The July GCC meeting will be held on Wednesday 9 July.In attendance will be Peter Martin, the economics editor from the Canberra Times.
Peter has agreed to act as facilitator for our Meet the Candidates night on 8 October. This meeting we will be planning how we run the meeting to ensure fair treatment for all candidates and opportunity for residents to get concerns answerred. It will also be a great opportunity to pick his brain about some very topical economics issues, what with oil prices, inflation, interest rates, housing affordability, and of course the Garnaut Report…President Alan Kerlin will also be able to report on a meeting the day before with ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope.
See you at the Palmerston Community Centre, next to the Palmerston shops, Tiptree Crescent, at 7.30 pm. Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month (except January). Here’s a map of the meeting location.