I almost don’t want to say it for fear of jinxing myself, but I must say that Canberra drivers have been doing something right recently.
Several months ago I moved from North to mid-south-central (not quite ready to call myself a southsider yet). My girlfriend and I take advantage of the T2 lanes from Woden to our places of work in the city. When we first started utilising these lanes we ran into several issues:
- Drivers going extreeeemley slow in the T2 lane
- Drivers (with no passenger) getting pissy with us for getting ahead and attempting to block us
- Drivers with no passenger using the T2 lane illegaly
- I don’t want to generalise but young male drivers in gargantuan utes flying up our butts and getting angry at us for not going 20kph over the limit. For some reason it’s always young males in built up utes, I’m actually not generalising for once!
But recently, it seems that Canberra drivers are getting it. They’re getting that they need to have 2 people in their car, they’re getting that it isn’t necessarily the fast lane while still understanding that they need to go the speed limit, they’re getting that the lanes are aimed at benefiting those who car pool so it isn’t necessary to block me just because I’m getting in front of you. Canberra you’re getting it!
Undoubtedly, I’ll now be rear-ended by an angry ute driving maniac with no passenger on the way home. But until that time, credit where credit is due.