Fireworks on the Queens Birthday long weekend is one of those issues that always gets Canberran’s going. You either love them, or spend long hours afterwards trying to find your dog who’s run away. ABC Online have a brief snippet this morning on two public meetings that will be held shortly on the subject of a ban for private use of Fireworks next year. IMO this would be a radical change for Canberra who has long been held in envy by the rest of the country for allowing us to blow stuff up over that weekend. Sure we take a few liberties with when they get let off and the odd letterbox gets exploded but its all harmless fun isn’t it?
The review panel will be made up of representatives from the RSPCA, fireworks industry and police.
No idea where the hearings will be held so if anyone knows, please share it with the rest of us.
[Ed. eh_steve has come through with the following information about the consultation. also in the comments]
More Information:
Copied and pasted from§ion=56&title=Media%20Release&id=56
Minister for Industrial Relations Andrew Barr today announced the details of two public meetings to be held on consumer fireworks, saying the meetings are an important part of the ACT Government’s review of the Dangerous Substances Act 2004.
Mr Barr said a panel of experts, with a variety of perspectives on the use of fireworks over the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend, will be present at the meetings.
“The ACT Government has previously announced we will be reviewing the Dangerous Substances Act 2004, which includes the regulation of consumer fireworks,” Mr Barr said.
“Two public meetings are being held to provide members of the community with the opportunity to comment on the current and future regulation of consumer fireworks.
“I encourage all members of the community to attend a meeting. The community’s response at the public meetings will assist the Government to determine whether there is a need to further regulate or deregulate the use of consumer fireworks.”
“The meetings reflect the Government’s commitment to a comprehensive and transparent consultation process on the future of fireworks in the ACT,” Mr Barr concluded.
The panellists include Michael Linke, CEO of the RSPCA; Martin Brady, Director of Fireworks Australia; Senior Constable Maxim Mokrij, Australian Federal Police; and a staff member from the Office of Regulatory Services. The panel members will participate in discussions and respond to any questions posed by members of the public.
The meetings are open to all members of the public.
The meetings will be held at:
· 6.30-8.30pm, Monday 12 November 2007 at Lake Tuggeranong College, Cowlishaw Street, Tuggeranong; and
· 6.30-8.30pm, Tuesday 13 November 2007 at Lake Ginninderra College, Emu Bank, Belconnen.
Pre-registration is preferred. In order to register, please email or telephone (02) 6205 0338
Mr Barr said that the community consultation process for consumer fireworks also includes public submissions and an online survey which can be accessed The closing date for both the survey and submissions is 30 November 2007.]