I wanted to start a conversation about a subject which came to my attention the other night and see what other rioters thought.
A guy I know was a professional graphic designer but had to give up his job to care full time for his disabled father. He survived on the carers’ allowance. His career was on hold. After six years, the father passed away and his son lost his carers’ allowance.
But here’s the rub. He is six years away from his profession and no job. He can’t afford to retrain in the profession because he has no savings having existed for the past six years on the allowance which is meagre.
He asked me what supports the federal government or Territory government had for people like him. I didn’t and don’t know.
There are heaps of people in this state. They have essentially put their lives on hold for a disabled relative and have received some small support during that care period but once it’s over, they’re on their own.
This post is not a blame game post. I reckon that it is possible a responsible Territory minister would be advised by the bureaucracy that this is a federal issue as the carers’ allowance is a federal allowance. The feds would say that since the reason for the allowance has ceased so too has any responsibility for assistance to the carers.
I am ashamed that I hadn’t thought of this before now. I have had and have a lot of involvement with people with a disability and should have thought of it before.
Perhaps they have just fallen between the cracks. Maybe we need to seriously look at doing something for them? Thoughts?