30 July 2023

Customers intervened in Dina's Liquor robbery before worker was assaulted, police allege

| Albert McKnight

Nathaniel Coulin Coulter, 21, has been refused bail over an alleged robbery. Photo: Albert McKnight.

It is alleged customers intervened when a man was stealing from a liquor store before he punched a store worker and made off with just one can of bourbon and cola.

Security cameras allegedly captured Nathaniel Coulin Coulter going into Dina’s Liquor in East Row, Civic, at around 3 pm on Wednesday (26 July), police claim in court documents.

He allegedly put 14 cans of alcohol into a shopping bag and then tried to leave without paying for them. But police say a customer saw his actions and grabbed him by the arm.

Coulter allegedly turned and pushed the customer away, starting a verbal confrontation, before another customer intervened to separate them.

Meanwhile, a staff member grabbed the shopping bag and tried to pull it away.

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This allegedly resulted in Coulter punching the staff member six times in the head before the cans of alcohol fell out of the bag and spilled across the floor.

It is alleged Coulter also pushed the staff member in the chest and face. He then allegedly took his shopping bag and one can of Woodstock Bourbon & Cola and left.

Coulter was arrested in City Walk about half an hour after the alleged incident.

The 21-year-old from Moncrieff was charged with robbery and possessing methylamphetamine when he appeared in the ACT Magistrates Court on Thursday (27 July).

He applied for bail, which was opposed by the prosecution on the likelihood of alleged reoffending.

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His duty lawyer, Ketinia McGowan from Legal Aid, argued the alleged offence was of low seriousness.

But Magistrate Jane Campbell said she had great concerns about how he had only just been released from custody a week ago after being handed a suspended sentence.

She said if a suspended sentence was not enough deterrence, she could not see how she could have confidence that he would comply with bail conditions.

Bail was refused and the matter was adjourned to 18 August. No pleas were entered.

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