the many rechargeable household items which use them for primary or backup power.

Heaven forbid that you should ever need a pacemaker, hearing aid or another of the many medical devices that also use lithium-ion batteries.

“About 10,000 in Australia involving lithium batteries in the last 12 months”…if this were even close to true this would be huge news with the potential for harm and damage, virtually every country on the planet would be facing similar problems.

The scale of the falsity of this claim is enormous.

So what does claiming this say about Capital’s commentary in the battery/renewables/ev space?

Either he doesn’t have the critical thinking skills to parse nonsense information from wherever he’s getting it, or he does and doesn’t care about the truth.

Either way, his comments are best ignored.

First Busses then Fire Trucks what next Ambulances. Maybe slow down until technology improves.

Capital Retro5:01 pm 29 Jan 25

Gosh the road clearance on these trucks looks very small. They will have to slow down for the sump-ripping speed humps in Tuggeranong to avoid thermal runaways.

You’ll be happy to know that these new fandangled machines have adjustable clearances.

Amazing huh, I’m sure you were actually interested in the facts of course.

Capital Retro8:56 am 30 Jan 25

I new that chewy but I didn’t want to deny you the chance to bag me.

You “new” it hey?

Funny that you probably think your follow up comment makes you look better, when in reality, you just admitted that you deliberately post inaccurate information in support of your obvious anti-EV bias.

But we already “knew” that, didn’t we.

Capital Retro1:26 pm 30 Jan 25

There was nothing inaccurate about what I posted.
Look at the photo.
You may call it “anti-EV bias”. I call it “stating the bleeding obvious”

Adjustable clearances hey?
Are they swapping tyre sizes on the go? That’s pretty fancy….

Roger, Tracy2:54 pm 30 Jan 25

Ken M, air suspension was invented over 120 years ago, oleo-pneumatic over 70.

Keep up.

You posted that the clearances look small and would have trouble with road speed bumps.

Which is complete BS, because you’ve freely admitted that you already know the clearances are adjustable to suit different driving conditions. Which actually make these vehicles more versatile rather than less.

I believe they pump in hot air from people like CR to provide additional buoyancy.

Roger, Tracy2:58 pm 30 Jan 25

Capital Retro: “They will have to slow down for the sump-ripping speed humps in Tuggeranong to avoid thermal runaways”

Capital Retro: “There was nothing inaccurate about what I posted.”

Self contradiction and falsehood are insufficiently obvious to Capital Retro.

Capital Retro9:18 pm 30 Jan 25

From the ACT ESA website:
“Step-in instead of step-up. With a distance of just 260 mm between the road surface and the cabin floor in operational mode, it has never been easier to enter …”
I think the battery is lower but it’s very difficult to find facts amongst the spin.

Roger, Tracy9:43 am 31 Jan 25

As already mentioned, they have adjustable suspension. Busses and trucks have had it for ages, so do some cars and trains. Think of it like a camel getting down on its knees so it can be mounted more easily. T. E. Lawrence should be about your vintage.

Normally you seem happy to engage in your little trolling games and move on. This time you seem determined to prove how genuine is your ignorance.

Capital Retro10:55 am 31 Jan 25

More spin, but not enough to extinguish my fire.

“Step-in instead of step-up. With a distance of just 260 mm between the road surface and the cabin floor in operational mode, it has never been easier to enter …”

Do you even read your own tripe before posting?

“In operational mode”.

Almost like they have different modes for different conditions or something.

I know you like giving lessons in ignorance but this one is a masterclass.

And because you are keen on selectively googling, it’s strange you haven’t even managed to find the website of the company that makes them


All the required data and technical sheets are there for you to go nuts on.

Well hopefully not literally nuts, I know you’ve been eyeing off the security on those battery farms.

The question here isn’t about ICE vehicles vs EV’s, it’s the extent to which the ACT should be trialling leading edge equipment and how much value for money can be seen for expenditure in the area.

Which is exactly what the auditor general looked at in investigating the issues.

Only in the ACT would these ridiculous things be considered value for money. Electric buses with no range and now this. Ah well if you vote for idiots you shouldn’t be surprised when they do stupid things.

“Electric buses with no range”…how many ACT buses were driving over 400km without refuelling?

Any legitimate points the rabidly anti-progress ranters and Liberal party boosters might have are drowned out by hyperbolic nonsense.

You wonder why the electorate doesn’t listen…stuff like this isn’t helping.

Capital Retro4:57 pm 29 Jan 25

The ACTION Scania diesel buses have a fuel tank capacity of 300 litres which gives them about 900km driving.
Any other misinformation you want peer-reviewed while you are hot, Seano?

Not only not the point, but your drivel isn’t even accurate Captial (although why I’m surprised IDK, it’s par for the course with your commentary).

“The range of a Scania diesel bus depends on the size of the gas tank, traffic, and fuel quality. Scania diesel buses can have a range of 400–450 kilometers for low-floor and low-entry models, or 600–700 kilometers for articulated buses”


Peter Marshall of Braidwood criticised me for mentioning the cost and problems of buying these trucks with no cost/benefit analysis. Fortunately the Auditor General did not agree. These trucks are another example of the ACT government wasting taxpayer’s money. I would prefer two normal firetrucks for each electric one and the economics of putting out a fire twice as fast overrides the savings in emmissions

Rosenbauer is one of the largest manufacturers of fire-fighting vehicles in the world, they have been supplying their trucks across Australia for over 60 years, and established a sales and service office in Brisbane in 2017.

When the ACT government purchased this new Revolutionary Technology (RT) model, what agreement did they get from Rosenbauer regarding the stock of spare parts to be held in Brisbane for this new hybrid-electric model?

Christchurch Airport purchased an RT in 2023, expected to arrive this year, and Rosenbauer have sold 5 in Berlin, 4 in Basel, and 2 in Vienna. Plus they have supplied 6 of the modified RTX version across America and Canada.

But you guys keep voting for these numpties?

So, we (the taxpayer) are paying $1.6 million for a ‘good piece of kit’ that no-one knows how to operate and for which parts replacement are a rarity?

Capital Retro1:14 pm 29 Jan 25

“ground-breaking technology” = making bigger potholes, faster.

Capital Retro8:37 pm 29 Jan 25

I’ll spell it out for you.
All EVs weigh generally twice as much as their ICE counterparts. The heavier the vehicle the more damage it causes to the roads.
Are you with me or do you need me to give you another lesson?

Capital, champ what have we said about thinking first then posting?

“All EVs weigh generally twice as much as their ICE counterparts.” besides being bad at reasoning you’re really bad at maths. because no, they don’t.

30-40% is not “twice” as heavy champion…lol

Also, do I hear you calling for an end to RAM trucks Capital? They weigh more than Teslas.

The only thing you’re spelling out Capital, is another dumb point. Genius stuff as always.

The science of damage of road pavements due to axle loadings is well established and the damage is related to the 4th power of the axle loading.

Capital Retro1:31 pm 30 Jan 25

In case you haven’t noticed Beano, a RAM truck is twice as large as a Tesla. They have larger tyres too. Did you do physics at skool?
Try comparing a Tesla with a Toyota Camry perhaps.

Why would I Capital? Again, think first, then post but I’ll help you out this time…

They’re both using the same roads. I know right, mind blown. If weight is the issue, then I can compare EVs to any other passenger vehicles.

If EVs are an issue because of weight so are RAM trucks.

Protip: If you’re going to attempt to be condescending it helps to have a clue.

Looking forward to the usual green evangelists making an appearance to tell us electric vehicles are the way to go.

Sounds like another one of Chris Steels achievements.

The long term hope is that our short term memory persists

Looking forward to the usual suspects making an appearance from the universe where ICE trucks are never off the road for repairs.

GrumpyGrandpa2:30 pm 29 Jan 25

All of them?
It sounds very much like all 4 of the Denning Custom EV buses.
When the government is paying almost double the cost, and the Auditor General is having kittens, there’s a problem, regardless of whether you are an ICE or EV fan.

Tediously missing the point as expected. ICE vehicles, especially new models are just as likely to have teething issues.

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