The Australian National University is proudly announcing that its journal Britain and the World is bringing them much credit:
Thousands of history journals hit the press every year, but ANU proudly hosts the top journal in the field in Australia: Britain and the World.
This journal, now six years old, has been ranked in the Thomson Reuters Social Sciences Citation Index rankings for the very first time this year.
“Britain and the World is now the highest ranked history journal coming out of Australia,” says Dr Gregory Barton, Editor of the journal.
“It’s higher than the Journal of Australian Studies. No other history department in Australia has a history journal so highly ranked.”
Britain and the World is ranked the 34th best history journal in the world, and even more pleasingly, the impact factor of this journal is .231, higher than the oldest history journal in the world, the English Historical Review.
Perhaps the journal’s success indicates, as its content argues, that the British world isn’t a declining power. In fact, through its dominant culture, it is still the leader.
The present day world, says Dr Barton, has been cast in the Western mould.