The ACT Ambulance Service have some good news:
ACT Ambulance Service (ACTAS) Intensive Care paramedics have today returned to visit a mother and the newest addition to her family following a baby delivery at a Florey home last month.
“It is a special moment for any ambulance officer when they are called to assist in an imminent birth in the prehospital environment,” ACTAS Chief Officer David Foot said.
At 10.44am on Sunday 26 May, 2013, the ACTAS received an Emergency Triple Zero (000) call after a 30-yearold female had gone into labour. An ACTAS Intensive Care crew was immediately dispatched arriving a few minutes later to deliver a baby girl, before transporting the mother and baby to The Calvary Hospital.
“The great outcome was supported by a number of factors including the interim management of the E000 call by our communications officers, the clinical training and experience of the attending officers and of course mum, who played the most important role of all,” ACTAS Chief Officer David Foot said.
“Another member who will not forget the experience in a hurry was the undergraduate nursing/paramedic student from the Australian Catholic University (ACU) who was undertaking a clinical placement with the crew,” he said.