14 June 2011

Fireworks sadly missed

| Damien Haas
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Am I the only person thats missed the glorious displays of suburban fireworks this weekend?

Now that the Grinchlike Hargreaves no longer has his wowserish fun killing hands on the levers of power, maybe we could ask the Gallagher government to bring them back? Even for only one weekend a year?

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shadow boxer11:24 am 16 Jun 11

IrishPete said :

I had a dog who slept through storms but was freaked out by fireworks. Go figure.

I live somewhere where fireworks are illegal, but because it is near to the ACT, we experienced them at all the same times that ACT residents did. Including in bushfire season on very high bushfire danger days.

So the people misusing fireworks actually made it near-impossible to avoid them. Good riddance.

And to the people suggesting the purchase of explosive ingredients on Ebay, be careful or you may receive a knock on the door from ASIO or the AFP. Sorry, not a knock – they’ll kick it in just before dawn.


And yet it is near impossible for me to avoid the regular dog attacks and every day of the year dog sh#t and barking but I don’t want dogs banned.

Go figure, maybe some people are just selfish and think the world revolves around them and what they want. Even to the point that they want something banned because they can’t properly restrain their pets as required by law or train them to deal with the environment that they place them in.

what_the said :

Can I point out to everyone that we still actually have fireworks every year – Skyfire. And they’re the big bastard ones! I cant remember dogs roaming the streets of Reid or Ainslie afterwards freaking out.

Those fireworks last 15 minutes tops! You could easily just hold on to your dog’s collar for that long to prevent them from bolting or hurting themselves.

I had a dog who slept through storms but was freaked out by fireworks. Go figure.

I live somewhere where fireworks are illegal, but because it is near to the ACT, we experienced them at all the same times that ACT residents did. Including in bushfire season on very high bushfire danger days.

So the people misusing fireworks actually made it near-impossible to avoid them. Good riddance.

And to the people suggesting the purchase of explosive ingredients on Ebay, be careful or you may receive a knock on the door from ASIO or the AFP. Sorry, not a knock – they’ll kick it in just before dawn.


Can I point out to everyone that we still actually have fireworks every year – Skyfire. And they’re the big bastard ones! I cant remember dogs roaming the streets of Reid or Ainslie afterwards freaking out.

Holden Caulfield said :

BimboGeek said :

Dogs belong on farms.

I had most of the weekend off work and noticed the quiet. Where’s the sense of fun and occasion? Apparently there was a parade on Saturday for people who are into parades, and plenty of people went out for lunch with their mates but that’s about it.

Cool, does this mean we can start the debate on why we still have the Queen of England as our head of state?

Queens belong on farms!

Holden Caulfield3:52 pm 15 Jun 11

BimboGeek said :

Dogs belong on farms.

I had most of the weekend off work and noticed the quiet. Where’s the sense of fun and occasion? Apparently there was a parade on Saturday for people who are into parades, and plenty of people went out for lunch with their mates but that’s about it.

Cool, does this mean we can start the debate on why we still have the Queen of England as our head of state?

Holden Caulfield3:30 pm 15 Jun 11

The_Bulldog said :

@Holden Caulfield – didn’t meant to sound like a sook. I was aiming for more of a rant – culminating in a bit of a troll, but it seems missed the mark…

Anyway – I provided my input about the responsibility for dog behaviour residing with dog owners – notwithstanding your puerile response – how does this offend your sensibilities? Is it not fair that those with dogs take responsibility? Just as it is fair and reasonable that those with access to crackers use them responsibly? This was the second side to the issue at hand – forgive me if I didn’t articulate this in twelve point font with accompanying brightly coloured illustrations. But don’t let that stop you calling me names.

You have pointed out that the majority of people view the lack of property destruction and decline of cracker related nuisances as a positive development – I would have to agree with this as well. I would, however, suggest that a significant number of posters also agree that the demise of cracker night is unfortunate – regardless of the reasons it was banned.

My point is this – it’s not just the pet owners or the people with blown up letterboxes who deserve to be heard on the issue, and the lack of personal accountability reflected in some of the statements in the post is just unfortunate.

Haha, I didn’t call you names anywhere in my response. That’s actually quite amusing that you think I did given the spray you dealt in your original post, with terms such as “keyboard elitists” and “do-gooder, muesli chewing, hemp wearing, part time PETA activists.” All I asked was you were man enough to admit the ban has had a positive effect benefitting a much wider audience than the one described in your “puerile” description. Precious much?

I happen to agree with you about responsible pet ownership, but as you showed, it made not a jot of difference to the usual jerks (your term remember) who stuffed it up for people who did use crackers responsibly. That was the point, fixing your fence was something you probably should have done before the crackers upset your dog. It was a separate issue, really; how many times had the dog already escaped onto Mt Taylor without you knowing?

And while I’ve never had much time for crackers personally since I passed the age of 8 or so (probably because I moved interstate for a few years around that time), I can certainly understand the view of those who did use crackers within the old guidelines. If the crackers were used in accordance with the requests from the government, or even a few hours either side, they would still available, don’t you think?

So it seems pretty clear that the actual reason for the ban is not keyboard elitists, dog owners or do-gooder, muesli chewing, hemp wearing, part time PETA activists; rather the usual jerks who couldn’t control their urge for cheap thrills.

BimboGeek said :

Dogs belong on farms.

And maybe people who want to let off fireworks without getting complaints from the neighbours belong on a farm too?

Dogs belong on farms.

I had most of the weekend off work and noticed the quiet. Where’s the sense of fun and occasion? Apparently there was a parade on Saturday for people who are into parades, and plenty of people went out for lunch with their mates but that’s about it.

Banning cracker night was the wrong way to go about things. I detested the loud bangs, miscreant behaviour and tom foolery just as much as the next bah humbug, but it was only as bad as it was due to it being a novelty that people could do once a year.

If they’d just allowed cracker purchases year round, we might have had a week or two of the above & then it would have all settled down. Why do teens want to smoke and drink? Because they’re not allowed to. Same deal with fireworks I’d reckon.

I vote we ban all household dogs except for genuine reasons (guide dogs, rescue/police, cattle etc) and keep the fireworks. I think it will save us money in the long term, where a 10% levy on fireworks could be used to replace the few exploded mailboxes, and the rest put towards policing.

shadow boxer12:24 pm 15 Jun 11

Where would we go ?, wouldn’t it make more sense for the dog owners to move.

Imagine dog sh#t free streets, no barking, luxury I tell you

I would like to echo the advice given to animal owners pre-fireworks ban, to all of the bang and whizz aficionados now:

If you dont like it, move somewhere else.

Jethro said :

I am quite enjoying the whingeing from the pro-cracker crowd, I must say! And the herd of high horses they brought with them. It’s a good show so far!

How is it any different from the high horse the ban-it-because-I-don’t-like it-crowd rode in on?

It’s not at all! That’s what makes it so amusing.

@Holden Caulfield – didn’t meant to sound like a sook. I was aiming for more of a rant – culminating in a bit of a troll, but it seems missed the mark…

Anyway – I provided my input about the responsibility for dog behaviour residing with dog owners – notwithstanding your puerile response – how does this offend your sensibilities? Is it not fair that those with dogs take responsibility? Just as it is fair and reasonable that those with access to crackers use them responsibly? This was the second side to the issue at hand – forgive me if I didn’t articulate this in twelve point font with accompanying brightly coloured illustrations. But don’t let that stop you calling me names.

You have pointed out that the majority of people view the lack of property destruction and decline of cracker related nuisances as a positive development – I would have to agree with this as well. I would, however, suggest that a significant number of posters also agree that the demise of cracker night is unfortunate – regardless of the reasons it was banned.

My point is this – it’s not just the pet owners or the people with blown up letterboxes who deserve to be heard on the issue, and the lack of personal accountability reflected in some of the statements in the post is just unfortunate.

shadow boxer9:43 am 15 Jun 11

So it appears that fireworks were banned because of some idiots that let them off outside designated hours and it upset the dogs.

On that basis lets list some of the things idiot dog owners do;

Let them bark all night
Poo everywhere
Kill cats, chickens, sheep and other dogs
Attack children
Scare children by letting them off leash
Train them to fight other dogs
Dump them at the pound when sick of them
I could go on….

Seems dogs cause far more damage than fireworks and should be banned, either that or we could just let people have a bit of fun now and then and control and train our dogs properly and enjoy our fireworks at the same time.

chris820 said :

Some dogs freak out at thunderstorms. Shall we ban those next?

I believe that the Greens are hoping to – it’s before the Assembly now.

I had heaps of fun with fireworks growing up, and would either go to the shows out at NATEX or simply just stand out the front of our place and watch them from there.

But 11 years in Kambah turned me right off them. The moron element was off the charts, and we were doubly blessed, living next to a very busy laneway.

I used to think you couldn’t legislate against stupidity, but the eery calm last weekend proves that maybe you can. It’s a shame for everyone that used to use them sensibly, but sadly it’s aimed at the lowest common denominator.

Oh, and I’ve learnt a new translation lately: ‘This is the actions of a nanny state” = “Someone in authority has enforced something I don’t like”.

Watson said :


I am quite enjoying the whingeing from the pro-cracker crowd, I must say! And the herd of high horses they brought with them. It’s a good show so far!

How is it any different from the high horse the ban-it-because-I-don’t-like it-crowd rode in on?

Tempestas said :

There were some tools who ruined it for everyone else. Perhaps if these “just having some fun” at other peoples expense had behaved vaguely responsibly the ban wouldn’t of happened.

By the logic anything that people misuse should be banned. Cars? Banned. Alcohol? Banned. Sound systems? Banned. Glass? Banned. Beer bottle tallies? Banned.

The solution is not to have a blanket wide ban but to have clear and severe consequences for those who abuse something and ruin it for the rest of us.

I love a good, carefully controlled explosion, but I don’t really miss backyard fireworks. They were generally overpriced and lame.

I’d rather spend the money on half a kilo of smokeless powder, which can produce a couple of thousand nice satisfyingly loud and well controlled explosions in my .357.

Unfortunately some very small pockets of the community saw the fireworks weekend as an opportunity to create explosives (not the pretty and enjoyable fireworks variety) and blow other people’s property to smithereens. This included cars, solid concrete letterboxes and windows. These people should be partly blamed.

Those of us who were able to participate in cracker night can look back with fond memories and those who didn’t (iGeneration) will find other things to enjoy.

There were some tools who ruined it for everyone else. Perhaps if these “just having some fun” at other peoples expense had behaved vaguely responsibly the ban wouldn’t of happened.

I guess if you think this makes it a nanny state then what is the alternative, obviously self enforcement didn’t work. Fun for you may not be fun for everyone.

I did enjoy organised fireworks, I don’t know that any backyard ones ever really lived up to that, like many other posters in this thread I didn’t notice the lack until it was pointed out and I certainly don’t miss the all hours random suburban fireworks of years past

CanberraGirl19 said :

Why does everyone think that dogs going nuts because of them was the only reason fireworks were banned?

One man, one cat, no fireworks.
All the rules in the world wouldn’t have prevented his cat from dying at the hands of unknown idiots, but due to some idiots, a Ministerial no-hoper with a seat in Cabinet got revenge against an entire city.

CanberraGirl1910:06 pm 14 Jun 11

Why does everyone think that dogs going nuts because of them was the only reason fireworks were banned? I imagine the hooligans that went around blowing up mailboxes/rubbish bins/other property and let them off from the moment they started selling them till the moment they ran out of them a couple of months later had a fair bit to do with it.

I really don’t care either way, my dog was fine if she was inside, but I imagine if I was one of those people that was going through mailboxes every couple of months I might feel a bit differently.

Some dogs freak out at thunderstorms. Shall we ban those next?

I was more than a little offended when Hargreaves made this his final song on behalf of himself and an untested minority, certainly not me or my family. I hope the public remember this on polling day, along side the list of failures of the current government.

On a side, has anyone else noticed this?

Watson said :

I could say to you that it’s not because you like it, it should be allowed. Some people like having sex with children.

Someone here certainly does not like fireworks, but the sex with children comment? I learned a new word today, parapraxis.

BigDave said :

Bunch of miserable sods for banning them if you ask me. And this dog business gets my goat.
Lost count of the amount of times that local barking dogs have woken up our kids at all hours, no one gives a sh1t! Or how many times I’ve trodden in dog crap because the lazy owners don’t clear it up!
And they say they care about their dogs. Well how about the scared stupid mutts that are tied up on the back of a ute flying around corners at 80km an hour?? Or the poor buggers that are left out in the back yard all day and night freezing their balls off??
And they’re up in arms about some fireworks?! Get over yourselves.

I very much doubt that “those” dog owners are the ones that complained about the fireworks. But I suppose they all look the same to you.

I am quite enjoying the whingeing from the pro-cracker crowd, I must say! And the herd of high horses they brought with them. It’s a good show so far!

Bunch of miserable sods for banning them if you ask me. And this dog business gets my goat.
Lost count of the amount of times that local barking dogs have woken up our kids at all hours, no one gives a sh1t! Or how many times I’ve trodden in dog crap because the lazy owners don’t clear it up!
And they say they care about their dogs. Well how about the scared stupid mutts that are tied up on the back of a ute flying around corners at 80km an hour?? Or the poor buggers that are left out in the back yard all day and night freezing their balls off??
And they’re up in arms about some fireworks?! Get over yourselves.

I enjoyed them, we used to set them off well over 600m away from any households that “might” have dogs.

Holden Caulfield4:44 pm 14 Jun 11

The_Bulldog said :

This issue has two sides – and the ban has simply proven that as a general rule people prefer dogs over small explosions. I hate the fact that the do-gooder, muesli chewing, hemp wearing, part time PETA activists believe the lack of a cracker night is overwhelming evidence that their views on the universe are true and justified.

Not at all. It’s overwhelming evidence that the usual jerks f@#ked it up for everyone. I think you’ll find most pet owners were happy to take the necessary precautions during the mandated hours, but that was all rather pointless really, thanks to the usual jerks.

Personally, I don’t really care about anyone’s dog(s), but I care about the usual jerks setting off crackers at all hours, or even better, setting them off in schools, letterboxes, rubbish bins and any other number of inappropriate ways.

Oh yeah, having crackers fired at my house and that of our elderly neighbours was also pretty unsatisfactory. Geez, I feel like such a wowser, who wouldn’t want crackers fired at their house at 9pm?!

So, instead of having a sook at the way the do-gooder, muesli chewing, hemp wearing, part time PETA activists view the world, why not be man enough to accept that the anecdotal evidence here seems to tell us that the instances of public nuisance over the course of this weekend (and surrounding days) has dropped immeasurably since the ban. As a result it has been a positive result for the majority of Canberrans and not just the niche you think are happy.

You fixed your fences, bravo, good for you. Lucky you had cracker night to make it known they needed repair. If only your impenetrable fences stopped the usual jerks from being jerks it might have made a difference for everyone else.

I missed them. A bit of excitement one weekend a year. Certainly a weekend that would rate up there on the magical excitement scale for our kids. The ban is just another example of the never-ending march towards a nanny state, in which every action in our lives is directed by those who know what is best for us. (no you may not have plastic bags to carry your shopping, no you may not have a ciggie in the beer-garden even though there is no-one else in it, yes schools should cut back on time spent teaching literacy and numeracy so that the little ones can learn not to have 6 chocolate donuts for breakfast every day). It’s interesting to note that the fireworks and bags bans were both pushed for by the Greens. For supposedly liberal people they certainly enjoy bossing people about.

I have a dog and the fireworks scare him a bit. Of course back in QLD he was absolutely petrified of the huge summer storms that rolled in. Somehow dogs in QLD manage to survive 3 or 4 months of nights interrupted by intense electrical storms that are much more terrifying for them than fireworks will ever be.

But how could this be? How does QLD maintain a population of dogs that doesn’t throw itself on mass into traffic and out windows? Because owners recognise the importance of keeping a secure yard and having a safe and secure room to shelter the dog in when things get scary. The world doesn’t revolve around our dogs (no matter how much we want to anthropomorphise them). As Shadow Boxer said earlier, most suburban residents have to put up with the constant noise of barking dogs, so dog owners should put up with a weekend of fireworks.

Jim Jones said :

Given how apoplectic people got about shelling out a few bucks extra for solar energy, you can imagine how froth-mouthed the thought of paying for double-glazing would make them.

If it was made part of the building standards that every window must be double glazed, then pretty soon (with a reasonable phase in period) 99.9% of windows sold and installed in the ACT would be double glazed. And while they include a little more material, they would not really be all that much more expensive once economies of scale came into effect.

All it takes is a little political will. I mean really, we go crazy mandating vehicle efficiency and emissions requirements, labelling, etc, and a car lasts what? ten years on average? maybe twenty? Houses in Canberra last 80 – 90 and counting….

Plus, with new houses all being double glazed, then could re-introduce fireworks in the new suburbs.

I’m disappointed they’re gone. I don’t GAF what the keyboard elitists reckon about my IQ, mental capacity or parentage – but bright lights and big bangs make me giggle like a child. That being said – I have tried to respect those that weren’t so keen on cracker-night and played by the rules since the nanny-laws were introduced a few years ago.

Living in Kambah (2902 represent) we would get the usual jerks setting crackers off at all hours for the week or so leading up to, and after, the long weekend. Granted – as the owner of two dogs it was a pain in the arse – at least on cracker nights we knew we had to keep the dogs in the laundry.

How did we know to put the dogs in the laundry? Good question. The first cracker night with our new eight year old rescue dog, he managed to break through a dodgy bit of fence and bolt off toward Mt Taylor. He was found several hours later after seemingly having attempted to climb inside a dead kangaroo (he was a beagle), and was brought home. As an aside – unlike the owners, the dog was particularly pleased with his new odour.

So who was at fault? Another good question. I was. Being the owner of an animal I was inadequately prepared for an event where the dog was stressed. This did not happen again, and I took responsibility for my decision to have a dog (and later a second one), and sorted my fences out. No point blaming someone else – my fences, my dog, my responsibility.

This issue has two sides – and the ban has simply proven that as a general rule people prefer dogs over small explosions. I hate the fact that the do-gooder, muesli chewing, hemp wearing, part time PETA activists believe the lack of a cracker night is overwhelming evidence that their views on the universe are true and justified.

deye said :

Actually another thought. If Canberra houses were properly insulated and had at least double glazed windows the sound would not be as bad for the ones offended by it.

Given how apoplectic people got about shelling out a few bucks extra for solar energy, you can imagine how froth-mouthed the thought of paying for double-glazing would make them.

I’d love to have double-glazing, but can’t afford it.

Meh, it‘s too quiet around here and some dog owners are sounding too smug. For those missing bangs, potassium nitrate can be bought on eBay. You can work out the rest.

Actually another thought. If Canberra houses were properly insulated and had at least double glazed windows the sound would not be as bad for the ones offended by it.

Whenever I’ve owned dogs afraid of fireworks, I’ve been able to train or condition them not to be afraid. I’m not saying it will work for every dog, but how many dog owners actually try? The common reaction when Fido is afraid of fireworks is to let him inside and make a big fuss over him, which is the worst thing you can do.

This thread needs a poll 🙂

IMO the fireworks should be brought back.

shadow boxer said :

Dogs jumping through glass windows to get away, you made that up.

I do know some nice hunting dogs that love the smell and noise of things being blown up.

If you choose to own a pet it is your responsibility to

a contain it; and
b ensure it is a suitable mix with the environment it is intended to live in.

It’s not that hard to train or contain a dog for that period and dogs that committ suicide in response to loud noises have no place in the city.

How often do I have to repeat that they used to let off fireworks for WEEKS after the long weekend at ALL hours of the DAY and NIGHT?!

But my dog mixes perfectly well with her environment all year round, now the fireworks are gone. Woohoo!

shadow boxer said :

Dogs jumping through glass windows to get away, you made that up.

I do know some nice hunting dogs that love the smell and noise of things being blown up.

If you choose to own a pet it is your responsibility to

a contain it; and
b ensure it is a suitable mix with the environment it is intended to live in.

It’s not that hard to train or contain a dog for that period and dogs that committ suicide in response to loud noises have no place in the city.

Oh god…I hesitate to even respond to this, because I’m starting to think that you’re just a troll. But just in case -god help us all – you’re actually serious here…

Dogs ‘committing suicide’? I’m not sure how you even manage to write that with a straight face. They’re so stressed and terrified, that they just want to get away from the noise, and sadly, their flight instinct can end up taking them straight into traffic.

As for ensuring a dog is suitable for its environment, how about you stop to consider that loud explosions at all hours of the day and night is not actually a normal part of a typical suburban environment? So because my dogs freak out when people let off fireworks, they’re somehow not suitable for the suburbs, despite the fact that they don’t bark at all hours of the night, are safely contained in a well fenced yard, and are completely non aggressive to friends and strangers alike?

I’m actually starting to hope that you’re just a troll now – it’s not as scary as the alternative.

I miss them too. I honestly couldn’t care less about the animal lovers

shadow boxer said :

Dog owners are funny, when they walk without leads or leave excrement all over the place they are all “it’s not hurting anyone” but when we ask them to put up with a bit of inconvenience they are too inconsiderate to take their dogs inside for one weekend a year.

They are dogs guys……they’ll get over it.

I have banned donating to the RSPCA until we get them back.

+1 to everything you said.

Calamity said :

Am I the only person who loves my dog and also happens to enjoy fireworks?

Bit over the top to suggest that those who enjoy fireworks are all mindless bogans who can’t entertain themselves without blowing sh!t up…

I love fireworks! But if there was a big problem (I’ve not seen it myself, but I understand it was there…) with people letting them off outside the allocated weekend, what can you do? As always, stupid few ruin it for the masses.

Just wanted to clarify that fireworks aren’t just for the idiots. Unless I am an idiot, which is possible…

I get your point. We have a few animals and they really couldn’t give a rats toss about fireworks – when they were on we simply put them in the house.

But we did have issues with a minority few morons who wanted to see what it would be like setting these rockets off next to people’s houses, over houses and whatever. It is these idiots that truly ruin it for everyone. Then of course we have the home scientists who try to make that ‘better’ firework……………………you know, something that can pass for napalm, has a 7km exclusion zone when it goes off and you can see it from the shuttle. These guys and gals are the real imbeciles who spoil the whole thing for the kids.

Anyways…………………………I%u2019m off to build my nuclear warhead………………………..err, I mean make a cup of coffee.

shadow boxer said :

Dogs jumping through glass windows to get away, you made that up..


Apparently the RSPCA “made it up”.

I am happy that now that fireworks are banned, I can let them off whenever I want, not just on one weekend a year.

Of course, rather then buying nice safe ones from registered dealers, I will need to mix an array of house hold chemicals with plumbing supplies from Bunnings.

Had forgotten all about the ban, although this reminded me it’s the first year I haven’t had a single issue. Even last year the neighbours were sticking it to The Man by lighting fireworks in broad daylight – and sporadically from 11pm through to about 3am. They really showed The Government!

Am I the only person who loves my dog and also happens to enjoy fireworks?

Bit over the top to suggest that those who enjoy fireworks are all mindless bogans who can’t entertain themselves without blowing sh!t up…

I love fireworks! But if there was a big problem (I’ve not seen it myself, but I understand it was there…) with people letting them off outside the allocated weekend, what can you do? As always, stupid few ruin it for the masses.

Just wanted to clarify that fireworks aren’t just for the idiots. Unless I am an idiot, which is possible…

Overheard said :

Exactly. It’s what happened to my dog, so I for one don’t miss them. Wasn’t even on my radar that there was this whole in people’s lives this weekend just gone until I read this thread.

If people are incapable of adequately diverting themselves over the long weekend without blowing stuff up, they probably have some bigger issues than just this legislative ban.

Good riddance.

Not me, I went & shot s*** up instead……………

Captain RAAF1:43 pm 14 Jun 11

All the ingredients you need to make them can be purchased, legally, on-line. My brother has sourced most if not all of it from Ebay.

He makes his own rockets, mortars etc etc. When I get time, I’ll make a few myself. There is this great hill not far from home, it overlooks the valley containing thousands of households, and with my experience and background, I reckon I can get shells to reach max ord just over the top of my feral neighbors when they detonate and rain down fiery brimstone on their yapping, unregistered, un-microchipped cats and dogs, thereby scaring them into the waiting jaw of my trap, so I can take them to the pound.

It’s win/win for everyone!

shadow boxer1:17 pm 14 Jun 11

Dogs jumping through glass windows to get away, you made that up.

I do know some nice hunting dogs that love the smell and noise of things being blown up.

If you choose to own a pet it is your responsibility to

a contain it; and
b ensure it is a suitable mix with the environment it is intended to live in.

It’s not that hard to train or contain a dog for that period and dogs that committ suicide in response to loud noises have no place in the city.

chewy14 said :

BTW, I have a dog who didn’t like fireworks much, but I managed to lock her up for that weekend every year. I also know that some dogs can go absolutely nuts with the loud bangs from fireworks and probably needed more looking after.

If everyone would’ve stuck to the rules and only let off crackers between 7pm-10pm for those 3 nights, I could’ve lived with the dog getting stressed for those 6 hours. But I lived in areas where they’d let off crackers 3 weeks after the long weekend at any time of the day or night. I remember occasions where I chased boys doing that trying to identify them so I could report them! Crazy dog woman, they called me… Never caught one of the little bastards of course.

Jim Jones said :

shadow boxer said :

They are dogs guys……they’ll get over it..

Except for the ones that freak out and break out of the house and get run over and die.

I certainly didn’t miss the lack of fireworks.

Even I can manage to have fun without blowing sh1t up.

Exactly. It’s what happened to my dog, so I for one don’t miss them. Wasn’t even on my radar that there was this whole in people’s lives this weekend just gone until I read this thread.

If people are incapable of adequately diverting themselves over the long weekend without blowing stuff up, they probably have some bigger issues than just this legislative ban.

Good riddance.

chewy14 said :

Jim Jones said :

chewy14 said :

so by your logic all dogs should be banned because some people don’t look after their animals and their dogs escape and bite people.
Well done, I’m assuming you’ll be the first to hand in your dog.

I must have missed how that ‘logic’ works.

Perhaps if you could explain it.

No worries Jim.

That logic would be the bit where Watson said:

“People were warned that they needed to stick to the rules, they didn’t, and like all naughty children, they got their toys taken away”

A minority of people broke the rules so fireworks needed to be banned from everyone.

Anything else you need explained Jim?


Your last post is more reasonable and although I disagree with the outcome of banning fireworks, I can understand it.

BTW, I have a dog who didn’t like fireworks much, but I managed to lock her up for that weekend every year. I also know that some dogs can go absolutely nuts with the loud bangs from fireworks and probably needed more looking after.

Cheers chewy, thanks for the clarification. I’m with you on that one.

Quite glad they are gone, personally.

Jim Jones said :

chewy14 said :

so by your logic all dogs should be banned because some people don’t look after their animals and their dogs escape and bite people.
Well done, I’m assuming you’ll be the first to hand in your dog.

I must have missed how that ‘logic’ works.

Perhaps if you could explain it.

No worries Jim.

That logic would be the bit where Watson said:

“People were warned that they needed to stick to the rules, they didn’t, and like all naughty children, they got their toys taken away”

A minority of people broke the rules so fireworks needed to be banned from everyone.

Anything else you need explained Jim?


Your last post is more reasonable and although I disagree with the outcome of banning fireworks, I can understand it.

BTW, I have a dog who didn’t like fireworks much, but I managed to lock her up for that weekend every year. I also know that some dogs can go absolutely nuts with the loud bangs from fireworks and probably needed more looking after.

Tooks said :

It’s a shame for the kiddies, but you can blame the cretins in our society for them being banned.


I used to enjoy them too, but after replacing three mailboxes – the last time with the cheapest one I could get – I got over it.

I may even get a decent mailbox.

chewy14 said :

so by your logic all dogs should be banned because some people don’t look after their animals and their dogs escape and bite people.
Well done, I’m assuming you’ll be the first to hand in your dog.

It usually comes down to numbers. Dog attacks are much, much rarer than morons letting of fire crackers outside the legally allowed times or letting of illegal fireworks. Plus, it’s harder to hide a dog than to hide to fire cracker, so bad owners can get punished and have their dog taken away.

Anyway, I admit it was probably a bit of silly argument in the heat of the moment, but so was the original one. Firecrackers didn’t get banned because people “didn’t like them”. They got banned because so many did not stick to the rules and because they make animals suffer needlessly.

chewy14 said :

so by your logic all dogs should be banned because some people don’t look after their animals and their dogs escape and bite people.
Well done, I’m assuming you’ll be the first to hand in your dog.

I must have missed how that ‘logic’ works.

Perhaps if you could explain it.

I forgot all about the recent fireworks stuff, I did tell my child a story about when I were young and the fun we had around the bonfire

so by your logic all dogs should be banned because some people don’t look after their animals and their dogs escape and bite people.
Well done, I’m assuming you’ll be the first to hand in your dog.

I plumb forgot about fireworks altogether. If this post hadn’t appeared I never would have remembered that fireworks used to be sold here at this time.

It seems we have moved on in our lives in much the same way as we did after the V8 Supercar race ended. Perhaps a few brothels in Fyshwick might have suffered a fall-off in trade as the people who bought fireworks didn’t bother going there after making their purchases, also tourism might have dropped off a bit as those people from interstate who came here to buy them didn’t bother coming, but generally speaking life is much the same now as it was in “the good old days” when we had fireworks, albeit without the bangs and booms at all hours of the night and early morning disrupting sleeping patterns.

In the end however it was inevitable that the sale of fireworks would stop. The Telegraph last year reported that the ACT ban had created a huge black market in fireworks but I can’t see (or hear) any evidence of that locally. I suspect that by this time next year everybody would have completely forgotten about fireworks altogether.

shadow boxer said :

Just because you don’t like something is not reason to ban it. I don’t like dogs but some people do, good luck to them. I wish I could ban the neighbours dog from barking all night but that would be wrong.

It is a legal requirement to restrain your dog on your property. It’s really not that hard, turn the tv or music up a bit if you must.

You obviously have never seen a dog stressed out by fireworks. The RSPCA got some every year who jumped through glass windows and flyscreen doors in reaction to the fireworks. My dog would hurt herself trying to squeeze into spaces that were too small for her to get away from the noise. She wouldn’t relax for weeks because you never knew when the next cracker would suddenly go off, day or night.

I could say to you that it’s not because you like it, it should be allowed. Some people like having sex with children.

People were warned that they needed to stick to the rules, they didn’t, and like all naughty children, they got their toys taken away. They’re humans, guys: they’ll get over it!

shadow boxer11:28 am 14 Jun 11

Just because you don’t like something is not reason to ban it. I don’t like dogs but some people do, good luck to them. I wish I could ban the neighbours dog from barking all night but that would be wrong.

It is a legal requirement to restrain your dog on your property. It’s really not that hard, turn the tv or music up a bit if you must.

I’m so glad they’re gone.

It allowed me to fully enjoy the neighbourhood dogs barking at 2 am.

Ah, the serenity.

It was bloody awesome! I’m so happy for my dog. And for myself, as I really can’t see why you would get that childishly excited about a loud noise and a flash of light.

Jim Jones said :

shadow boxer said :

They are dogs guys……they’ll get over it..

Except for the ones that freak out and break out of the house and get run over and die.

Gee your house sounds secure if a ‘dog’ can break out!

I noticed that they were gone. Sadly, I cheered. 🙂

Too many fools, idiots, morons, retards, and firebugs. Fireworks were expensive, incredibly noisy, and GREAT FUN. My fortune at being able to buy as many fireworks as I liked, back in the 70’s and 80’s, have ‘roman candle’ fights with youths (even buying the fireworks for them when they ran out), and tying crackers to the tops of bottle-rockets … it was very much happy times for me.

The downside being the mistreatment of our pets, the loud noises, whistles, bangs, flashes, all set most animals brains into ‘flee’ mode, with nowhere to go. Fireworks would be lit constantly over the long weekend, not just the few hours of Saturday evening. It made life for pets and pet-owners a living hell.

Having lived through South Australia’s firework ban in the mid 70’s, it was nice to move to the ACT and get to play with them again, but idiots ruin the fun aspect for everyone (yes, even myself, conducting firework exchanges with kids), and the banning of the devices was inevitable.

We get a -great- fireworks display each year with the Skyfire thing. Those that attend and watch (instead of bleating on their mobile phones “hi, I’m at the fireworks” …) have a pretty good time, and see way more pyrotechnical ‘oomph’ than the little roman candles, Catherine wheels, or even the old bottle rockets from days gone by.

Vale personal fireworks.

I’m glad they’re gone.

shadow boxer said :

They are dogs guys……they’ll get over it..

Except for the ones that freak out and break out of the house and get run over and die.

I certainly didn’t miss the lack of fireworks.

Even I can manage to have fun without blowing sh1t up.

Living in a nanny state is the price we pay for believing that someone else is responsible for our actions, and can be blamed when something goes wrong.

shadow boxer10:40 am 14 Jun 11

Dog owners are funny, when they walk without leads or leave excrement all over the place they are all “it’s not hurting anyone” but when we ask them to put up with a bit of inconvenience they are too inconsiderate to take their dogs inside for one weekend a year.

They are dogs guys……they’ll get over it.

I have banned donating to the RSPCA until we get them back.

It’s a shame for the kiddies, but you can blame the cretins in our society for them being banned.


Having sat through numerous Queen’s Bday long weekends having to literally hold my dogs to stop them barking every 5 minutes at the next bang and being completely stressed out for the whole weekend (them and us), I can say it was definitely not missed at our household. Nor were the inevitable explosions going off for the weeks before and after the legal fireworks weekend.

On a side note, there seems to have been a lot less of the “illegal” fireworks (bungers, etc) going off now that the (formerly) legal fireworks have been removed for sale here.

Yup, it was one of our last bastions of years gone by, all we have left is porn………..

I can’t say I really noticed the lack of fireworks. If anything I am happy that the bogans won’t be lighting them up every Saturday night at 11pm for weeks to come, waking up my children in the process.

Holden Caulfield10:21 am 14 Jun 11

I forgot all about it. I’m also thankful that no miscreants in my neighbourhood seemed to remember either.

Having had the pleasure of looking after someones dogs while they were away this long weekend, I was very glad not to have to worry about them suffering and becoming distressed just so some of the more feebly minded in the community can get their rocks off by lighting fireworks.

As much as it might annoy some people to hear, being able to light fireworks over the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend isn’t a human right… and too many people broke the rules at the time and for weeks afterwards. Those playing by the rules are the collatoral damage… pets, other animals and mailboxes around Canberra had a safe and peaceful long weekend.

I concur. Such a bland nanny-state we make for ourselves, and for our kids to grow up in.

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