I realise it’s been open a few days now, but there are still some interesting opening specials in the new shops in Canberra Centre that opened last week.
Powerhouse: double screen DVD player for car with relatively large screens $190.
Aldi (yes Aldi) – snowboard and bindings $99 snowboard boots $58.
I took my new $157 snowboard combo down to Blue Cow this week and they performed great for this relative newbie. Had it tuned and waxed at Adi’s and asked them what they thought of it and they said pretty good – then were amazed when I told them how much.
The boots hurt my inside ankles a bit but Straight Line tell me they can do some stretching and stuff to help that…
Have to say that it feels distinctly “wrong/weird” to be at a checkout buying snowboard and gear next to an old fella buying sausages though…
Any other “do not miss” specials?