The Canberra Times has coverage of the chorus of breathless princess groupies heaping their indignation on Our Brave Leader. Richard Mulcahy abandoned his hard-man image to leap to the defence of Mary’s slighted honour.
I found it all a bit amusing. OK, a lot amusing. I wouldn’t describe myself as a republican, but I agre with the Chief Minister that this worship of a Sydney real-estate agent just because she’s pretty and pulled a particularly good score at the Slip Inn is ridiculous.
Hell, over on Old RiotACT I thought the Chief Minister was being far too fawning.
So what did he say to bring on this bleating of the contemptible?
“I see something of a cultural cringe in some of the lavish praise that I don’t quite understand that has been laid at the feet of Princess Mary,”
I don’t think anyone who can’t see at least some merit in that statement is exceedingly thick. Or perhaps very cynically attempting to manipulate what they perceive as being a very stupid public?