Having brought down an apocalyptic budget the ACT Government is now heading for Armageddon with the Commonwealth Government over the issue of civil unions. I’ve been writing about some of the issues over on The Concatenate.
But while the Senate gets around to heated debate on the issue and Senator Humphries decides where his loyalties lie (he’s reportedly seeking urgent meetings with Phillip Ruddock) Simon Corbell has upped the ante by announcing that he’s going to rush emergency legislation into the Assembly to bring forward the commencement date for civil unions.
It’s not going to be too difficult for the Federales to bring forward their disallowance so it’s mostly a symbolic resistance. Dissolving the Assembly is the only real protest available. Don’t hold your breathe for that.
UPDATED: AAP, via News, has a story on Gary Humprhies thinking very seriously about crossing the floor and voting to uphold the ACT’s laws.