NineMSN is reporting that a local academic has earned the ire of the [allegedly] prominent Jewish MP Michael Danby .
Danby has accused two well-known academics of being one-sided over the Middle East conflict claiming that he grieves “…for the state of Middle East studies in Australia.” His spray is, in part, directed at ANU Dr Amin Saikal of the Arab and Islamic Studies program, with claims that Dr Saikal has unusual ideas about terrorism.
Apparently pointing out the bleeding obvious – that bombing entire villages in retribution for Hezbollah rocket attacks – might be a disproportionate use of force, and that although Iran’s version of government mightn’t be Westminster, it sure as hell is an improvement on a puppet dictatorship – is so way out of line that it places Dr Saikal in some form of ivory tower.
Now I’ll readily admit to having trouble telling the difference between shit and shineola – but isn’t a politician telling an academic that they have no idea about the real world stretching the bounds of credibility?