19 September 2011

Cabinet OKs sale of Monash land to the Canberra Islamic Centre

| johnboy
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The Cabinet outcomes have been released from the 6 September meeting.

The biggie is this one:

Cabinet agreed to grant a lease by direct sale to the Canberra Islamic Centre Incorporated (CIC) over Block 4 Section 52 Monash. The land will be used as a place of worship, for religious associated use, as an ancillary cultural facility and as a community activity centre.

Nice to see that a suburb named after one of Australia’s most notable jews is not a problem.

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Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

Whats-his-face from the Norway massacre was a Muslim?

All the rioters in England recently were all Muslim?

News to me!

Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

That’s what I like to see; ignorance in full bloom, or are you trying for satire?

Jim Jones said :

milkman said :

Jim Jones said :

Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

Utter bollocks.

Islamic extremists are evil f%ks, but the idea that “Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day” is demonstrably false. There are stacks of stats on terrorist attacks, and the bulk aren’t committed by Islamic extremists, but by

A handy list of figures of attacks on US soil (and links to further stats, including global stats) is available from here: http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/

I guessing that second paragraph is meant to leave us hanging, right…?

My bad – oddly enough, the most terrorist events was by far from Latino groups.

As you pointed out, there’s a lot going on in the world that we don’t hear about.

milkman said :

Jim Jones said :

Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

Utter bollocks.

Islamic extremists are evil f%ks, but the idea that “Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day” is demonstrably false. There are stacks of stats on terrorist attacks, and the bulk aren’t committed by Islamic extremists, but by

A handy list of figures of attacks on US soil (and links to further stats, including global stats) is available from here: http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/

I guessing that second paragraph is meant to leave us hanging, right…?

My bad – oddly enough, the most terrorist events was by far from Latino groups.

Jim Jones said :

Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

Utter bollocks.

Islamic extremists are evil f%ks, but the idea that “Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day” is demonstrably false. There are stacks of stats on terrorist attacks, and the bulk aren’t committed by Islamic extremists, but by

A handy list of figures of attacks on US soil (and links to further stats, including global stats) is available from here: http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/

I guessing that second paragraph is meant to leave us hanging, right…?

Rawhide Kid Part310:10 am 20 Sep 11

dungfungus said :

“The land will be used as a place of worship”

Why don’t they drop the spin and call it a mosque – and it is happening by stealth without the usual public consultation.
Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley.

I don’t think so…. The Salvos are not allowed to do their band playing on a Sunday on a street corner any more.

Amazing the kind of comments that turn up whenever Islam is mentioned, in that it is completely immune from any kind of criticism. No-one dare say a word in protest, but the fact is that Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day. Today a Mosque, tomorrow Sharia Law, next week riots.

Utter bollocks.

Islamic extremists are evil f%ks, but the idea that “Islam is responsible for the vast majority of atrocities carried out across the world every day” is demonstrably false. There are stacks of stats on terrorist attacks, and the bulk aren’t committed by Islamic extremists, but by

A handy list of figures of attacks on US soil (and links to further stats, including global stats) is available from here: http://www.loonwatch.com/2010/01/not-all-terrorists-are-muslims/

Skidbladnir said :

•Interest and Penalties on Outstanding Rent have been waived off (Approx $52,000)

I’m curious (independent of religion): what criteria are appropriate to waive rent?
Can I get my rates waived?

Ben_Dover said :

dungfungus said :

Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley.

Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley at 2.00 pm.

The Azan, calls the Muslim to prayer five times a day. The call to prayer is heard at dawn, at the midday, about the middle of the afternoon, just after sunset, and at night fall about two hours after sunset.

The muezzin, a man appointed to call to prayer, climbs the mineret of the mosque, and he calls in all directions, “Hasten to prayer.” Many mosques no longer require the muezzin to climb the mineret. Instead, a loud speaker carries the message.

Frustrated said :

Christ, there is some ignorant comments being posted in here.

I have no problems with a mosque, if they are law abiding and peaceful….ie no extremists stuff.

I dont see people complaining when a catholic or other christian type denominations building their places of worship.

I think all religion is balony myself, but last I saw, this is a free country.

you just don’t understand how it works. muslims all support terrorism and oppressing women. catholics all support pedophilia. those are you two choices–pick a side. ignorance can be fun.

Christ, there is some ignorant comments being posted in here.

I have no problems with a mosque, if they are law abiding and peaceful….ie no extremists stuff.

I dont see people complaining when a catholic or other christian type denominations building their places of worship.

I think all religion is balony myself, but last I saw, this is a free country.

A bunch of people getting together to observe their religious beliefs – better get out the pitchforks like we do for the Christians, eh?

As has been ppointed out previously, the vast majority of religious people want to lives their lives with minimal hassle. You get the occasional nutter, just as you do in the non-religious context.

There has been a huge Islamic centre in Monash for many years. Majority of Muslims on the southside frequent the venue as it’s closer than the Canberra mosque in Yarralumla.

Who cares. This is not news.

2604 said :

Stevian said :

I’m very disappointed. I fully expected a few old hands (you know wno you are) to weigh in threatening insurection, blood in the streets, and other dire consequences to stem from this.

You serious? The RiotACT is so ridiculously liberal and politically correct that none of the “old hands” would dare say anything negative about this for fear of being labelled racist.

Unless its about Christians, then its a free for all.

damien haas said :

The Gungahlin plan has been ‘off’ for some months. the only issue was parking/access in the area proposed. Look at the Nicholls shops parking/access debacle and times it by about ten.

I didn’t know the Gungahlin Mosque project had been cancelled.

The Nicholls one was called off some time ago but as far as I knew the one on Valley Way was still a goer.

Have a got a link to any details of the cancellation of the Gungahlin one?

Stevian said :

I’m very disappointed. I fully expected a few old hands (you know wno you are) to weigh in threatening insurection, blood in the streets, and other dire consequences to stem from this.

You serious? The RiotACT is so ridiculously liberal and politically correct that none of the “old hands” would dare say anything negative about this for fear of being labelled racist.

ConanOfCooma8:01 pm 19 Sep 11

matt31221 said :

Maybe I have been watching too much American television to what the Muslim faith actually is but at my current understanding of it, I find their hatred of women and supression of free thought extremely threatening.

You’re referring to a certain division of the Muslim faith – Extremists.

Extremists, y’know – Like all other religions have. Ever been to Northern Ireland? Heard of Westboro Baptist? Those crazy Hellfire jerks that said the victims of the Victorian bushfires deserved what they got, for living a life of SIN?

I guess that’s the problem with Americans. They watch too much American TV. Look where it got them. Look what it’s got you posting.

Mysteryman said :

matt31221 said :

I am all for religous freedom but not when that freedom might allow their religion to prosper enough to LIMIT our freedoms. That building doesn’t look like a cultural centre – It looks like a medieval military fortification. It has four towers surrounding it. Someone should pull it down – ACTPLA didn’t have the guts to when the Muslim council violated their building agreement by building it the way it is.

Maybe I have been watching too much American television to what the Muslim faith actually is but at my current understanding of it, I find their hatred of women and supression of free thought extremely threatening.

Rambling nonsense and anti-religion sentiments aside… if they’ve actually built in breach of ACPLA’s guidelines and/or agreement then they should be forced to deal with it the way any other group/individual would be required to.

Rambling yes, but nonsense implies no sense or meaning. You have obviously derived some sense and meaning out of my comments by discussing the ACTPLA issue so you have just contradicted yourself.

@Fab forty.. You can see it on the google maps satellite photos and street view near the corner of Clive Steele ave and Isabella Drive opposite the Christian outreach centre/Impact church. I did presume this is the Muslim site they were talking about in the main story btw. You can see the four towers sourounding the courtyard from the sat photos.

@SpiderInsider, You know what, you are probably right.

matt31221 said :

I am all for religous freedom but not when that freedom might allow their religion to prosper enough to LIMIT our freedoms. That building doesn’t look like a cultural centre – It looks like a medieval military fortification. It has four towers surrounding it.

Is it really any more of a bother than that honking great big Christian place across the road from it?

spiderinsider6:34 pm 19 Sep 11

Ben_Dover said :

dungfungus said :

Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley.

Woken at 2 pm? Compulsory siestas for Monash residents?

matt31221 said :

Maybe I have been watching too much American television to what the Muslim faith actually is but at my current understanding of it, I find their hatred of women and supression of free thought extremely threatening.

Maybe a little. I’m no expert, but I would imagine it’s probably better not to form your views based on American television. How about going down for a chat and finding out from the people there what they are preaching rather than getting all worried from afar?

So… what is that hideous fort-thing in Monash ?

Sorry, can’t think what the street is, but anyone who has seen it will know what I’m talking about. Is that some “house of worship ?”

matt31221 said :

I am all for religous freedom but not when that freedom might allow their religion to prosper enough to LIMIT our freedoms. That building doesn’t look like a cultural centre – It looks like a medieval military fortification. It has four towers surrounding it. Someone should pull it down – ACTPLA didn’t have the guts to when the Muslim council violated their building agreement by building it the way it is.

Maybe I have been watching too much American television to what the Muslim faith actually is but at my current understanding of it, I find their hatred of women and supression of free thought extremely threatening.

Rambling nonsense and anti-religion sentiments aside… if they’ve actually built in breach of ACPLA’s guidelines and/or agreement then they should be forced to deal with it the way any other group/individual would be required to.

I am all for religous freedom but not when that freedom might allow their religion to prosper enough to LIMIT our freedoms. That building doesn’t look like a cultural centre – It looks like a medieval military fortification. It has four towers surrounding it. Someone should pull it down – ACTPLA didn’t have the guts to when the Muslim council violated their building agreement by building it the way it is.

Maybe I have been watching too much American television to what the Muslim faith actually is but at my current understanding of it, I find their hatred of women and supression of free thought extremely threatening.

Deref said :

Primal said :




I demand that each time a piece of land is leased to the Church we also get consulted – I will be angry if I get woken up by Hillsong on Sunday mornings rawr

According to the Canberra Isamic Centre and Australian National Islamic Library’s website, the arrangement was as follows:
Status Update of CIC’s Land Rental and Purchasing Options

(updated 19 June 2011)
Following a special meeting with the Chief Minister’s Chief of Staff on Thursday 16 June, the following offer agreement in principle has been conveyed by the ACT Treasury:
•Interest and Penalties on Outstanding Rent have been waived off (Approx $52,000)
•Outstanding Rent (Approx $74,000) payable immediately
•Land Non Rental Concessional Lease (Approx $ 82,000) payable in 15 years on interest free terms (Approx $5,500 per year)
•Building Approvals for Phase 2 and construction can proceed after payment of Outstanding Rent.

But by all means, play to the jewish hatred\local noise\parking and traffic congestion angles if you want to, but just be prepared to explain yourself very carefully.

This is the site where the organisation has already constructed and variously expanded their premises for years (like, fifteen?) without incident or complaint.

dungfungus said :

Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley.

Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley at 2.00 pm.

The Gungahlin plan has been ‘off’ for some months. the only issue was parking/access in the area proposed. Look at the Nicholls shops parking/access debacle and times it by about ten.

Angelina said :

madamcholet said :

Can’t help but think of what happens in other states when these announcements are made so will be interesting to see what happens with this – can Canberrans be a bit more measured in their response?

Where’s the fun in that?! It’s time to freak out! Get one of those pushy reporters from Today Tonight to start barge-arseing through doors, chasing people with microphones and let the shennanigans begin!

I’m very disappointed. I fully expected a few old hands (you know wno you are) to weigh in threatening insurection, blood in the streets, and other dire consequences to stem from this.

“The land will be used as a place of worship”

Why don’t they drop the spin and call it a mosque – and it is happening by stealth without the usual public consultation.
Soon Monash residents will be awakened by the sound of prayer blasting on the Tannoy all over the Tuggeranong Valley.

Primal said :



luther_bendross2:30 pm 19 Sep 11

The Frots said :


Hmmm what?

shadow boxer1:50 pm 19 Sep 11

Does this mean the Gungahlin one is off ?

madamcholet said :

Can’t help but think of what happens in other states when these announcements are made so will be interesting to see what happens with this – can Canberrans be a bit more measured in their response?

Where’s the fun in that?! It’s time to freak out! Get one of those pushy reporters from Today Tonight to start barge-arseing through doors, chasing people with microphones and let the shennanigans begin!

Can’t help but think of what happens in other states when these announcements are made so will be interesting to see what happens with this – can Canberrans be a bit more measured in their response? Hope so, Would have to conclude that there would have already been community consultation???

Good to see that the ACT Gov is trying to be transparent, however the information on that release was fairly slim and would leave more questions than answers.

There has been a mosque/Islamic-looking building there for about 15 years, were they just squatting before?

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