The Canberra Times has this unfortunate story of a group of Forrest kiddies having their holiday plans waylaid, and six months work destroyed by heavy handed public indemnity requirements and complaints from dithering neighbours with nothing better to do.
“The boys aged nine to 14 had built a series of jumps in Collins Park, Forrest, to keep themselves occupied, but found them razed by front-end loaders in the first week of the school holidays. ”
Now pardon my language but this is just shit. Growing up Belco, i can remember at three of things built by suburban kids within a half hours ride from my childhood home. Rarely were there accidents other than scrapes or bruises and the odd stick shoved through someone spokes. The excust that they are running with is that the park needs to be protected as it being considered for heritage listing. This is happening at the same time they are running promotions such as Round Town where they are attempting to encourage the use of Canberra’s Open Spaces.
Pull your heads in you turds, just a sign of the times I guess.