Shane Rattenbury ask asked for feedback on the proposed changes to Maribyrnong Avenue in Kaleen and Sternberg Crescent in Wanniassa.
Go check out what’s what and get back to Shane on it. If sure the Hive mind here will have a few suggestions.
“Traffic calming schemes are a proven road safety treatment. Canberra’s residential neighbourhoods should, as much as possible, be safe, slow and ‘peopled’ places where Canberrans can live and enjoy their neighbourhood,” said Mr Rattenbury
“In September and October 2013, the ACT Government consulted with the community about traffic issues in Kaleen and Wanniassa.
We received quite a number of submissions that indicated that residents were increasingly concerned about speeding, traffic congestion, pedestrian safety and traffic movements around schools and busy intersections. We also undertook technical analyses of traffic speeds, volumes and crashes in the study areas which confirmed some of these issues.
“Based on the feedback and analysis, Roads ACT has developed a proposal of potential treatments to address the identified issues. Traffic calming devices can include roundabouts, speed cushions, turning lanes, median refuges and raised crossings.
The proposed treatments will be available for viewing at information sessions at Kaleen Plaza shops and Erindale College throughout December.
Newsletters and surveys will be distributed to residents of Kaleen and Wanniassa. Information is also available electronically on and at Belconnen and Erindale public libraries and the Tuggeranong and Belconnen Canberra Connect shopfronts.