The Australian Communications and Media Authority has the happy news for the glorious few digital radio listeners that your shiny new radio is going to keep working:
Digital radio trials in Canberra and Darwin have been extended until August 2014.
Without this extension these digital radio trials (and the services provided under them) would have ceased on 31 August 2013.
‘The Australian Communications and Media Authority’s extension of these digital radio trials will allow further testing of DAB+ digital radio technology,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
‘The extension further underscores our commitment to trialling new radiocommunications technologies.
‘Planning for the introduction of digital radio in regional Australia is still under development. The results of these trials are expected to continue to make a valuable contribution.
‘It is important to note, however, that trial licences confer no longer-term rights over the spectrum in question. The spectrum is only being provided for technology trials,’ Mr Chapman added.
The trials are being conducted by Commercial Radio Australia (CRA), and the ABC and SBS are active participants in the Canberra trial. The range of services being broadcast on the trials are determined by CRA.
While generally the ACMA limits trials to a maximum duration of 12 months, it considered that the testing program outlined by CRA is likely to continue to inform future planning of digital radio services in regional Australia where the challenges present very differently to those in metropolitan topographics.
The main beneficiaries seeming to be ABC fans who don’t like the cricket.
[Photo by Highways Agency CC BY 2.0]