Georgeina Whelan is the guest speaker for this year’s Menslink Business Breakfast, on Tuesday 27 October. Photo: File.
The Menslink Business Breakfast is our annual fundraising event and brings together hundreds of business and community leaders from across Canberra to hear from inspiring speakers, network with other community-minded people, and support the great work of Menslink.
The Menslink Business Breakfast continues its tradition in 2020 of hosting important speakers on issues of critical importance to the Canberra Community. Join us as we take this event online to your workplace via our live broadcast from the Region Media studio. Support Menslink at this fundraising event along with other members and leaders in the Canberra business community.
This years speaker is ACT ESA Commissioner Georgeina Whelan.
Georgeina Whelan knows a disaster when she sees one. In her first fire season as the ACT’s Emergency Services Agency commissioner she stepped into the catastrophic conditions that started in late 2019 in Australia’s south East and raged into the new year. As the fires were extinguished, the hail came and went and then a global health Pandemic kicked off.
In her role in the frontline of community safety and response and her extensive military career, she has witnessed devastating tragedy and led complex recovery and rebuilding efforts and learnt a lot along the way about resilience and what it takes to dig deep in tough times. Join us as she reflects on lessons learnt from a career in disaster response and how she continues to deliver positive leadership under pressure
This year’s event is a ‘pay what you can afford’ ticket to join the broadcast. You set the price.
Join as a group at work, tune in if you’re working remotely from home and invite your colleagues from interstate who may never get to join our annual business breakfast in person. If your workplace commits to $1,000 or more you will receive acknowledgment during the event and for the rest of the year as a Menslink sponsor.
All of the profits from the event go directly to support our programs that have been supporting young men in Canberra since 2002.
The Details
What: Menslink Business Breakfast
Where: Online
When: Tuesday 27th October 2020, 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Cost: Pay what you can afford
For more information, visit our website.