8 October 2013

Centenary of Canberra Rally heads to Old Parliament House

| Barcham
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The Centenary of Canberra Rally doesn’t appear to be a race, which is a shame.

A procession of cars will be driving at reasonable speeds from Jervis Bay to Old Parliament House, and probably none of them will be going sidewards at any point.

Disappointing Canberra.

That being said if looking at old cars is you thing, you can totally do that. Get to Old Parliament House on the 20th of October and get all your looking needs taken care of there.

The lawns will be surrounded by music and dance including performances by the Royal Military College Dixie band, the Burns Club Pipe and Drums Band, The Bush Capital band and dancers, together with Christine Wishart Dance performers, Earthly Delights Historic Dance Academy and Musicians throughout the day.

Straw bales will be dotted around the area to enable people to sit and enjoy the various performances, or to just look and admire the rally vehicles.

A number of cars have entered the rally Concours d’Elegance and will be judged during the morning by three of Canberra’s top Concours judges from the Canberra Antique and Classic Motor Club.
A fashion expert from the National Museum of Australia will judge entrants who dress-up in the period of their vehicle.

The Museum will also have a display featuring the restoration of the Royal Daimler motor car which it is hoped will be restored in time for the 60th anniversary of the 1954 Royal Tour by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 and Prince Phillip.

Fellow ACT Legislative Assembly member for Brindabella, Mick Gentleman, has been practicing his flag-off skills in preparation for his task of flagging-off the rally vehicles at Jervis Bay on Saturday 19 October. After his flag waving duty, Mr Gentleman will jump in his 1950 Holden 48-215 and join the rally entrants to Canberra.

Rally Ambassador Mark Carmody will also travel the rally route on his postie bike.

Jervis Bay is the official starting point for the Centenary of Canberra Rally, but many entrants have elected to depart from HMAS Albatross at Nowra or Tarago, The local community in Tarago is preparing a fun day on the Sports and Recreation Oval for participants and the general public.

The vehicles will also pass though Bungendore where the traders are dressing up their windows with motoring themes.

Each participant will be issued with an official rally passport which will be stamped by officials as they complete each stage of the event.

The Chief Minister will start flagging away vehicles from EPIC on Sunday morning 20 October from 8.45 am . The first group of vehicles will be escorted down Northbourne Ave., by Australian Federal Police in modern and vintage police vehicles.

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